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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. both of these are really cool. Very well done!!
  2. really nice job!! as a profesional GIB, I really like the radar operator bit. That's way cool.
  3. yabut "Red Crown" was actually the guided missile cruiser out in the Gulf. No women controllers aboard........
  4. this one is for SF1 series like WOE. the other one is for SF2. read the readme!!!!!!! and then install the correct one to the correct game.
  5. very nice. I've been watching for this one!
  6. me too. Some have had "issues" and a couple of us have been comparing notes and devising fixes and workarounds. Dave is planning on putting up a tutorial once all the threads have been figured out. The Hud fix has already been posted. it will be a matter of going through one by one and fixing the individual aircraft affected. for now, I'd recommend keeping NATO Fighters 4 as a separate install, but unless you are into modding and such or want to keep a "clean" scenario for some reason, the merged works just fine.
  7. 56mt's.....................! a low-level laydown delivery is not recommended................
  8. there are a few bugs with specific, third-party add on aircraft. huds, for example, need to be modified. And some other issues being worked out. for most of the stuff, no problems and certainly none if you are running just the TW stock stuff.
  9. a separate install can be usefull if you want to keep a scenario clean of other objects. I have a seperate one for SF2 Vietnam and Israel as well as everything in a massive merge. and, of course, NATO FIGHTERS!! having them separate has helped in troubleshooting mods in work. For 99% of the time, the massive merge works just fine.
  10. we had a Navy Captain (surface puke) on an orientation ride do the same thing, from a Tomcat!
  11. USS New York

    I think the idea of showing up somewhere with a Battalion Landing Team to go ashore and kick some @$$ is entirely fitting................
  12. you can put it in any directory. the trick is to run from within the zipped file.
  13. its one of the objects in the Cuban install.
  14. Somewhere there is a joke in this, but maybe not.

    we never used to have weapons loaded in any port. ammo available but not loaded. Until the attack on the USS Cole.....
  15. update on the accident and search, still in progress http://www3.signonsandiego.com/stories/2009/oct/30/bn30search-coast-guard-marines/
  16. I've been watching this in the news today. Heart-breaking. Chances for survival at this point are slim.
  17. runs fine on my nVidia 7600gs. I've had to dial down a few items to get the performance.
  18. desert terrain and campaigns. each of the releases is slightly different in terms of weapons, planes and of course the terrain and campaigns.
  19. good news for the survivors. My prayers and condolences for those lost.
  20. Happy birthday bobrock

    Happy Birthday!!
  21. Nimrod rant

    thanks for the info. Does sound like a nasty mess.
  22. there are two special mission types - launch, eject and, run like hell for the border!
  23. Nimrod rant

    I must have missed something somewhere. What happened to the Nimrod?
  24. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,569201,00.html?test=latestnews 2 new flight crew positions becoming available in the near term!! pretty dumb to forget where you are and forget to talk to the controllers!!
  25. that weapons pack should work. you can load the sparrow and sky flash? are you locking the target up on radar before you fire?

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