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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. never heard of this toad. obviously my being a relative new-comer here....... what an idiot. If he doesn't like it - don't buy it. Go buy something else. There is a pretty saturated market out there for sims and for some strange reason - this one is hanging in there with a nice community here. That is the only relevant measure of effectiveness that means a rat's @$$. I really, really didn't need that visual picture of what I never imagined could be done with a weed-eater!!
  2. don't forget that targets with a high ECM capabilty will make things tough for the missile a lot of the time.
  3. Iranian Air Space

    nuclear depth charges patterned across the gulf......
  4. its just there. It is not a working ball.
  5. older carrier mods

    I did that to all of the ships in my folder - are any in particular need to be uploaded here?

    not what I was expecting! Here is the latest update to the airline fleet -
  7. way cool! I can see some of my old houses and hangars!
  8. actually they were but who cares - who's going to stop us? I've got a couple of missions in the Black Sea just because.
  9. Iranian Air Space

    the static displays.....?
  10. chatting about the insanity of the North Koreans brought back some old memories. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Midway was on an operation in the Sea of Japan south of Vladivostok conducting routine training and exercises. That area is east of NK and outside of a NK declared military exclusion area - which we did not and do not recognize, but nevertheless try to avoid unless conducting a specificly authorized and directed Freedom of Navigation operation. So for our op we were watching for Russian aircraft coming down - and were not disappointed. Business was good. As a side note, we were curious to see how Korean (north and south) and Japanese fighters reacted to Soviet bombers in that area. We were somewhat more concerned with how those different fighters would react to each other (particularly Japanese and any Korean) rather than the Russians. But nothing unusual occurred...... At any rate - I was up on a routine AEW mission with the NK exclusion area plotted and avoided. At the end of my mission the replacement E-2 came up and we did the routine turnover. At that point I shut down our radar and computer and conducted the procedure that we did to warm up the system prior to landing - this procedure reducing condensation in the system and enhanced the system reliability. So at that point, I no longer had a display to show the NK exclusion area and our pilots were navigating solely off of the tacan and the ins readouts, no map display. We checked out of the operational networks and checked into the Midway CATCC (Carrier Air Traffic Control Center) who assigned us a holding station off of the Midway tacan. This was were the key mistake occurred as CATCC did not have the tactical plot with the NK exclusion area plotted, only the CIC had that. Problem was that the tacan holding station was inside of the NK exclusion area which we in the aircraft had no way of knowing. CATCC was assuming that we would still have that plotted. CIC assumed that we had that plotted and that CATCC had that plotted. The NK air defense network noticed that we were well inside the exclusion area where CATCC had placed us. Two Migs came after us under GCI, feet wet, supersonic and looking for their Hero of the Revolution Medals. CIC went ballistic. The cruisers ran out the warshots and locked up the Migs. The Midway CAP (F-4S) went after the Migs, warmed up their missiles and locked them up on radar. We hit our approach time and commenced our routine TACAN approach during which we dropped below NK air defense radar horizon and they lost track. Since the NK Migs were under close control of their GCI who no longer had a target, they missed the intercept. Essentially everyone, in a very tight piece of airspace almost close enough for visual, missed their intercept, and we continued our approach and recovery blissfully unaware of the utter chaos around us since we were tuned only to the CATCC and Tower frequencies. So when we all came into the ready room and were busy getting out of our flight gear, one of the Flag Staff officers came running into the ready room looking for the Mission Commander (me) and asked (very high-pitched voice) "How did you get away from the Migs?" - my reply "What Migs?". Things went rapidly downhill from there............. That was the last time anyone in my squadron ever shut down the radar and computer prior to commencing an approach, even if we had been relieved, and we always thereafter kept a radio tuned to the tactical network until shutdown on deck!!
  11. I called it a short-circuit between the headphones......
  12. Iranian Air Space

    Wings over Persia!!
  13. Aracnophobia

  14. the chart is not correct. It has 4 star Admirals as O-9's and skips the Ens O-1's. The ranks are all shifted by one.
  15. used to. its gone back and forth. During WWII we used the wartime rank of Commodore (one star) and then after WWII reverted back to RADM with no one star. But the flags would be paid at one star, while wearing two, until they were on the "upper half" of the RADM list. Obviously that was not equitable in comparison to the other, lesser, services and that was standardized back in the early '80's, with Commodore brought back for the one star. That was not popular since all of those officers did not like that term for two reasons; In the other services a star (however many) was called a General and by God after 20+ years they all wanted to be an Admiral!! (rough quote.....) Commodore is also a title. (ready to be confused?) any officer in command of a group of ships (squadron) or several aircraft squadrons of type (short of an Air Wing) is also referred to as a Commodore. So in a Carrier Battle Group heading out there was a Flag Officer in command who was the Commodore and with him was a Destroyer Squadron Commander (Navy Captain) who was also called a Commodore. Didn't go over to well..... So about '86 or so we shifted back to the old terminology of RADM lower and upper half with one and two stars, but of course standardized with the other services for a selection process rather than the automatic advancement. on a side note - I was then flying the NEACP (E-4B) and daily tracked those key people we had to track, including the DDO we reported to in the NMCC who were/are all one stars. So one morning I briefed the line up with a Commodore as the DDO. The next day I briefed our team with the same guy as RADM (Lower Half) which led to the very same discussion then and there as here above to my joint team. A very long discussion................ so...... everyone confused now?
  16. Iranian Air Space

    "I guess that there will be some CAP missions in the borders of Afghanistan and Iraq with Iran to prevent troubles. There are, true? " I doubt it. No one would dare start anything. And I do mean no one. a classic...........
  17. Iranian Air Space

    that joke has been going around the networks in several variations for awhile. Which is why the geography doesn't match....
  18. I put a few in some of my custom missions, like the Gulf of Sidra package. background neutral flights to complicate the radar picture makes things a bit more complex and realistic :yes:
  19. not that hard. You have to make sure that anti-ship missions are available for the aircraft you want to fly - in the mission section of the aircraft data.ini, and that the sea lanes as noted above are included in the terrain. that's it. I fly those all the time and did not have to migrate anything over from woe or play with data extractor files
  20. Fatal crash

  21. you are not kidding! Not one of my finer moments of airmanship, everyone's complacency almost got us all killed. now - can look back and laugh at my folly.............
  22. N Korea issues warning to Seoul

    the sunrise? since when do college students (anywhere) actually need a real issue to protest?

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