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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. loaded it up last night. A very nice setup and excellent integration between SF2 and SF2 Vietnam. Looking nice. I've also moved over a suite of terrains and a couple extra planes to that setup. Those work great. I'll probably delete my "stock install" of Wings over Vietnam but keep the heavily modded one for a little while yet. Or maybe not..... vanessa, to answer your question - I think there are some significant performance fixes buried somewhere in the new release even for my ancient XP setup. It runs a lot better and has much improved graphics. the flip side of that equation is that there are A LOT more mods, planes, campaigns, weapons packs, specific install variants (Desert Storm, WWII, Cuba, Falklands, etc.) that have yet to be modded to run on this setup. Not yet sure how those will all work in the new file structure. so it depends on what you want to do. I'm loading up everything that TK puts out as soon as he does, but have no time to fully enjoy it all before the next mod, addition, tweak, etc, comes out. The future is clearly SF2 and the variants from that. All the modders are still working out the details......
  2. Car on the fritz

    I always found driving in the mideast rather "sporting". There right of way is determined by some combination of velocity and angles.......
  3. Car on the fritz

    well....... I learned to drive a manual in Southern California - LA & SD, so I suspect I have the heavy traffic part down just fine; and now I fly the roads in Colorado - so we have "one or two hills" to contend with on a regular basis too. For me - a manual is the only way to go. I like the control and the sport. for my better half, I get her an automatic.
  4. Car on the fritz

    for myself, I will buy nothing but a manual for the pure joy of driving. Let the timid, mechanically-challenged ones stay out of MY way!
  5. that is essentially it with the later Chinese cruise missiles. I could do that easily but its your model.
  6. very nice. are you planning to mod this to the current cruise missile carrier variant?
  7. Captain freed?

    me neither. an utterly appalling situation of not pursuing all possible avenues including sanctions. After all, that always worked before!
  8. Car on the fritz

    I just added a Subaru to my fleet - I like it! (the all wheel drive is sort of important here in the Rockies)
  9. Daughter for sell

    which would likely be about half the world's population.............. Not arguing the point - just acknowledging that the civilized behaviour we all acknowledge is entirely alien to much of the planet.
  10. Cold War Was Hot.

    yes, it was a very dangerous world
  11. that wasn't quite the tack that I was implying. Having smacked the deck a few times myself (both at sea and is this sim), I am a proud and frequently vocal member of the "Real Pilots use Tailhooks" crowd! I was merely acknowledging the enormous contribution to the USN that we have gained over the years from our RN cousins. Things like steam catapults, angle decks on carriers, fresnel lens, etc.,......... and tactics! I was at a USN school called Tactical Action Officer school that taught extensive tactics where the Secret NOFORN portion of the course was taught by the RN exchange officer. As explained by the school CO - there is not a lot that the USN is going to keep secret about tactics that the RN didn't teach us first.....
  12. there is not a lot in the USN that didn't originally come from the RN.
  13. Captain freed?

    I think we already have all of that info. The problem is not what we do or do not know about the various pirate groups, the problem is that they hold several hundred hostages that they will kill if we hit them where they live. but I agree that taking the one guy prisoner and taking him home for a very, very long stay in a federal supermax lockup after the appropriate trial has a lot to be said for it. granted the fact that provides an incentive for more hostage taking for trade. But then, everyone and their second cousin in that area of the world is trying to snag Americans so what's new? I think at a more fundamental level, if the other pirates see that we will let someone surrender, they may be more likely to surrender in a similar future situation. hard to say. but I am not one for the "take no prisoners" ROE, rather that we get them and, as you point out, gain some intel of whatever value even if its only putting some doubt in the minds of the others about what the prisoner might have said.........
  14. OK,new one.

    "As far as I know,there are no IL-28 in PLAAF now." its right behind the J11 in the photo. rusting away maybe?
  15. U.S. Navy to the rescue!

    this could get real bad.... "The pirates summoned reinforcements, calling in four commandeered ships with hostages from a variety of nations including the Philippines, Russia and Germany, according to the Somali in touch with the pirates. " in; http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9...;show_article=1 and "Also on Friday officials said other pirates sought to reinforce their colleagues by sailing hijacked ships with other captives aboard to the scene of the standoff." in http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,514039,00.html
  16. Break of Naval Air

    I recall the stories behind a few of those, but not most. No idea why the Phantom blew up. We used to call them "DOR" flicks, (Drop On Request) and show them during indoctrination into Navy flight school. there would often be quite a few........ (they usually went AF)
  17. Texas rest of the US Mexico Canada UK France Italy (3 years) Spain Portugual Switzerland West Germany Monaco Yugoslavia Turkey Israel St Thomas Japan (3 years) South Korea Crown Colony of Hong Kong Philippines Singapore and a few places in between.....
  18. WW3 Today?

    I'm going to put forth the prediction that this thing blows itself up during launch without anyones outside assistance, and more specifically a 50% probability that it fails to stage properly and crashes into the (hopfully!) Broad Open Pacific I will further predict, with a 10% probability, that when it does the NK will claim that someone (US) shot it down and not so funny things will result.
  19. WW3 Today?

    he will launch it within his announced launch window. how far down range the debris field extends is the question......
  20. India's own Air Force One

    Ha! No doubt!!
  21. India's own Air Force One

    you didn't use an Embraurer?
  22. India's own Air Force One

    very nice!
  23. US congress to approve 381 Raptors at last

    didn't believe it for a microsecond. tuned in to see what brand of crack you were smoking........
  24. v1.2 works very well. Excellent work.

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