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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Random Pic Time

  2. Aye! The Pride of Pakistan!

    I think you are right. nothing wrong with any of that stuff. Good equipment and will definitely put weapons on target, against a pretty deadly enemy that also has Stingers.
  3. http://video.signonsandiego.com/vmix_hosted_apps/p/media?id=6470649&item_index=1&genre_id=2713&sort=NULL now that was just plane cool!
  4. Aye! The Pride of Pakistan!

    "Then again, against the Taliban, you could strafe with Fokker D.VII's they're so far in the stone age." with Stingers...............
  5. Carrier Life

    adding a random malfunction generator would make the sims more "interesting" and realistic...... it used to be that USN formation flying was essential in FAA controlled airspace, because amoung all of the planes in formation there would be enough operable equipment in the section to make the flight possible.....
  6. no. it would, but much better results if you use the MF weapons pack designed for WOI.
  7. Do you have a favorite?

    the lighter ones are easier to read. So either the classic or original. I like the photos on top of all of them, but the color scheme on the darker versions make it tough for these tired, old eyes to pick up. the dark ones would be great in CIC or on the sector ops floor........
  8. U.S. President wins Nobel Prize.......

    if he actually earns it - as in real accomplishments that produce lasting peace - I'll be among the first to congratulate him.
  9. U.S. President wins Nobel Prize.......

    are you kidding? you are right on the premature side, but I disagree on the tone, better direction (than what?) and attitudes towards the US. The Mendacious One is the laughing stock on the international arena. He has lost all credibility in the mid-East and now has no influence with the players there. After betraying Israel, he has no influence with Israel. After appeasing Iran (and Russia), he has no influence there. He's a zero where it counts. strip through the lofty, empty rhetoric and focus on any actual accomplishments. none. He talks a big game that sounds great, and delivers on nothing. Iran is not starting to cooperate. They are playing us and the UN inspection teams for the fools. and winning. the winner of the Peace prize has actually set the stage for a profoundly dangerous situation.
  10. New Summer Olympic sports added

    I like the one where they combine the ski jump with the biathalon
  11. U.S. President wins Nobel Prize.......

    the Nobel Peace Prize has now sunk to such a low level as to now be a mere silly irrelevancy.
  12. A new adventure in my life

    Awesome!!! Congratulations!!! say goodby to sleep!
  13. my personal favorite http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5797
  14. Sniper pod

    pretty awesome!
  15. Rejected? Seriously?

    That grill is awesome! and the fridge is too cool. (sorry......) (not really...........)
  16. holy moly!

    Alaskan Bush Pilots. Idiots. not long for this world either with that kind of headwork. reminds me of an incident a few years (well, more than a few....) when an S-3 went flat-hatting through the mountains. right through the ski resorts. close enough that an AIRPAC staff officer could read the bureau number..........
  17. nice handling plane around the ship and very impressive launch performance without a cat.
  18. Carrier Life

    "This NFO has a running contest on a new name, it is either going to be whiz or bladder. Kids can be so cruel can't they. :) " oh man, does that ever bring some memories (of other not so fortuneate aircrew!!) call sign assignments are an art form
  19. Cats Happen

    I usually get into a lot of trouble around the office when I express how much I like cats because they are so much more challenging than paper targets.......
  20. Rio 2016 !

    Congratulations!! Great choice!
  21. Just passed Space 100!

    Awesome! congrats. an interesting field that I'm getting back into myself. dress warm!!!!!

    basically its just a new name for a Frigate or Corvette operating in close to the shoreline. I suspect that its a way over-priced, gold-plated high tech replacement for what we really need; a simple basic FFG hull that can fielded with various mission specific modules. Kind of like the FFG-7 class........
  23. Strange aircraft sightings

    likely a KC-10 or KC-135 with drogue on a refueling exercise with the F-14's.
  24. "initially the navy was offered the E-2C ,but they opted for D" very smart choice. the D has some awesome capabilities beyond what the C does, and way ahead of the antique flying club model that I flew. sounds like about 52% of this country.......................

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