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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Cyber "Warriors"

    amen One wins a war by putting boots on the ground and holding it. Everything else is focused on putting you there and making sure you have what you need and the fire power behind you to get that job done. All else is secondary to the Soldier or Marine going face to face with the enemy, whomever and wherever that may be.
  2. brits**ts courts rule again..W**kers

    racindriver1, I cannot imagine the pain and anquish that causes. I cannot imagine it because I remember it all too well. By the time I found what had happened to someone - the perp was already doing time for something else so I couldn't do anything more. You have my understanding and prayers for her recovery from a monstrous ordeal.
  3. Cyber "Warriors"

    I don't think anyone would argue that point
  4. Cyber "Warriors"

    I am going to point out that those "cyber warriors" who don't think they are going to the desert are in for a very rude surprise. That arena of warfare (and warfare it very much is even though "blood and guts" being spread over the landscape is not generally what goes on) involves people securing networks and comm links in some very "interesting" places. I'll also point out, without going into any details, that there is a very active war going on right now in that arena with quite a few players. And to some extent, we are getting our @$$ handed to us and our clocks cleaned. The end result being that in a shooting conflict - and there are a few right now.... - our cyber opponents will hand the details of how to spread our blood and guts across the landscape to those who will do just that. Its no joke.
  5. now THAT will increase the bombing accuracy of the air wing!!
  6. Cyber "Warriors"

    right alongside handing out Bronze Stars to UAV pilots braving the hostile airspace during the 8 hour shifts at Creech AFB...... now, having said that, since this might be one of those potential slots I end up supporting as a defense contractor when my current task runs out in five more months - I'll refrain from getting too hostile....
  7. should work well in the San Fransisco campaign mod. awesome!!
  8. Needs a peace sign on the side..................
  9. why? The A-5 pretty much maxed out the edge of practicality on a flight deck. The bigger and heavier F-111B in any role would have been a nightmare. Nice article here on comparing the two. http://www.bobjellison.com/RA5C_Vigilante4.htm I like Orca for a name!
  10. airwing workups preparing for deployment, or cross country training
  11. even more fun when that happens and its on the side of your airplane, at 20,000k ft, over a big, dark cold ocean at night.............
  12. you can add or merge packs. For example - I use the MF merged with lindr's stuff and a few other add ons. pretty awesome combination.
  13. dalletoretdu, the step you missed is the one that pablitovpt pointed out. You have to "edit" that new weapon or tank without changing anything - or change something if you want to - and then save, then close. You are set up the same way with XP that I am and you run through those steps correctly.
  14. that's what I thought. 3.5 stuck in my head but I know it shifted for different planes. How much I do not know.
  15. would that be just a tad off-topic in an F-111 thread? gotta run at the moment - later
  16. yes, sir. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5797
  17. yup. I was referring to the second time as Floggers were slightly more challenging.
  18. acquisition decision influenced by Congressional interference driven by contractor contributions to re-election campaign funds? tell me it isn't so!! I don't even remember what that beast was.
  19. yup. Of course for launch - we'd have just dialed up the cat another notch. I don't have the landing weights - but that is where the real issue came in. It was not going to be a good plane on coming back and would have stressed the carrier decks too much. My description above is not really that much of an exageration.
  20. not quite. Not to start a flame war here, but we cancelled the F-111B because it was; too heavy, too big for carrier operations.
  21. would have been interesting. As pointed out above, it was not so much the taking off and flying downtown part - it was slamming through the flight and hangar decks and ending up somewhere on the 3rd deck just above engineering on landing that was the issue........
  22. yes, that's true and you describe it very well. I don't think we have that kind of close tolerances in this sim however. I think one setting for the tactical jets would do just fine. My memory is a bit hazy (after having come ashore 25 years ago) but I think it was a 3 or 4 degree glideslope. I could be wrong (probably am). In addition to scripted missions, since a specified carrier is used in a campaign, those carriers could be modded/included in campaign updates.

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