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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. And the wall came tumbling down.....

    I had a piece of the wall too. I was going to encase it in plastic and put it on a plaque. My wife was cleaning out my desk one day and threw this old, dirty rock out..........
  2. Remembrance Day

  3. you had Vista and installed XP? did the weapons editor work as usual?
  4. Korea...

    the western sea border has been a flash point for awhile. and of course, everytime they get into another shootout - the NK Navy gets slightly smaller........ one would think they would get a clue after awhile.
  5. And the wall came tumbling down.....

    Funny thing is that he actually said that he was a sausage (Ein "Berliner", a popular sausage) . He meant to state "Ich bin Berliner" meaning he felt like being from Berlin. The crowds forgave him....... Hou doe, Derk I thought that was a jelly donut..... and a quick Czeck (sorry...) says, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berliner_(pastry) jelly donut! We are all jelly donuts!! (which is what my doc accuses me of regularly......)
  6. And the wall came tumbling down.....

    I watched it on the military network feed to the 6th Fleet Flagship within EUCOM at the time. quite a feeling. and boy, did we party!!
  7. "You're not cool!" blog

    brought tears to my eyes.......... ------------------ "grey is grey and as long as the spray can says grey on it a sailor will use it. " truer words were never spoken!! ----------------- back to differential air pressure...... this one is from my father who was flying B-25's and such across Texas for awhile for navigator training WWII. the scene - across country in B-25 configured for navigator training. Lots of training positions through the tube in back and each one occupied by a navigator student. so........... low level, across the Texas plains, in summer. Hot, bumpy, hot, bumpy, more bumpy students are getting a bit green in back. (did I say it was hot and bumpy?) the compasses at each position are mounted in a binnacle which forms a very convenient bowl. (did I happen to mention that it was hot and bumpy?) student fills the bowl up.... with a little fermentation and some more hot and bumpy, some more bowls get filled up..... up in the cockpit, bumping right along, the smell is getting a bit "ripe". So the co-pilot reaches up to crack the overhead ditching hatch and let in some air. My father, the PIC, yells out "NO!!!!!" to late.... (recall aerodynamics and areas of low pressure....) all of the loose papers, checklists, route maps and various "bowl contents" proceed expeditiously up through the tube, into the cockpit and out through the overhead hatch, leaving varying amounts of "residue" on exposed surfaces along the way. it was a long, long way back to the airfield.......
  8. Shooting at Ft Hood Texas

    yep. lots of reports cross in the initial "fog of war" and events become clear only later. The early reports of the gunman being killed were not quite correct - he was "gunned down" but survived. reports of multiple shooters was probably because of multiple locations being hit by the gunman minutes apart. the reports of multiple were also supported by several suspects being taken into custody, but these were all cleared and released. Probably where some soldiers took cover and were thought to be participating by other witnesses. Determined to not be the case. the officials who spoke last night and this morning have been clear on this issue. Only one and he is paralyzed and in custody, in stable condition. He will face the music. And may God have mercy on his soul, because he will find none here on earth. nope. No bs, was so.
  9. Shooting at Ft Hood Texas

    there was only the one. Early reports were of multiple but those others taken into custody have been cleared and released. The reports of multiple were probably because the one guy hit two places.
  10. great confusion in all of this. I've just loaded Windows 7 and am still in the process of reloading various programs, updates, patches, etc. There is still a big update in the stack for my video card (nVidia 7600GS). so far, everything is working great, very nice interface, display is great. except Thirdwire stuff..... my WOE ran OK, but not all of the data screens were clear. The sim itself was ok but that's about it. reloaded WOI and that run just fine. The SF2 series, however, crashes right after saying that it is running a more basic video mode. Do you have to separately download DX10? I don't see that on the Microsoft pages, just DX9 series. I have the DX9 loaded. is there some magic video setting that has to be set before installing the SF2 series? dumb questions, I know, but at the moment I'm stumped (although haven't run the new video card update yet)
  11. Shooting at Ft Hood Texas

    the reports that there were three gunman with one dead and two in custody would tend to point to a well planned hit. That is even more unsettling, particular if it turns out to be true that our troops were infiltrated and this was a hit from within. --- break break now its confirmed. Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan. Damn! Damn him to Hell!
  12. Shooting at Ft Hood Texas

    "AP cites an unnamed source saying the gunman was Major Malik Nadal Hasan" unconfirmed at this point.
  13. In hospital at the mo

    Get well soon and enjoy the rest in the meantime!
  14. Shooting at Ft Hood Texas

  15. you probably missed one of the many steps for building carrier missions. lots of potential issues. The plane has to be carrier, the start location has to be set for the carrier, the heading, speed and altitude have to be zero for the start and take-off for the first spot, etc. there is a tutorial in the knowledge base and a pretty good one that comes with the mission editor. miss any one of those, and the plane explodes on deck. not to mention making sure you launch a friendly plane from a friendly carrier! (important in WWII setups!!!) at any rate - without posting your mission, not much more anyone can tell you.
  16. newbie needs help

    you have to start the game at least once before you drag all the NF4+ stuff. When the game starts the first time it builds all of those my game folders that you will then drag the NF4 stuff into.
  17. "You're not cool!" blog

    they have to be better than the one in the E-2.............
  18. I'm really looking forward to this one since I flew in this area way back when.
  19. sounds like a great idea. I suggest putting a calendar date to submit items and then schedule the fix release. That way, you don't have a couple more pop up after you go to work to package them all together. just a thought.
  20. looks sweet. I will REALLY like this one!! are you making it for SF2?
  21. thanks, that puts it in little better perspective. I enjoyed all of the USAF video - particularly the parts shot with Israeli phantoms, a Canadian AF trainer bird-strike cockpit video, etc.........
  22. (grabs sunglasses and tanning oil)

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