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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Help

    I've always wanted to name a dog "dammit" so I could say - "come here, dammit" the rest of the household wouldn't let me.......
  2. File Name: SFP1_Update_Oct2008b File Submitter: Typhoid File Submitted: 30 Oct 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Patches SFP1_Update_Oct2008b Click here to download this file
  3. it works just fine in my 06 patched Pacific WWII install I like it!!
  4. I've added additional terrains in SF2 by adding a directory for terrains in the same directory that objects and such show up. Works great. But they only show up in the base SF2. When SF2V and SF2E are added in, that technique does not translate to the other additions. I made a whole new stand alone which has its own subdirectories, and again, the additional terrains don't show up. Can one only have one directory of additional terrains?
  5. USS Midway

    cool. so did I. same timeframe. I was in VAW-115, where was he?
  6. USS Midway

    Midway. I was last out there a couple of years ago and they didn't quite that number of planes and the ready rooms were not opened yet. The area where my stateroom was, was still closed off. My old ready room is being set up by the VAW/VRC Association for display, supposed to open this summer with the names of all of us who contributed to set it up on a permanent plaque. I hope to get out there for another visit sometime in the next year or two.
  7. also used by us radar surveillance guys since when the targets (bandits) went "into the weeds" they also went into "the grass" on my scope. So scope dopes like me couldn't pick them out of "the grass". still a radar term so far as I know.
  8. USS Midway

    sweet! theyv'e added a few planes since my last visit.
  9. Bernie Madoff gets 150 years...

    in his case it should be called "protective custody"
  10. MIG-21

    Very awesome!!
  11. Pirate Hunting Cruises

    that's the one I saw
  12. pretty sure, yes. There certainly weren't any when I fly on it as part of JS Ops Team One and on a recent update tour on the aircraft with the new Team One, I didn't note anything different. Its possible that I just didn't see anything, but it all looked pretty much the same. Even still had the same cracked desk at my former ops position twenty years later.......... remember that the mission is primarily within the US airspace and into other, protected, areas.
  13. Pirate Hunting Cruises

    I think someone took one of the many sarcastic humor posters of this and jumped to the rather idiotic conclusion that it was real.
  14. played with the 747 last night with both the 747 skin and the AF1 skin. I had fun with the centerline stores that could load and drop all kinds of ordnance. I presume that is for the ATC facility when the holding time extends a bit..... or AF1 overhead the Senate Minority Leader's apartment!
  15. yes, they did. They also looked at a C-5 that would air launch a Minuteman.
  16. F-22J?

    amusing is not quite the term I'd use...................
  17. Need some advices from you, US guys

    Good Luck!!
  18. HAHAHA great file footage of NORAD fighter intercepts in Alaska (note the AK on the F-15 fin flash) dubbed in with soundtrack. nothing unusual about Bears overflying ships. It is in international waters and airspace after all. I got a chuckle out of the reference to the earlier incident with the KH.
  19. i can't open this at the moment (blocked at work) but I'm going to go out on a limb and say this was likely shot from the KH of some Fencers overflying with a late Hornet intercept on their way back out. photo of the ship later emailed to the CO.............
  20. Need some advices from you, US guys

    "Don't mention salary even being as vague as typhoid says." permit me to be real clear. You only respond with that vague phrase if directly asked in an interview. You never never never ever give the interviewer or anyone else your salary expectations before he puts a firm, written offer on the table. If pressed by an interviewer who puts forth a range and the top of the range is within your consideration, respond with his top of the range as the basis for further discussion ONLY IF YOU WILL ACCEPT THAT SALARY. (and you better have a real firm grasp of prevailing wages and living costs in that specific locale when you go in!!!!!) Never never ever put your expected salary on an application form unless its after a firm, written offer has been accepted by you in writing. I have interviewed and hired people. Anyone coming in with a salary stated is dropped from any further consideration. Period. I won't even consider someone with a lower salary stated than my company was considering because I am immediately concerned about his real qualifications and capabilities, and I don't have time to research all ten or more applicants. If someone sends you an application prior to a firm, written offer and insists on having it filled out with salary - don't waste your time. All they are doing is a resume bank operation sorted by price for future work. 90% of the adds that you see do not have an actual vacant position behind them. Its just resume banking by the HR department. Don't be detered about applying with a cover letter and resume. Just don't get your hopes up too high. You will be one of several hundred if this was an add, either on-line or dead-tree.
  21. Need some advices from you, US guys

    format for cover letters is pretty simple and not really standard. Just an informal letter, but on formal high-quality letter, that introduces you and states what you can do for the reader/company with your resume included. one rule in job searching - NEVER NEVER EVER put your salary requirements forward. You always wait for the offer to come to you. On salary, say something like "commensurate with my qualifications for the position". If you provide a salary expectation, you've just ended the negotiations and most hiring managers will drop you from further consideration. I'm a hiring manager on a technical task. if this is an add in a paper - your odds are about 1 in ten thousand. More than likely they are collecting resumes against an anticipated contract if they win it. Don't get your hopes up too high. yes, you can pm your cover letter. I have read a few (hundred).

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