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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Air France Flight Missing

    the reported dispersal of debris fields is consistent with a breakup at altitude locating the black box will be tough in that part of the ocean because of the depth and terrain. If we can detect the signal, then it may be possible for a deep submergence vehicle to get to it. very sad.
  2. Hey Typhoid

    oh yea, I remember you told me that before. When I was on the jet, Patrick was not one of the places we went to. They must have added that sometime in the last 20 years.
  3. Hey Typhoid

    most aircraft satcom operates in the UHF for tactial ops and are generally fixed "plates". connectivity isn't always great but its good enough for most purposes, or so I'm told. A lot of work of late has even looked into the standard satcom phone technology. what field are you at? I know you've probably told me before but the ancient brain cells are degrading somewhat......
  4. Air France Flight Missing

    might be able to use a deep submersible to hunt for the black boxes. They put out a signal which can be detected for some distance underwater. The last time I hunted for a missing airliner the operation went on for quite awhile looking for those boxes and trying to home in on the signals. They will last for weeks.
  5. Hey Typhoid

    might have dated myself from two decades ago. from the Global Hawk avionics description - "Global Hawk has wide band satellite data links and line of sight data links developed by L3 Communications. The 'bulge' at the top front surface of the fuselage which gives Global Hawk its distinctive appearance, houses the 48in Ku-band wideband satellite communications antenna. Data is transferred by Ku-band satellite communications, X-band line-of-sight links and both Satcom and line of sight links at UHF-band." freq bands below - Designation Frequency Wavelength ELF extremely low frequency 3Hz to 30Hz 100'000km to 10'000 km SLF superlow frequency 30Hz to 300Hz 10'000km to 1'000km ULF ultralow frequency 300Hz to 3000Hz 1'000km to 100km VLF very low frequency 3kHz to 30kHz 100km to 10km LF low frequency 30kHz to 300kHz 10km to 1km MF medium frequency 300kHz to 3000kHz 1km to 100m HF high frequency 3MHz to 30MHz 100m to 10m VHF very high frequency 30MHz to 300MHz 10m to 1m UHF ultrahigh frequency 300MHz to 3000MHz 1m to 10cm SHF superhigh frequency 3GHz to 30GHz 10cm to 1cm EHF extremely high frequency 30GHz to 300GHz 1cm to 1mm and Ku The Ku band is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies ranging from 11.7 to 12.7GHz. (downlink frequencies) and 14 to 14.5GHz (uplink frequencies). -------------- so it appears that modern avionics and satcom has caught up with the SHF band since Ku is clearly in the SHF. So I stand corrected. Having said that - the SHF installation in the NAOC is a full capabilty ground station equivelant in a gyro-stablized installation which enables the aircraft to carry the full range of strategic communications which is signficantly more than the standard aircraft installation such as on the Global Hawk or U-2R. More about that, I cannot say......
  6. Hey Typhoid

    nope. Those are UHF which have a much smaller, fixed ant. The SHF installation on the E-4B is a full ground station equivelant with a gyro-stabilized dish enabling a continuous, airborne lockon of the sat in order to carry the full set of strategic communications channels. A unique installation. So far as I know, no other aircraft has a full SHF equivelant capability.
  7. Air France Flight Missing

    that is a pretty large area to search. It could take quite awhile to cover it thoroughly. time for some serious prayers.
  8. It's an entirely different kind of flying

    he's usually smoother than Manuel................
  9. OK Firehawkordy....

    Happy Birthday shipmate!!
  10. It's an entirely different kind of flying

    I am serious - and don't call me Shirley
  11. this is pretty cool! A nice place to put all the non-combat aircraft and fly missions where they don't get shot. Other terrains seem to work fine in this too. a campaign to fight the annual Southern California conflagrations! how do you drop fire retardant? I made a pass over the fire and nothing I hit would drop any fire retardant. What am I missing?
  12. N Korea issues warning to Seoul

    groan........... (that's what she did.........)
  13. N Korea issues warning to Seoul

    they also have some Mig-29's.
  14. N Korea issues warning to Seoul

    excellent summation. meanwhile, the captive population, enslaved in the Socialist Workers Peoples Paradise will continue to starve to death. (not saying there is any solution - just pointing out the mass tragedy and genocide)
  15. IAF IL-76 PHALCON Lands in India

    sweet! love to take a hop
  16. Another little simmer has entered Combatace

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! say goodby to sleep..............
  17. anybody watch Band of Brothers TV show

    definitely!!! My daughter bought the set and we've watched it again many times. excellent series.
  18. Memorial Day

  19. Great Toon

    Holy $!^!#^&!!!! My kids used to watch that when we were stationed in Japan. now I really feel ooooooooollllllllllllllllllllld
  20. sad news

  21. sad news

    you've no way of knowing that.
  22. Ah, you've got to love the internet....NOT

    "Who here has been the victim of an attack on forum on the internet?" oh yea............... I drop in on a couple of sites every now and then I write guest articles for the local paper and some other political groups and campaign staffs. I definitely get some deranged hate mail. Generally, if I reply at all, its usually pointing out for the benefit of other readers where the turd-for-brains has departed reality. Some of the time I will get into a response mode where I just make fun of them with their own verbiage using sarcastic humor. But nine times out of ten, the best course is just to ignore them.

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