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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. any update should also incorporate malibu's WOV ground war enhancement!!!!!
  2. well............. TK can't exactly use a third party mod in his pay for play flight sim. however - "someone" could come up with a comprehensive update to the campaign lists that include those third party mods..........
  3. F-18 down

  4. F-18 down

    concur. Sounds to me like he did what he could but when it was no longer controllable, he left. I don't fault him on that. edit: and neither does the man who lost his family; http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,464729,00.html I am, at the moment anyway, "curious" the series of decisions that put him there with a broken jet.
  5. F-18 down

    a little more info http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/metro/2...09jetdown.html# interesting bits of info in that the plane had already lost one engine while over water and reportedly was ordered to RTB to Miramar. From where the ship is, he had to overfly NASNI. Now, when I was flying in the same area and lost an engine overwater - we diverted to the nearest suitable airfield which was San Clemente Island (obviously a different plane). so some questions arise as to why he was diverting to his home field rather than a closer, suitable alternate since he already had a critical emergency. Why did the Air Boss and Air Wing Commander order him to divert there and why didn't the pilot go straight to NASNI as was his right and responsibility as the PIC? tough questions for the investigative board - and of course I am basing this on the San Diego reporter's info which is of doubtful accuracy anyway. we'll see.
  6. is this for the other guy or your own plane?
  7. F-18 down

    I haven't seen anything yet that says he was told to RTB because of an emergency, much less what kind of emergency. Yes, San Clemente can take fast movers - I diverted in there myself once (although not in anything one would call a "fast-mover"). So far as why not NASNI, it would depend on where he was coming in from and what was the nature of the emergency, if any. IB is just a helo base. So far, a lot of questions and not a lot of info. very sad and tragic day.
  8. F-18 down

    the news reports say that he was trying to land - but the crash is off the departure end (based on the prevailing winds). Not saying that the pattern doesn't shift, on occasion, but generally we departed to the west and made a hard right turn for noise abattment right about where that plane went down. Or perhaps a missed approach coupled with dual engine failure...... it will be interesting to see the results of the investigation.
  9. F-18 down

    other side of the base. The intersection quoted is to the west of the base off the departure side right about where the noise abatment turn is usually made. The film I saw from the helo shows it pretty clearly. Scripps Ranch is out to the east along the approach corridor.

    specifically, go into; run enter msconfig and when that comes up on the General tab - deselect startup services. alternate - go to the startup tab and deselect everything except what you absolutely want and need to run
  11. 109th Army-Navy Game

  12. 109th Army-Navy Game

    GO NAVY - BEAT ARMY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
  13. that's what we need JATO Bottles!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I like the idea, but as pointed out it is not much of an air to air contest if accurate. From an IJN bombing and torpedo perspective against AAA it would be challenging. But some theoretical excursions could be intesting; - the USN carriers returning in time for a contest (although 2 vs 6 still wouldn't be much of contest) - Pearl and Hickam on alert - IJN invasion fleet etc.
  15. I think they only did that for R&D. Their operational system is based on the Mainstay (last I heard is that it doesn't work yet).
  16. I've had a similar problem. It used to work and now doesn't and I get the same or similar error. I suspect that one of the Microsoft updates or some security setting somewhere is blocking something. haven't figured it out yet.
  17. as a "what if" its a nice addition. The Soviet AWACS was actually built on the Tu-114 and the Mainstay for operational use.
  18. that should work nicely. The range is about right.
  19. I use Bunyap's pack for the WWII loads, but I've taken it out of the other setups. Either the specific one that comes with a all-inclusive mod (Falklands, OTC, etc.) or the Mirage Factory along with Lindr's and FC's stuff merged in. Most of FC's stuff is included in the later MF packs already. there are some individual items that are worthy of adding to that based on individual preference. But for a sinlge, simple package, go with the latest MF one and use the weaponeditor to update that to the Oct patch. I do NOT recommend using Bunyap's pack AND the MF package together. That results in a lot of duplicates.
  20. yabut the data extractor doesn't seem to work anymore with some unknown Microsoft update. an issue which seems to be happening more and more of late........

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