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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. there are a lot carrier missions in the download section.
  2. sf2e will have everything. sf2 will have all the terrains. so your "merged" would be the "senior" install.
  3. Google Find

    close but no cigar. see above.
  4. Google Find

    HA! If the best the intel weenies could have done to get me to miss a recognition flash is to mix up those two boats, I'd have been quite happy!
  5. Google Find

    nope. One of these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balao_class_submarine I thought it was a Gato too, but a Balao. Very, very close.
  6. Google Find

    I'm not too good with Portugese. Balao I would have picked up on. Although you couldn't have made it much clearer. that's cool that you worked on the museum.
  7. Google Find

    Interesting. I looked at the Ling but didn't think it matched. Angles can play tricks on you. http://www.navsource.org/archives/08/0829711.jpg
  8. Google Find

    I translate that as ballyhoo, but cannot find any subs that come close other than Silversides or Flying Fish. And it can't be Flying Fish because that was scrapped. So if its not Silversides, I'm stumped. Uncle.....
  9. Google Find

  10. Google Find

    Wahoo? obviously not that particular boat, but of that class?
  11. Google Find

    Gar class?
  12. Google Find

    looks like there is a mini-sub in there too. Perhaps one of the IJN mini-subs from WWII?
  13. "You're not cool!" blog

    "I've seen and heard them ask some off the wall questions to crews/pilots at airshows." some of those have been quite entertaining. A couple of us saw one guy explaining to his girlfriend as they stood next to the E-2 on static display, that this was a sub hunter and that was the sonar dome on top. had a hard time keeping a straight face..................... the worst response to one of those was, well, lets just say the aftermath was entertaining for the rest of us.......
  14. Ares 1-X

    and... launch. Nice launch. looks cool. you raise very good points. The funding to fix the manned space program is pocket change and rounding errors in the context of the throwaway trillions for buying votes. but I digress.......
  15. I'm leavin on a jet plane....

    not bad down south here in C/S, yet. Some of the roads in Denver are already closing. who knows by your flight time. So you might make it in here, but then you'll never make it over Monument Pass to Denver before thurs afternoon. good luck.
  16. We're gonna need a bigger boat

    Swim Call!!!
  17. ah. yep, confirmed in a single install. I dropped a cockpit into it just to ensure that I had it for a test mission. deleting now.........
  18. Ares 1-X

    the cost savings of shuttles failed to materialize. (Imagine that, a government program promising savings that didn't........) sorry. couldn't resist. at any rate there is a commission that has met and provided recommendations on manned space flight. I got the preliminary, draft report (about 15 pages). The final report was just out last week at about 150 pages, which I haven't seen yet. the bottom line is that planned US manned space program, as presently planned, is unexecuteable with the current programmed funding. A number of options were laid out which ranged quite a spread. most included the need for increased funding (imagine that, a government program that requires increased funding.......) sorry... so this launch is testing the low end of the new booster family, which by the time it comes into service under the current plans won't have a mission (LEO to service the ISS). but this booster plays big in most of the alternative options. but no shuttle after 2011. It really did turn out to be too expensive to operate. Interestingly enough, some of the options discussed involve turning over LEO operations and suppport to the ISS to the private sector. So under this option, NASA would contract for space delivery services to LEO. (goes off and refines proposal template.......)
  19. and canned!! no surprise here. -- http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,569867,00.html?test=latestnews
  20. what qualifies as "high end" computers and nvidia cards?
  21. I'll double check. I might have been in the merged VEI install as I was checking out both that night. I have found several cases of broken lods in the merged install. It goes beyond hud breaks. so much so that I am wondering if keeping SF2I as its own stand alone might be the better way to go.
  22. had the same thing in an unmodded - stand-alone SF2I. its a bug.
  23. Ares 1-X

    I was watching it at launch time. The winds stayed above safe launch parameters and they had showers over the cape during their final launch window.
  24. I'm leavin on a jet plane....

    doubt you'll be diverting down here (c/s). We're going to get "slightly buried" too. Breaking out the snow shovels and prepping the snow-blower now........ I'd make a cheesy comment about global warming, but...................

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