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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. as in two semi-blind Floggers making it back home? I rather doubt that! but probably more of an even fight after the merge. It will be interesting to refly that mission with the F-111B. very impressed with these F-111's. A nice package.
  2. Zombies ahead

    at least they're not eels......... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,484326,00.html
  3. Zombies ahead

    ??? given that was never built - how did you get the photo-shop picture of the Iowa with the extra turret? Real Artillery is 16"
  4. Be nice to America

    awesome! I love those! hey tr - aren't therefore arguing for - oh never mind..... (zipps lips)
  5. Joining U.S. Navy as a foreigner

    to enter AOC and get commissioned you have to be a US citizen (how you get there is not important) and 26 as of your expected graduation date from OCS. AOCS as I understand it no longer exists. Its all through OCS at Newport now and those in the aviation track then go on to Pensacola already commissioned. Foreign students at Anapolis are commisioned into their home country's navy. They are at the academy on an exchange basis as an active serving member of their own navy. You are in Italy? Take a look at the Italian AF and Navy. They both have excellent programs (although I have no idea of how you apply there) Good luck and see you around the pattern someday.
  6. Airliners.net

  7. very true. it is tough in a carrier approach to be pointed down enough without accelerating.
  8. problems are reduced if you use the merge function for the weapondata.ini.
  9. sim limitation that when you take out the primary target - the others don't come off on alternates. that corrects slightly with the new patch IF you have a targetting pod also mounted (at least my observation). but still not fully effective. going against your target with an LGB and no pod - the game appears to assume another aircraft is lasing or a ground lase. So sometimes you can hit your target. best bet - ensure you load the right pod and go waste the enemy
  10. Ok, I've looked at the SF2 bit on the Thirdwire site and it looks to me like its just an update to SF1. Doesn't look like any new planes or terrains that are not also in WOV or WOE other than the Desert terrain. So, is SF2 essentially a SF1 with the latest patch? or is there something that I am missing that would be worthwhile (beyond the community support of TK)? Would it make a better base for the all-inclusive mods? (Like Desert Storm)
  11. yes - well aware of that. The comment on movement refers to the changing visual indication as the aircraft goes below and above glide path.
  12. intriguing ideas. But will it show the hi-low movement?
  13. "He thrives off this kind of attention. Its his fix, and he is getting it right now. " the answer is to treat him for what he is. He is a silly irrelevancy of no consequence. ignore him and lets all get back to modding.
  14. stiglr, permit me, as one who HAS flown some of these for real, to point out that there are quite a few real pilots and flight officers who enjoy this sim. Its fun. Its a commercial success. It has a following and a community here who actually do "lend as much effort into the flight models and the production of pits " and make this a pretty fun and enjoyable hoby. If I want precision and realism down to complete mission planning, pre-flight, exact replication, post-flight, etc. - then I'll go to work. That you do not is fine, your choice. If you don't like this sim or this group - fine. Go someplace else. Its a free-market and (still) a free country and world. but don't go play sour grapes on some other forum and bad-mouth a group who are doing just fine without you. If you like something else - go off and do that. You do not need to wage warfare on us. just go away and be silent. You are irrelevant. good by
  15. oops. a variation of RTFQ....... delete thread.........
  16. I asked TK about that one time. There is no provision at this point for glideslope which would be needed first to be able to implement the VASI ashore or Fresnel Lens at sea. That works in MSFS (VASI and glideslope ashore only) but not yet supported in the Thirdwire series - and not likely to ever make it above the cut line.
  17. I'm not even going to, er, touch that line...............
  18. Right on, Dave! The sims themselves are great enough. What makes them world class is the community here that dives in and produces some awesome mods and additions that stand as complete sims in their own right. Were it not for this community, I'd have probably put the original WOX series up on the shelf long ago, and actually some work done............. although I may never touch caramel again........
  19. Something unexpected

    wow.....! I was in an airliner (in the cattle car section...) holding short for takeoff going on a business trip when the Captain came up and said we would take off in a couple of minutes after "a couple of little planes landed". So I looked out the window and looked at the head on view of a Mig-15 on short final. I think the guy in the seat next to me was somewhat startled by my reaction...........!
  20. you can go to the beach - I'm going to be at my desk....... looking forward to this one. This is as big as a whole new flight sim!

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