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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Life - What Makes You Happy?

    lots, but right now its having a new, funded contract starting on Monday!
  2. http://www.raf.mod.uk/careers/altitude/games/dz_game/dzgame.cfm
  3. NYC-area TV Anchorman drops F-bomb

    right up there with the cute, innocent, sweet young info-babe who turned to the TV weatherman and asked "so where's that six inches you promised me last night?" (the entire crew melted down)
  4. SFC Jared Monti

  5. look at the bright side. You can log a lot more actual instrument time.......
  6. well, if you are going to get a real carrier, you should get a real AEW aircraft!
  7. And just to keep the USAF in the crunch department.....
  8. the poster says it all..... I love this poster. It emphasizes what a rather large amount of our flight hours are being burned for.
  9. Flight Planning

    sitting in NORAD, this nonsense has kept us very busy. and its not that hard to check NOTAMS........
  10. 11 Sept 01

  11. UAE C-130 DETAINED

    no. The problem with the AIM-9B is that it was the AIM-9B. It simply wasn't very good. Which is why we dumped that a long, long time before the Malvinas/Falkland war. That missile probably got a lot of our guys killed (being essentially unarmed in air to air combat) in the early days over Vietnam. so far as backdoors go. I have no specific knowledge of anything we may or may not have done with sold equipment. on the other hand, I do have some specific knowledge of systems sold to some of our adversaries at various times that was better than the same models sold to our allies (in the country of origin). More, I cannot say.........
  12. UAE C-130 DETAINED

    we should sell all kinds of stuff. with an extra "chip" installed.....
  13. AVSIM Hack makes world news

    I've always said that the hacker problem is really very easy to fix. a 4 step plan; 1. bust a hacker convention 2. line them all up and shoot every third one 3. chain the survivors to their desks with computers and give them 3 days to fix everything they screwed up 4. every third day repeat steps 2 & 3
  14. AVSIM Hack makes world news

    hanging's too good for the b@$t@rd!! Would love to hear continuing coverage of this egregious, felony vandalism case as it works its way through the courts.
  15. F-14

    he was a USN Captain, on his way to commanding a cruiser and in that position being the Anti-Air Warfare Commander for that carrier strike group. he was on an orientation flight. He got a real interesting orientation...... he continued after that incident as the investigation cleared him. just one of those things that can happen when you put a non-aviator in an ejection seat........ I've also heard that he (rightly) has never lived that down!
  16. as I've pointed out above. I'm building an SF2 WWII load. Works great so far. hope to check out all of the Pacific terrains and aircraft soon. Still have to work the weapons and guns installs. I think I may be skipping the WOE WWII load.
  17. Something About My Son

    I've one son (USN) on his way home from Baghdad now. Another son (USMC) about half way through his combat tour in Helmand Province with the 2nd MEB.
  18. just before my latest hard-drive hicup- set up an SF2 Pacific WWII with my WOV PTO objects and dropped the terrains into it with PCpilot's nice menu screen. all works perfectly. haven't got all the guns/weapons set up yet but so far the terrains and planes I tested are working just right. This terrain is sweet in that load.
  19. AWACS Nose gear

  20. Fire Fire Fire on the Flight Deck!!!! All Hands to General Quarters!!! This is NOT A DRILL!!! --- received through various sources, forwards deleted. I suspect this will be a little more than some duct tape and spray paint (close to strike damage) -------------------------- "Pictures of the VFA-113 jet that caught fire. If for some reason you have not heard by now, last evening we had an aircraft fire in which A/C 300 sustained major damage. I cannot speculate on the extent of the damage, however the stbd side, aft of the cockpit, sustained considerable damage. I will await findings from the investigation team to draw better conclusions. Aircraft was preparing to perform a ground maintenance turn on the port motor. The APU was lit off at which point the ground crew observed fuel leaking from the belly of the aircraft. They quickly called to secure the APU and the fuel ignited. Before they were able to extinguish the flames, the aircraft was engulfed in flames. There were no injuries and no property surrounding the aircraft was damaged."
  21. maintenance turn, and no one was hurt.
  22. a Class A is still just a million bucks. So you hit that threshold pretty quickly anymore. a slight ding on some planes.
  23. ok, did some troubleshooting. Using a PTO load built on WOV, it CTD with an error in the groundobject.dll this occurs using the germany.cat, vietnam.cat and the sf2 desert.cat same result each time. dropped the terrain into my ETO build, using the sf2 desert.cat. works great (other than dueling Focke Wolfe's over Okinawa....) just for grins, I dropped the terrain into SF2. Also works great (defending Hiroshima with Migs was interesting....) so it seems, in my case, something to do with the WOV build that my PTO is built on. of note, the issue that I've had with some of the PTO terrains where the plane sinks into the runway and explodes does not show up here.

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