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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Bear over Canada

    you are quite right. Normal and lawful. Keep them coming - gives me something to do!!
  2. Scal

    Kevin, Did a little trouble shooting and I was mixing the wrong problem with the wrong terrain. sorry abou that. what I am getting with the scal terrain is that all of the aircraft show up in the same place at start, on the runway, and my plane blows up. If I start airborne - everything runs fine.
  3. Bear over Canada

    yep - still keeping us a little occupied. That particular route has become rather common of late.
  4. Growler X Raptor

    in Roman Numerals!!
  5. How can it be?

    and some more
  6. How can it be?

    a few more
  7. just stay confident, upbeat, positive outlook and all will come out OK. and get plenty of sleep the night before - don't worry about it.
  8. WTF is this?

    "Very simple my friend. You found the end of the internet. Oh wait..." no, that's here http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
  9. Growler X Raptor

    "By Dave That's kinda pathetic when you're painting a simulated kill marking on your plane..." you've got that right!
  10. same here, except that my D drive is a completely independent second drive. Just set up the pointers (move) and everything works just fine. that is how I've been set up for years - which protected my data from being wiped out by a C drive virus meltdown. When I installed SF2 it just went automatically to that spot and loaded up without any issues. now - I haven't had time (yet) to build extra installs of SF2 - but it should work the same way. Just move or copy whatever you want into the appropriate folder.
  11. Growler X Raptor

    the story that I heard on those (about fortyfifth hand....) was that the Raptor came down into a furball and simply didn't see that other guy coming up from behind. pretty much the rule from decades past that it is the guy you didn't see that bagged your @$$..... but since the exchange rate was somewhere in the hundred to one, I wouldn't put the Raptor out to pasteur just yet.
  12. its called "bankruptcy" and is simply a means to find another revenue source. as to why - that would get into the political.
  13. Who wants a seashadow?

    but any guests you sent invites to wouldn't be able to find the boat.............
  14. not silly at all. would have to have the right elevation and such in it. One problem though, how would you catapult off and trap back aboard? On the Midway terrain, I still keep falling into the sea and exploding half way through the take off run. Not sure why.
  15. Hey Looks Whose 16 today!

    Happy Birthday!! Only 16?!!! $#@%# that makes me feel old!!
  16. Whats you favourite Patton's quote?

    "Every g..-d..n day" you do realize that if we quote Patton too much - this might challenge the "family friendly" rating of the site!!
  17. SAC is Back.

    Need to put the tankers on a force generation requirement at the various levels of readiness - which I will not further explain...... So when you need them - what you need is there. When the stuff hits the fan is not the time to be putting in Request For Forces memos. that still leaves the bulk of the tanker force under AMC for the standard missions being done today.
  18. Scal

    "Typhoid: why'd you need to extract stuff from the cat?" thought you mentioned something above about editing something that you had to extract. short point is that there is something odd, but I haven't had time to properly troubleshoot it yet. Just adding my two pennies that there is something that is not working quite right. i've tried this with the sf2 desert.cat - ctd (but in a woe install) and the germanyce.cat - ctd other terrains work fine. when I get a chance to get back to the sim (in about two weeks.....) I'll do a more thorough job of troubleshooting.
  19. Chip Dip

    reminds of a time when my company had some small conference and had a nice left over vegetable platter in the employee break room. Looked like some nice cool green peppers with dip on it. they weren't............. (no one, of course, warned anyone else coming in about it!) cost a few manhours...................
  20. SAC is Back.

    aint that the truth!! :yes:
  21. Scal

    actually, I am having the same problem. can't do the data extractor - that no longer works or is blocked by something. have definitely got the data cat files installed and have tried several. same result. presently on the back shelf for the moment but watching the thread.
  22. did you install all the pieces? I've installed the ODS mod into its own folder and have no problems with it. I've not modded a thing beyond adding a beta aircraft in development just for grins. I am currently flying a carrier based campaign. No problem. The carrier is there.
  23. Chip Dip

    need some Habanero chopped fine and mixed in
  24. A question about F-106

    purely second-hand - but an associate of mine is a former F-106 driver. He said one time long ago that the doors were automatic when the firing button was pushed and the missile was pushed out and fired with the doors retracted very, very quickly. he stated that he could fire supersonic although I don't recall him stating any particular limitation. he also said that the profile for firing a nuke at supersonic followed by evasion for survival was - "interesting"

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