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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Going on Right Now

    I'm pretty sure the Tu-144 has 4.
  2. these guys are so toasted.... I've bolded a section below. ------ NTSB ADVISORY ************************************************************ National Transportation Safety Board Washington, DC 20594 October 26, 2009 ************************************************************ NTSB ISSUES UPDATE ON ITS INVESTIGATION OF FLIGHT 188 THAT OVERFLEW INTENDED MINNEAPOLIS AIRPORT ************************************************************ In its continuing investigation of an Airbus A320 that overflew the Minneapolis-St Paul International/Wold- Chamberlain Airport (MSP), the National Transportation Safety Board has developed the following factual information: On Wednesday, October 21, 2009, at 5:56 pm mountain daylight time, an Airbus A320, operating as Northwest Airlines (NWA) flight 188, became a NORDO (no radio communications) flight at 37,000 feet. The flight was operating as a Part 121 flight from San Diego International Airport, San Diego, California (SAN) to MSP with 144 passengers, 2 pilots and 3 flight attendants. Both pilots were interviewed separately by NTSB investigators yesterday in Minnesota. The following is an overview of the interviews: * The first officer and the captain were interviewed for over 5 hours combined. * The Captain, 53 years old, was hired in 1985. His total flight time is about 20,000 hours, about 10,000 hours of A-320 time of which about 7,000 was as pilot in command. * The First Officer, 54 years old, was hired in 1997. His total flight time is about 11,000 hours, and has about 5,000 hours on the A-320. * Both pilots said they had never had an accident, incident or violation. * Neither pilot reported any ongoing medical conditions. * Both pilots stated that they were not fatigued. They were both commuters, but they had a 19-hour layover in San Diego just prior to the incident flight. Both said they did not fall asleep or doze during the flight. * Both said there was no heated argument. * Both stated there was a distraction in the cockpit. The pilots said there was a concentrated period of discussion where they did not monitor the airplane or calls from ATC even though both stated they heard conversation on the radio. Also, neither pilot noticed messages that were sent by company dispatchers. They were discussing the new monthly crew flight scheduling system that was now in place as a result of the merger. The discussion began at cruise altitude. * Both said they lost track of time. * Each pilot accessed and used his personal laptop computer while they discussed the airline crew flight scheduling procedure. The first officer, who was more familiar with the procedure was providing instruction to the captain. The use of personal computers on the flight deck is prohibited by company policy.* Neither pilot was aware of the airplane's position until a flight attendant called about 5 minutes before they were scheduled to land and asked what was their estimated time of arrival (ETA). The captain said, at that point, he looked at his primary flight display for an ETA and realized that they had passed MSP. They made contact with ATC and were given vectors back to MSP. * At cruise altitude - the pilots stated they were using cockpit speakers to listen to radio communications, not their headsets. * When asked by ATC what the problem was, they replied "just cockpit distraction" and "dealing with company issues". * Both pilots said there are no procedures for the flight attendants to check on the pilots during flight. The Safety Board is interviewing the flight attendants and other company personnel today. Air traffic control communications have been obtained and are being analyzed. Preliminary data from the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) revealed the following: * The CVR recording was 1/2 hour in length. * The cockpit area microphone channel was not working during this recording. However, the crew's headset microphones recorded their conversations. * The CVR recording began during final approach, and continued while the aircraft was at the gate. * During the hours immediately following the incident flight, routine aircraft maintenance provided power to the CVR for a few minutes on several occasions, likely recording over several minutes of the flight. The FDR captured the entire flight which contained several hundred aircraft parameters including the portion of flight where there was no radio communication from the flight crew. Investigators are examining the recorded parameters to see if any information regarding crew activity during the portion of flight where radio contact was lost can be obtained. The Safety Board's investigation continues.
  3. that's more the point I was trying to make. I realize that using laptops is just the new version of checklists and kneeboard cards. But to be talking about crew schedules on your laptop for over an hour and running over your destination? I suspect they are really just trying to cover up that they were both asleep. in any case, I doubt they'll worrying about their future crew schedules anymore.........
  4. turns out these two idiotic morons were using their laptops to discuss crew schedules! http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,569557,00.html this is beyond idiotic, unprofessional deriliction of their flight crew duties. I don't imagine they will have too much difficulty managing their future crew assignments..........
  5. Brazil Mi-35, finally painted

    well, at least its getting a bit more in the ballpark for deployed air combat capabilities. 25mil to include a support package is actually not bad. IF that includes the purchase of the aircraft. if that 300mil only includes paint and training - someone (the US taxpayers) have been ripped off yet again. Heck, if the US taxpayers shelled out 300 mil for you all to buy Russian aircraft - we still got ripped off!!
  6. Going on Right Now

    better yours than the local police scanner
  7. Combat Air Patrols

    every country today mostly relies on alert aircraft, scrambled for intercept as needed. This posture is supplemented when needed, based on some event or potential threat, with airborne CAP by pretty much every country. so the answer would be - it depends....... We launch airborne CAP, for example, when Russian LRA is operating in the Arctic, when the President moves, when the UN GA opens with lots of heads of state, G-8 summit, Olympics, etc. I suspect a similar posture is in place in the UK, but will watch for one of our UK guys to chime in here.
  8. that's us

    I'll drink to that!!
  9. Brazil Mi-35, finally painted

    "some months of training and U$300 Million " it took $300 US million to paint one Russian helicopter and train the crews?!!!??? I'm working on the wrong contract............
  10. yep. Ran across the problem about a year ago. We had some discussion on it, but I've lost the thread. I was not able to track it down to which program was causing the problem, though. So if you can verify its Office 2007 that would be a helpful data point. Not sure that there is anything we can do about it. To get around it - zip the whole editor into its own zipped file. Then, launch the editor from within the zip file. That has worked and got everyone with this problem back into action. I forget who discoved this work-around - but it does work.
  11. how about you let us all know how that works out for you? you can always delete it and start over. I've got them all installed in the order of release. There are some items that are different/updated in the SF2I so I suspect that something won't probably work right (HUD's for example) without some tweaking. I've also installed V and I in their own, isolated loads as well as the new, awesome NATO Fighters.
  12. A very sad and tragic event. We are all richer for having known him, and all much poorer and sadder for having lost him. My prayers are with him and his family.
  13. HA! That was a cool, if rather cheesy, series. Had almost forgotten that, lost in my memory banks somewhere.......
  14. that's an awesome terrain. for the Area 51 field, though, you need this baby...
  15. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    the local sheriff has re-opened his inquiries after seeing the show. this could get to be quite entertaining.
  16. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    probably when he's 33!!
  17. oh yea! toast!! airshows, flyby's, etc. are all very tightly controlled and require specific authorization. (those rules having been written in charred blood) No way a couple of trainers would be cleared for that.
  18. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    Safe!! Found safe in the house. He apparently let the balloon loose and then fearing that he was going to get into trouble hid inside the house. thank God!!
  19. http://www.dodbuzz.com/2009/10/14/navy-launches-green-hornet/ (rolls eyes) I never thought I'd see the day. next we'll be going back to sail..........
  20. The Green Hornet

    you might be on to something here. New, non-polluting heat shields for the RV.............. ----- good info on the energy content of the ethanol/alchohol. I did not know that part. so more energy but less milage?
  21. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    this does not sound good.
  22. The Green Hornet

    the only way the cost is kept down is through subsidies. So there's a hidden cost that you pay in taxes somewhere. The additives here have proven in testing to reduce milage by about 10%. I don't know for sure about power but I think there is a penalty there as well. We would need an engineer to compare the energy contents of the fuel. Bio-fuel certainly works. Just an issue of what kind of cost and effectiveness are involved.
  23. The Green Hornet

    biofuels are lower energy output (reduced performance - in a fighter!!!!?) and higher cost. does that help in your calculations?

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