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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Circular Runways

    it strikes me as an early April Fools Day video.......
  2. Canada Wins

    heh I'll drink to that! eh?
  3. A REAL Airplane!

  4. Bsg's Richard Hatch-RIP

    Damn Very sad indeed.
  5. "Bowling Green Massaker"

    What country invaded next? Not very many left that Obama/Clinton/Kerry haven't already. Let's see now; Yemen Syria Pakistan Libya Iraq (re-invaded after he cut and ran) Kenya Somalia Chad Nigeria Republic of Niger Tunisia Egypt Sudan Yea, I have a list somewhere Ok, so one of Trump's staff said "massacre" instead of "planned massacre that was intercepted" The trolls have deliberately missed the point. Where did the convicted IslamoFascist Jihadists come from and what were those murdering psychopaths in the process of preparing to do? And oh by the way, what Trump actually did was implement the law that Obama signed and then broke, including the designation of which countries. It is a new day in America and thank God for sanity and actual adherence to the law!
  6. "Bowling Green Massaker"

    Well no, I don't read the lying propaganda rags and their dishonest BS. I notice that you didn't answer the question. So what was the alleged misquote taken out of context?
  7. "Bowling Green Massaker"

    ??? what does a terrorist plot from 2011 have to do with President Trump? methinks TDS is running rampant.....
  8. Navy'lize a plane a what if?

    Well, I did drop bombs from an E-2 once.
  9. Navy'lize a plane a what if?

    all the USAF Phantoms and Corsairs come to mind....

    Happy New Year!!
  11. Hey Everyone....

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
  12. Going Rogue

    Great movie!
  13. Tomcat on russian carrier

    HaHa!! got me on that one! well played
  14. Yeah he messed up.

    the look on the DI's face for a couple of seconds is priceless
  15. VFA-143 the Pukin' dogs

    cool video! Naval Air procedures seem to have changed a bit since I was flying off the ship. who needs gloves on and visors down.....
  16. Who's going to be the new President?

    Looking good!
  17. Who's going to be the new President?

    Unfortunately it does look that way. So we will have corrupt, dishonest felon in the White House, again.
  18. For the first time in my adult life...

    understand and to some extent agree with your frustration. Term limits, however, are set state by state and in my state we do have term limits. I will be term limited if my current lease is extended. At the Federal Level, the Supreme Court overruled term limits. Vote against the Supreme Court (which is kinda what I am doing....)
  19. For the first time in my adult life...

    What a load..... And nothing about the blatant, criminal corruption of the current Democrat candidate, and the blatant criminal corruption of the Democrat party. Have to agree with you on that one, Erik!
  20. For the first time in my adult life...

    as much as I've heard a lot of nonsense in this insane year - I have not heard what you describe coming from either side. Pardon my asking but what the heck are you referring to?
  21. Who's going to be the new President?

    Yea - do that.
  22. Who's going to be the new President?

    There are more minority candidates in the GOP then there are in the undemocratic Democrats. All my primary choices were minorities. Including me....
  23. Who's going to be the new President?

    A Trump campaign position. Interesting. Oops. A pro Trump statement - deleted in Three Two One .........
  24. Who's going to be the new President?

    Trump Clinton II is a corrupt psychopathic liar who will subvert our Constitution and relegate us to just another kleptocracy on the road to tyranny. I think the race is too close to call.

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