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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. About Damn Time!

    I know I am going to draw fire on this one, but - I don't agree that they should be pardoned. leaving aside all the other stuff in this case my concern boils down to this undisputed point - these guys, while in the performance of their official duties, falsified and suppressed evidence. I agree with and applaud the commutation as I thought the sentence was out of line and the confinement in the general prison population was out of line. I also think there were serious problems with the trial and that should undergo a serious review. but I am not so certain, yet, that a pardon is appropriate.
  2. it varies. sometimes knife fights - sometimes moving mud - sometimes going downtown and changing infrastructure into rubble - sometimes turning ships into submarines the best missions are when I go "downtown" or after the enemy fleet - and the dumb Mig just happens to make the mistake of jumping me!
  3. Female Drivers....

    there you go, screwing up a perfectly good myth with facts!
  4. well, the practicality and usefullness of counting airplanes on the ramp with imagery taken months or even years ago is not likely to be all that great. missile silos, on the other hand.............
  5. Two Nuclear Subs collide in the mid-Atlantic

    wow!! the submarine version of "Big Sky - Little Airplane" theory of ATC. having been involved in sub waterspace management before - I am both surprised - and not surprised. After all, not too surprising that the French and British don't tell each other where their boomers are. firehawkordy has it best though
  6. This will get your pucker factor up a notch or two!!
  7. Cat3 IFR landing

    yep. The Hornets had been certified by the time I came ashore. They tried doing that with the E-2, but the radar of the ACLS had a tendency to lock onto the dome rather than the aircraft which would tend to drive us into the round-down..... so we had a special beacon to correct that, but they would only certify us for Cat II and manual. I do recall some pretty hairy moments in the North Pacific without any diverts.
  8. New info on the pirates

    who was it who said "First, kill all the lawyers!" ?
  9. I was about to say - my recollection was that it was the 4th of January. " I aint got a f***ing tone!" we were all rolling on the deck when we reviewed that part of the gun camera that evening. has been a classic ever since
  10. Cat3 IFR landing

    imagine doing that on a carrier!!
  11. our greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat kids can duke it out in X-wings and SuperStarDestroyers! seriously - how would you do that? a unique load with training rounds only?
  12. must have been a heluva muzzle flash! I should try that with a 16"..........
  13. AV History

    'Stiglr is an ass' I didn't see on the site where anyone said they were moving to SF2. but it is a very big site. it would be great to have some more modlers - although I can't keep up now with all the models and mods!!
  14. "Modern Military History and Tactics, covers from 1945 to know with emphasis on Cold War tactics of NATO and Warsaw" interesting. While at the Naval War College I took an elective course on the NATO Air Land Battle concept then being developed in the mid '80's. I wonder how much of that made it into the course. and of course as a practioner of the art on the NATO side of things in the maritime regions for some period of the time. Not much insight into the detailed ground stuff you are now asking about though beyond the larger force levels involved.
  15. HA! good point!! although I thought they rejected it for the material condition (they were old and hadn't been refurbished as agreed upon) as well as lack of financial off-sets?
  16. I would guess that the Mig variant, being slightly smaller, would be a little easier to operate from the mid size deck of the Kuznetsov and follow on carriers? the other explanation is that they want to maintain the Mig production line and since the Su series seems to be getting a better chance at overseas orders they made that choice for military/industrial/political reasons. (not that we ever do anything like that..........)
  17. what kind of course are you taking?
  18. Way to Go Navy!

    Two pirate take downs in two days!! http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,491565,00.html
  19. Way to Go Navy!

    Film at 11
  20. don't think so. The campaigns are looking for the specific planes rather than the dates in them. try it out and pass on the result.
  21. I often have the wingmen take out the primary target and AAA/SAM so I can flame all the parked aircraft
  22. depends on how well the ship is armored. Cargo ships and sampans go down pretty easily, although in a WWII sim using .50 cal, the ships tend to survive and most of them will shoot your, uh, south side out of the sky. against a combattant - strafing generally doesn't do enough damage and will more often than not get you once again, shot out of the sky. but against cargo ships, sampans, barges, etc, anything 20mm or heavier generally works pretty well.
  23. Continental Airlines

    my prayers are with them and their families
  24. Way to Go Navy!

    The Russians got into the game too!! --------------------- Separately, the Russian navy said Friday its nuclear-powered heavy missile cruiser Peter The Great detained 10 Somali pirates closing in on an Iranian-flagged fishing trawler. Russian military prosecutors were questioning the men, who were caught on Thursday with rifles, grenade-launchers, illegal narcotics and a large sum of money, the navy said. ---------------------- although bit "overgunned" perhaps?
  25. I know that area well............. How do you fit the 50 red airbases onto the map? Some interesting things come about - You can have multi-sided conflicts with NK, SK, Japan and Soviets all shooting at - each other. And the USN in the middle. or any variation thereof. there are a couple of good Russian cruisers for that scenario already. The Kynda and Sverdlov are both already up. There isn't a good Russian DDG (yet....) for that timeframe but the standard FRAM substituting for some of the older gun DD's would work ok. And something might come out fairly soon for the Soviet DDG.....

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