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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    concur. The fact that it had been a fishing trawler is completely irrelevant. It was, at the time of the sinking, a pirate ship and subject to the appropriate actions taken by the INS Tabar. Good on you India and don't back down! The issue of compensation for the loss of the ship is something for the lawyers to work out, but in my opinion the appropriate parties to the lawsuit are the pirates who hijacked the ship and then used it for their own nefarious purposes. The Thai owners should take the pirates to court (good luck with that!), not the Indian government. Goes back to that old practical law of the sea. When you take a shot at an armed warship, plane, sub, etc. (of whatever navy), you better be prepared to suffer the consequences.
  2. @ wagsled - VTAS ?

    a couple of years ago I dropped in on my son at his squadron where he was the AMO. He was in a fleet F-18C squadron and then a tour in VX-9. Besides "taking a spin" in the simulator, I got to try out their new VTAS helmet. Quite a device with a projection right on the helmet visor. It had what looked like a 4-wire connection at the back of the helmet that plugged into a socket in the cockpit and the pilot then had the data projected onto his visor in a HUD like display. In the avionics shop they plugged me into a test computer that put up the test display for me. Quite impressive. I never got to fly with it, of course.
  3. so which is the one we called the "Delta" for maritime recon? no missiles or bombs - just a big radar the 142 is the F model for ASW, right?
  4. Diaper Time!

    I've never landed anything near as challenging as you do FC, but I agree. I was always set up on final. Doing the Funky Chicken with the controls at the last second was not my idea, nor my instructors', of a smooth landing....
  5. Terror In Mumbai!

    "Salute to the brave men of Marine Commandos, NSG, Army and Police who went braved gunfire & grenades to rescue the hostages and kill the terrorists. " we're with you lets make sure we get the right targets
  6. just delete the cockpit folder better yet, rename the cockpit ini to something else (backupcockpit) so that the ini file doesn't recognize it. That way, you can undo that damage later when the thrill of combatting superior aircraft tickles your fancy....
  7. Break up of United States?

    I liked his comment on Alaska just being a lease. I'd like to see them try to collect back rent!
  8. ultra? suggest you go to the Thirdwire tech support and start there. http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewforum.p...d6196a7bc9f78a2
  9. Personal Super Computers!

    you won't need a furnace - and your heating bill will be nil......
  10. call of duty 4 grapics problem

    good point. where do you check?
  11. A-7E AAR

    "All that's left to do now is take a hot shower and figure out what kind of liquor to toast to wingie with..." the Master of Arms might have something to say about that!! :drinks_drunk: great mission!!
  12. call of duty 4 grapics problem

    my son noted a problem with CoD4 too. Have the same card and a 3.2gig processor. His problem is not the graphics presentation but the program is choppy now. no other programs have a problem. and he did, without my ok, "update" the Nvidia driver!
  13. "downing migs 80 nmiles away with Talos?" I remember that. Took out a poor NVAF pilot in the pattern at his home field! that was the REAL Red Crown!

    Outstanding work Petty Officer 2nd! and double points for doing so on the US Navy Foreign Legion, forwarded deployed at the point of the spear!! Sierra Hotel and Bravo Zulu, shipmate!
  15. " Anyway, only on one occasion there were planes of both sides in the air in the same time in the same area...but nothing happened. The fog was thick and nobody wanted to get killed so after a few "hey let's try to find them" both flights RTB'ed." I recall there being several engagements.
  16. has to include the Hotel Coronado off-set instrument approach..........
  17. "Then realized how much an attack capability from the VPAF would have changed the complexion of the Vietnam Air war. " you aren't kidding!! Think of anti-shipping missions against all of our cargo ships bringing in the beans, bullets and bacon!! the resources to defend against that would have either ratched up our effort quite a lot, or cut it out of our offensive air campaign. similar in Desert Shield (before we stepped off)
  18. I don't know for certain. I've never seen anything that would indicate they had them. I've added them to my load along with the Chinese birds.
  19. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    Saudi Arabia just announced that they are going to join the anti-piracy fleet. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...refer=worldwide a real and very bloody fight is brewing
  20. if you expand the period and include Chinese - you can fill up your harddrive pretty well I would think.
  21. actually I did something like that at one point. I moved the friendly base to Thailand so that the south had fallen and I was able to base and fly Badgers out of Cam Rahn Bay - just as was really the case in '83 - and Migs from everywhere. The only friendly bases were in Thailand. But I could only get it to work in single mission. I could never get the modded campaign to work right and it would always CTD, so I gave up and moved on.

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