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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. I'm experimenting. I'll get back to you.
  2. I get a "WOE has experienced an error and must close" my PTO install patched to 06. other terrains work fine.
  3. F-14 VS F-15

    good points all. I was a MO for a Hummer squadron though, not a Turkey squadron.
  4. Computer crash

    me too. I think my hard-drive crashed. Usually I have been able to reload the operating system and press on. Not this time. the tech has had it for a week now. I do have all my data backed up, but not accessible at the moment. I'm having Thirdwire Withdrawal......
  5. Conservatives the New Liberals?

    what's the bag limit?
  6. Close Encounter

    i'll bet that left a stain................
  7. Lockerbie bomber most likely getting out

    if there is real evidence that this piece of human debris was not involved in the bombing, it needs to be presented in a hearing. Unsubstantiated references to the alleged existence of some "evidence" or "doubt" is merely an empty assertion without such a hearing. so if there is cause for review of the findings of a trial, put up or shut up. It is noteable that here in the US, the entire political spectrum is revolted by this travesty. Even The Audacious One is critical of this release in the face of the evidence presented at the trial. So when the entire political spectrum of this country is revolted by the despicable cowardice in the face of the murder of 270 innocent people, you who express doubt in the guilt of the guilty should take note. but if that's how Scotland wants to play this...............
  8. Carrier Life

    "I wonder if the officers have to deal with wet laundry or misplaced laundry." yep. tended to be resolved a little quicker................
  9. works fine for me without any modifications. It is my preferred terrain. Where did you put it?
  10. flight of four Hornets?
  11. Flyby Over USS Independence

    used to be SOP. we all played pretty rough back then. supersonic intercepts, head-on passes, "thumping", fire-control lock-on, "shouldering", low fly-bys, etc. and the occasional diplomatic protest responded with "who us?"........
  12. probably so. On AF planes with tailhooks, they are generally a lot lighter and I suspect intended to be replaced after each time. I'll let one of the AF tactical jet types confirm that.
  13. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    only during a declared war
  14. Car on the fritz

    wow you sure seem to have your luck with cars! I suggest you stay away from airplanes, bungy-jumping and sky-diving! http://www.instantrimshot.com/ sometimes - engines break. Awfully strange though, you have had this since what? April? How many miles does it have on it? Just curious, what in the engine broke?
  15. all of the squadrons allocated for North American air defense also have taskings for overseas deployment. So unless several wings were withdrawn from AEF rotations, you'd need stock, deployable, full-up birds.
  16. I wonder what that would be? (here kitty kitty kitty.......) "I'm wondering why the USAF is faced with this problem. I mean the F-4, C-130, B-52 (and many others) have been in service for ages. They've had to go through substantial overhauls to maintain that service life, but it's possible and has proven to be cost-effective. So why can't the same be done now? " fighters tend to have a "little" more g on them from time to time which tends to wear the airframes out a bit over time. but, get that old SPAD out of the museum and put a turboprop into it..................
  17. Another One Bites the Dust

    a lot more truth to that than many people realize!
  18. I am merely suggesting maybe a tweak to what I think is the latest block being exported. given that with the boneheaded cancellation of the F-22 and the F-35 not exactly hitting on schedule, we might be pulling planes out of the boneyard for the active AF, Reserve AF and ANG before this is said and done. I can see it now - a former museum SPAD on a NORAD intercept of a Blackjack over the Arctic......................
  19. the weapon editor for the 08 patch can be found in the downloads section at the Thirdwire site http://www.thirdwire.com/community.htm and here at CA http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6075 in the downloads section. The knowledge base is here at http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=99
  20. just the throw-away option and a way to put pressure on LM for an affordable Block60+ Lawn Dart, and that just a backup to the F-35. we live in interesting times.............
  21. run the weapons editor for the latest patch see the knowledge base for questions
  22. Fighter Pilots

    As a follow on to the "It pays to be a pilot" thread, There is a sub-set called fighter pilot. this link is hilarious - CAUTION - not for the weak or sensitive. After all, it is about fighter pilots..... http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Fighter_pilot another good site, a little gentler, is http://www.river-rats.org/index.php where they define a fighter pilot as; http://www.river-rats.org/what_is_a_fighter_pilot.php the last underscores that being a fighter pilot is more than anything, a state of mind.
  23. Fighter Pilots

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Outof_f8.gif awesome! I enjoyed controlling F-8's a lot more than most other fighters. Since their radar was not, ahem, quite up to par with some of the later ones - they had a tendency to rely a lot more on the controller (me). I also got a lot of my initial SAR experience from controlling them................
  24. Carrier Life

    nothing beats flying off and on the boat. but I wouldn't mind going out and trying a luxury cruise with the Mrs with all the amenities - purely in the line of data collection, mind you.....

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