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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. 68 years ago

  2. 68 years ago

    Good God!! (rolls eyes) you've been had by an internet hoax. Those pictures were all published in a book several decades ago and updated a few years ago "At Dawn We Slept" its a direct copyright theft repackaged as an internet hoax. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/At-Dawn-W...e/9780140157345 I read the original version and saw those pictures more than 40 years ago as kid.
  3. Your family rig

    i have a fleet! When we all pile in and go somewhere I use a Suburban (lowest cost per seat/mile) otherwise, we use the smallest car to get the task done. I commute in a Subaru. sadly, nothing exotic........
  4. Works well checked it out in a WWII load, works fine. Nice buildings and trees. Most excellente!!
  5. Anyone here a Royal Marine?

    likewise! :fans:
  6. the audio is slowed way, way down. It needs to be regular speed to be any good.
  7. this is a very, very well done terrain!
  8. Air France Flight Missing

    http://www.newsmax.com/international/brazi.../23/228071.html first indication I've seen that the black box signal has been detected.
  9. cm? countermeasures? also the trailing wire ant out the back and different door scheme.
  10. This is A Good Read

    wow good for pixar. that was class
  11. 5th times a charm I finally made TSgt!

    outstanding and CONGRATULATIONS!!
  12. 14,000 texts You Win $50K

    what's texting?
  13. Fighters crashing for training

    yea, that seems a bit high, particularly when matched against the size of the force.
  14. Orders change...

    I've been on the outside looking in from the joint world and from that perspective have worked with both missile and space types a lot. My impression is that the space world was a whole lot more interesting and varied with lots more places to go. Once in missile, you'll like stay there. Its hard to break out of it. Having said that, missile is certainly laid out with clear career paths, guidance and support. Nothing wrong with it.
  15. Air France Flight Missing

    an update on the crash. The evidence so far supports a mid-air breakup in the thunderstorm. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/...-explosion.html
  16. hi..so who misses me lol x

    we'll all have to call you one tough lady!! glad to see you have your famous sense of humor intact and everything else on the mend. What town are you in?
  17. Harrier´s Roadrunner Method?

    "Or any other aircraft using it? " various forms of data links have been in widespread use since the 1960's. Integral to tactical air ops certainly in both the USAF and USN, and a lot of other countries across the world. Oddly enough, the USAF dropped its data link capability between the Link-4A until Link-16 was finally fielded (two decades late!) while the USN expanded its use dramatically. Essentially, almost everything that flew in the USN used Link-4A and later Link-16. I would routinely control surface search and air to air with one way link, and two way with the F-14 and later F-18.
  18. Orders change...

    I've had orders changed too. Sent my family home from Gaeta and shipped out our household goods. I was to follow in 3 weeks when we came back from an exercise. I drove down to Napoli to ship our car and caught the train back. While I was doing that, Saddam was "shipping" his tank divisions into Kuwait. We cleared port a few hours later and the rest, as they say, is history. (didn't make it home for awhile) but the two candidates for worst situations have to be these two; New NFO with orders to the squadron in Japan, ships his household goods and his wife and child get their passports, shots, tickets, etc. the day before his portcall his orders were changed to a squadron in Norfolk. They had fun...... a "few" years later our Chief of Staff for the 6th Fleet is unexpectedly gapped. A critical position which needs to be filled, yesterday. A Captain from the Captain detailing shop (and a candidate for the position) comes out to talk with the VADM on what he needs to fill the position. After a few minutes the VADM tells him that his return ticket is cancelled, he's got the job, there is your desk and send for your family and household goods when you get a chance. at any rate Caesar - have fun - nothing like a cross country road-trip in a classic auto!!
  19. Need some thoughts on this...

    yea, I think you're right. Time to lock before this goes off the deep end.
  20. Need some thoughts on this...

    Dems do a lot for returning vets. they charge us with atrocities and accuse us of acting like Gengis Kahn (Murtha, Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Shroeder, etc.) they try to charge us for our combat related injuries (Obama) they vote for a war and send us to one, then promptly sabatoge the war effort with charges (see above) and cut off funding (Vietnam, Desert Storm, OIF, OEF) they manufacture political talking points about what they lie about having been briefed (Pelosi is prime but they all did) they are briefed on classified plans and leak the invasion warnings to the opposition (Grenada) here is a very fundamental point - if one sends the forces there (including voting in the Congress for the war effort or authorization for the use of military force) and then campaign against the war, one is betraying the sacrifice and service of the troops who went. oh yea, lots of real support there.........
  21. Need some thoughts on this...

    Limbaugh and Hannity have been broadcasting since the '60's? pretty cool considering how old each of them were at the time. Hannity was a negative age in 1960
  22. What not to do...

    yea, gunning it head on into the waves was not exactly the most brilliant move there.
  23. Need some thoughts on this...

    the line to college students about study hard or you'll get stuck in Iraq comes to mind. par for the course from that side of the political spectrum. Oddly the same side of the political spectrum that pulled our country into The US Civil War WWI WWII Korea Vietnam Kosovo and somehow gets away with calling the other side of the political spectrum the "militaristic war-mongers"

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