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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. any carrier based action or did you choose to leave that out?
  2. as someone pointed out - what you are asking is how to illegally cheat TK out of the cost of another licensed disc. I don't think you will get much sympathetic help here. Go to the Thirdwire site http://www.thirdwire.com/index.htm go to the on-line store and pay for a legal download and THEN patch both computers up to the latest standard. Welcome aboard and enjoy the sim!
  3. had no need to. We use Harpoon.
  4. comrpnt has set the standard for missions - no question. I haven't tried that particular mission set, but why would any mission not work because of the patch?
  5. check the weight load for the stations. I've noticed that if the weight for the station is set too low (on other aircraft), the AIM-7 (heavier than a falcon) won't be available.
  6. 20 years ago: How i nearly started WW3

    in '89 I was in the European theater assigned to a dual-hatted USN and NATO combat staff. we might have been at it.... its a good thing that now we can look back at those incidents and share a laugh. here's to you
  7. How to build a Su-27

    wow................!!!!! that is beyond awesome!!
  8. 20 years ago: How i nearly started WW3

    great story!
  9. Bear Intercept

    one of my old buddies did an intercept with an E-2. Of course what they did was get out way ahead of him and took photos as the Bear went screaming on by...............
  10. Bear Intercept

    one would think so...............
  11. This guy is good !

    awesome detail
  12. Fruit Helmets

    you enabled him
  13. I'm a retired Naval Flight Officer
  14. in a manner of speaking. Hawkeye backend most of the time. We referred to that as "scope dope". but qualed up front too.
  15. "You think India could of picked up some Soviet Mays at one time. I'm pretty sure they did for awhile. yes, the Tu-142 is based on the Bear strategic bomber. We call it the Bear F.
  16. working pretty closely already in a lot of areas
  17. Oh, the indignity!

    I wonder if he suffered frostbite of his, er, "extremities".......
  18. P-3 is based on an airliner. We used to do some airfield manuevers with the E-4B that got our rendevous parties "interested". Airliners are known for their easy manuevers simply because that is what keep passengers coming back.
  19. one of my RN associates told me some years ago that it was called the Seaslug because that is what it regularly slugged - the sea..........
  20. "lets not bring up the Geni incident... "
  21. flying the Mig-25 in a fighter sweep against Alaska my wingman was shot down by an F-4. Wildcat.........
  22. as CL points out, the only real reason to go low and slow is for a MAD run. Generally when doing a sono bouy field, the plane drops the pattern in a low pass at medium speed and then monitors at medium altitude. Quite easy for the 737. I was surprised by the choice for the same reasons - but on balance it makes sense and the 737-800 airframe is becoming more widespread in defense applications such as AEW and ELINT worldwide. Its a good plane. Granted - there won't be any shutting one down when on station to save gas........

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