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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. what do you mean by multilayer? check the downloads section.
  2. File Name: WOE_Update_Oct2008b File Submitter: Typhoid File Submitted: 30 October 2008 File Category: SF/WO* Patches WOE_Update_Oct2008b ------------------------------ ============================ Wings Over Europe / Oct 2008 Readme File ============================ ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Update Notes 2. Troubleshooting 3. Contacting Customer Support --------------- 1. Update Notes --------------- This Update contains all the fixes from previous patches, and it can be applied to any version of the game. Earlier patches do not need to be applied. This Update also raises the mimimum system requirement for the game to the following: OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: 1.0 GHz Memory: 1.0 GB RAM Hard Drive: 1.5 GB free space Video Card: 128 MB DirectX 9.0c After installing this Update, the game may require newer version of DirectX to run correctly. Please visit the Microsoft website at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=2da43d38-db71-4c1b-bc6a-9b6652cd92a3 to download and install the latest version of DirectX. We highly recommend you install this update over a clean install of the game - uninstall the game first, manually delete the folder to remove any mods not uninstalled, reinstall the game from original CD, then apply the Update. Many previous mods are not fully compatible with this Update. If you find any mods not working correctly, please check with mod-makers to provide you with updated version of their mods. List of changes in this Update include: Oct 2008 -------- * EASY HUD Option now display labels with name and distance for all active objects. * HARD Targeting Option is changed so objects are always identified. * In-flight map has been changed to show individual aircraft and their names instead of just squadron. * Fixes runways not displaying when playing Multi-player Dogfight. * Guided bombs, when EASY Weapons Effectiveness Option selected, are made to hit their target easier. * Autopilot maintains level flight better. Sep 2008 -------- * Updated Nations list and additional insignia decals are included. * Using the zoom controls on in-flight map will no longer zoom the view after exiting the map. * Air-to-ground gunsight is only depressed when unguided bombs are selected. * Shadow option is changed to adjust distance as well as the types of object casting shadow. Low: No shadows are cast. Medium: Aircraft cast shadow only in external view and only at close range. High: Aircraft and some ground objects cast shadow. Unlimited: All objects cast shadow at furthest distance. * Rear view (Shift+F5 by default) and Engine On/off toggle (Ctrl+I) are added. * Better support for dual-analog sticks on gamepads are added. * Version numbering system has been changed to show month and year in less ambiguous format. * View limits are adjusted correctly for widescreen and Matrox surround gaming display. * Shadows can now be cast using more detailed geometry model. * Airfields in Single Mission and Campaign play now include randomly placed parked aircraft. * B-52D 3d model has been re-scaled to a more correct size. * Flight model and AI have been further tweaked. * And numerous other minor fixes and changes to enhance the overall gameplay experience. ------------------ 2. Troubleshooting ------------------ Troubleshooting Tips Before installing the game, please try the following: - Close all other applications. - Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements. If you are experiencing difficulties in getting the game to run, please try the following solutions: - Obtain the latest drivers for your video and sound card. - Obtain the latest version of Direct X from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=2DA43D38-DB71-4C1B-BC6A-9B6652CD92A3 - Install the latest update for your game from: http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_woe.htm - Run scandisk and defragment your drive. ------------------------------ 3. Contacting Customer Support ------------------------------ To obtain further technical assistance regarding this product, please send an e-mail to: support@thirdwire.com. Please be sure to include the following information in your e-mail: · Processor type and speed · Operating System version · Memory (RAM) · DirectX Version · Video Card type · Error messages encountered and where/when you saw them. Or visit our forums at http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/ and leave us a message. For all other comments or suggestions, you can contact us by sending an e-mail to: info@thirdwire.com -- Click here to download this file
  3. My Grandfather has passed.....

    My condolences and may he rest in peace
  4. Confessions of a terrorist

    allow? I didn't know anyone outside of Pakistan had a choice in that.
  5. F-18 down

    good to know. That is a very, very different take on what happened as compared to what was originally being reported. If so - then this guy was clearly stuck with zero options and stayed with it right down to the last second. That is a pretty horrendous multiple failure scenario of his plane coming apart on him. It will be very interesting to see just what came apart.
  6. F-18 down

    you are quite correct wrt to the press coverage. Pretty lousy, but then that's the norm. The key question is where was the plane when the first engine was lost. That is the key piece of info which is so far lacking. On that is my only query on this sad event. It may turn out to be that Miramar was the closest and most suitable field. Until that is clearly identified, questions will remain. So until the actual accident report is release - I shall comment no more.
  7. follow the tacan. generally after you hit the last waypoint on the way in - your needles are pointing you to the ship. If you have DME on that model you get a countdown of the miles. try to hit 2k ft at 2 DME and you should be lined up nicely.
  8. that is how I set mine up two. All of my data and mods are on my second drive. Works great and everything was protected during my C drive crash. And backed up now as well.
  9. I don't get it................
  10. I doubt it is SP3, but something along the way perhaps. I just did a complete system restore after a bad crash and brought it all the way back up to SP3. No problems (except for the utilities which fail to work the same as prior to the restore). The sims, however, work better than before. And my harddrive is much leaner!
  11. I'm running Service Pack 3 on XP with lower specs than yours and a lesser graphics card (7600). I have no problems. no clue but service pack 3 shouldn't be doing it. SP3 seems to have gooned up most of the utilities, but my TW installs all work ok.
  12. F-18 down

    Not quite. I don't agree. I agree that there is a lot of second guesing and that generally, I do not like to delve into that or tolerate it by others. But I have flown in that oparea, and was based both at North Island and Miramar in years past. I also went single-engined out there and went into San Clemente Island rather than continue in to North Island. I have been there, in W-291, in very similar circumstances. And I also went singe-engine in some other very uncomfortable circumstances in another locale. That is why I immediately questioned the rationale for sending an aircraft with an engine out, critical emergency over and past a perfectly good airfield (North Island) to go the extra 11 miles to Miramar. He could have made it easily into North Island - but when he needed another 11 miles, he only had 10 1/2 in his airplane. Yes - a dual engine failure is an unusual occurence. So is a single-engine failure. The procedures we had for diverting to the nearest suitable airfield were learned and relearned in blood and drilled into all of us for decades. The rule for us in the past was that if you had a critical emergency or were short on fuel - you didn't pass up a perfectly good divert field in order to press on to home base. When things are going bad in your airplane - you get it on the ground as soon as possible and figure out what else is wrong at your leisure. Pressing on to homeplate has cost a lot of aircraft and the lives of many in years past - and just cost the lives of four more. Yes, it was an accident and people on the scene made their decisions based on the best info they had at the time. That was a bad decision and we (the USN and USMC) owe a solid and well conducted accident investigation. That investigation absolutely should not be conducted in the open press and on forums like this one. I merely pointed out that others have asked the same question that I did above and it is one of those items being focused in the investigation and in the open forums where this is being discussed by the Navy (itself a very unusual practice). I, like you, will wait for the accident investigation to be completed and for whatever portion of it to be made public. But nothing has changed from my initial impression on the day it happened when I looked where the ship was that he came in from, where he crashed, and where he could have made it in safely with time and distance to spare. I ask this out of professional curiousity - not Sunday morning quarterbacking. and no offense taken or intended. just very concerned about this.
  13. Nurse Chapel is no longer on the Enterprise

    is it there too? I first heard those on the original Star Trek. I haven't actually watched much of Voyager.
  14. F-18 down

    some of the same questions raised here being asked in open forums; ----------------- Norfolk Virginian-Pilot December 22, 2008 Questions Remain In San Diego Jet Crash That Killed Four By Elliot Spagat and Michael R. Blood, Associated Press LOS ANGELES--Two weeks after a Marine Corps plane slammed into a San Diego residential area, killing four people, questions have arisen about the decision to direct the hobbled fighter over homes to an inland airfield. A nearby base offered a route across open water. The cause of the fiery Dec. 8 crash is being investigated. Military officials have depicted a chain of events in which first one engine failed on the F/A-18D Hornet - and then the second quit while the pilot was trying to reach a landing spot. However, the rarity of the double engine failure hasn't dampened speculation that the deaths of four members of one family might have been averted. The pilot ejected safely. Marine generals have defended the choice to send the Hornet to Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, taking it over the University City neighborhood. The crash there incinerated two homes, damaged three others and killed four members of one family. The Miramar base is ringed by freeways and bordered on its western end by thickly packed residential areas that include a high school. Less than 10 miles away, the Naval Air Station North Island in Coronado sits at the tip of a peninsula. The flight path from the south crosses San Diego Bay. "Why not go to North Island?" asked Louis Rodolico, who lives near Miramar. Retired Navy Cmdr. Rick Ramirez, who lives near Miramar, said at a forum last week that the pilot could have easily flown to North Island, but it would have been an inconvenience for Marine maintenance crews to retrieve the crippled aircraft. Military officials said that after the first engine faltered, Miramar was a straight shot and that going to North Island would have required more engine thrust. However, F/A-18D Hornets can fly with one engine, and dual engine failures are rare. That leaves questions about how much consideration was given to sending the pilot to North Island. And was a runway available? The amount of fuel on the jet, weather, the pilot's experience and the aircraft's ability to fly with malfunctioning equipment would all be factors in determining where to go in a flight emergency. A paucity of information has made it difficult to assess the call made that day. Nothing has been disclosed about where and when the problem with the first engine started. The military hasn't identified the aircraft's position when the decision was made to go to Miramar, or where the closest landing strip was when that decision was made.
  15. I added them in and have a couple of campaigns modified to fly Hornets and Tomcats and such. haven't tried them since the patch - I'll check it out in the next couple of days.
  16. Nurse Chapel is no longer on the Enterprise

    mine is "autoshutdown sequence in progress" which of course follows the initial logon; "password confirmed - standby" I had that on all of my computers - although the government ones I use have since blocked that sort of nonsense :(
  17. JSF for RAAF

    I thought you guys were also buying the Super Hornet? I would think the combination of F-18F(A?) and F-35's would make a pretty potent mix for your neck of the woods. (married up with a big tanker fleet of course.....)
  18. there are a lot of changes in the models themselves that have to be done. It is not such an easy changeout. So as new models or updates come out, those capabilities will be added in by the teams and individuals who build them. Unless you are doing that, there is nothing you need to do. the various aircraft will have different avionics packages which will all work on the new patch. Some will have avionics60, some will have avionics70, and some will have avionics70 that use the new capabilities.
  19. File Name: SFG_Update_Oct2008b File Submitter: Typhoid File Submitted: 30 Oct 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Patches SFG_Update_Oct2008b Click here to download this file
  20. "Also start my GS-8 job on the 15th of Dec " congrats!! I'm facing a conversion from contractor to GS (in the new NSPS bands) later next year. not sure about that. But one thing is certain - a fully funded charge code defines happiness!!
  21. Indian Air Force on high alert

    one of the objectives of the terrorist b@$t@rd$ who carried out that butchery was to incite a war between India and Pakistan - triggering an environment of chaos that they will thrive in. Let us all hope they do not succeed in suckering our two friends into a war that neither wants and both will suffer from. and yes - two countries with nukes can most certainly go to war - the possession of nukes merely puts a check on how far the defeated will accept reverses on the field and how far a prudent victor will push it.
  22. 10 Silver Stars

    10 to 1 odds!!
  23. haven't noticed a problem. I'll check. Only with the F-15E?

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