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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    "They captured an oil tanker the size of a US aircraft carrier:" three times the size of a USN aircraft carrier!
  2. I think you're right. In that movie, if I recall correctly, they are trapped on Guam by the initial invasion and last through the occupation carrying out guerilla raids and then help spot for the re-invasion.
  3. how many 10x does it take for an A?
  4. now I've got coffee all over the monitor...........
  5. looking at various charts from around the world, I can't match them up. I'm guessing Guam but not sure. But definitely time for some carrier ops!!
  6. yep. different radar bubbles between the models. The D of course has, or had, the Big Bulge, so named by us because it was a big bulge in the belly. I've hunted a lot of these over the years. Looking forward to finally being able to shoot a few!! http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/tu95bear/ http://www.enemyforces.net/aircraft/tu95.htm http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Bear.html
  7. Kennedy Assassination

    " Sloppy education was not their fault, which is another conspiracy theory seen running around about dumbing down the American pubic." well, there is the old Soviet film about how they will take over the west by first taking over the schools...... but I for one never ascribe to conspiracy what can better be explained by incompetence. And any examination of the state of public education in America, controlled as it largely is by a politically active union that extorts dues from its members and spends lavishly on themselves and corrupt campaign contributions, can only conclude that a combination of massive incompetence and intellectual vacuousness is in charge of our public education system. the end result is the inability of the graduates of that to be able to apply the critical thinking skills that Roopod identifies as the essential element in seeing through all of these things. But conspiracy to dumb down Americans? no. That would require me to believe them far more competent and intelligent than I am willing to.
  8. and F-4's I didn't notice a Bear D or F in that mix. All of them look like the strategic variants for going after North America and Europe. So us Navy guys would let them go by for the AF types to practice on......
  9. does seem to work much better. I re-installed it without the sep and oct patches and it does seem to run much better. it will take a while to update all those FM's for each model.
  10. New Law...Salute like a Man

    I like it, although taking a bit of getting used to. In the Navy we never saluted without a cover on or out of uniform. But this law goes across all services and for out of uniform. I much prefer it. Got the opportunity the other evening leaving work when colors was sounded. Felt good.
  11. Fun Week Ahead

    ??? modernize their military with a USNA engineering student? I must be missing something........... Sounds like you had a blast.
  12. not to mention F-15C's, CF-18's and F-22's!!!
  13. Kennedy Assassination

    "The weapon found in the school book depository by dallas police was a 7.65 Mauser, three spent 6.5 caracano cartriges were found by the window. the 6.5 cartriges and the 7.65 rifle are incompatible later the FBI was presented with the murder weapon- an actual 6.5 caracano whose scope was so poorly mounted that the rifle /scope combo had to be completly resighted in in order for testing to take place." utter bunk. from the commission report; http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/hsca...5_Afternoon.pdf "At 1 :22 p.m. Deputy Sheriff Eugene Boone and Deputy Constable Seymour Weitzman discovered a bolt-action rifle equipped with a telescopic sight. It was also on the floor of the sixth story of the book depository, near the northwest corner. Weitzman-though neither he nor Boone actually handled the rifle-described it as a 7.65 German Mauser, although it was subsequently determined to be a 6.5 millimeter Mannlicher-Carcano Italian military rifle. It contained one round, a full copperjacketed military-type bullet manufactured by Western Cartridge Co." what this means is that the first report and identification, in error, has been siezed upon by the deranged conspiracy crowd for decades as "proof" that there was another rifle and shooter involved. In fact, the officers themselves stated before the commission that their initial identification of the Mauser was incorrect. This of course no doubt merely "proves" that some group got to them and forced them to change their story........................ "later the FBI was presented with the murder weapon- an actual 6.5 caracano whose scope was so poorly mounted that the rifle /scope combo had to be completly resighted in in order for testing to take place." I have seen nothing that substantiates that particular fabrication. The FBI did test fire the rifle and 2 of 3 agents duplicated the accuracy with multiple shots to acomplish the assassination.
  14. F-14 Art

    very cool and awesome!!
  15. The Man Cave...

    I'm thinking something along the same line here............. but my vote goes to Fubar!! awesome!!!!!
  16. Kennedy Assassination

    QUOTE the 6.5 Mannlicher carcano is a pathetic cartridge that is incapable of producing the wounds that were demonstrated on the body of president Kennedy. given that this was the standard military cartridge of the Italian Army for almost 60 years, through two wars, and exceeds the downrange energy of the current class of intermediate cartridges used in almost all service rifles and carbines today - a reality based individual might want to review the various baseless assertions in the so-called "debunking" for other, glaring fabrications contrary to reality. One might also want to review the hundreds of thousands of military graves around the world and note those who were killed in action by such cartridges.
  17. Kennedy Assassination

    the pathology of the conspiracy theorists demands that they ignore factual evidence contrary to their delusion and cite only fabricated "proofs" bearing no resemblance to reality as the further "proof" that their manufactured "facts" prove their "truth". no factual evidence can therefore be presented to them and be accepted. The factual evidence has always been doctored or planted and is therefore further proof of the depth and reach of the conspiracy. psychiatric pharmaceuticals are the only answer. sadly, roughly 1/3 of the population suffers from terminal conspiracy delusional psychosis.
  18. Foxbat

    couple of erroneous bits of info in that clip. The Predator didn't, and doesn't, carry an air to air missile. So not much of a "dogfight". The missile launch by the Predator would have to fall into the category of "Last act of Defiance" sort of thing and a long shot (heh) at decoying the Iraqi missile. Also, that CBS (and who can forget the BS in CBS!!) clip claimed that we did not score a confirmed kill against any SCUD's. That is based on a technical assessment of Patriot kill capabilities which is some what misleading. We actually did hit the majority of them and my missile warning crew was awarded a plaque by a Patriot battalion with a SCUD fragment and the caption "This Scud's for You" with their thanks for our part in target detection, tracking and hand-off during those engagements. at any rate - cool flick!!
  19. Nigeria has a satellite?

    had is more accurate. They forgot to put a power supply and a battery in it!
  20. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6075 this is the editor to use with the Oct patch.
  21. Kennedy Assassination

    yep. the pathology of conspiracy theories are essentially self-fulfilling and based on mass secrecy (which is of course impossible) and circular illogic. reality need not apply.
  22. FYI.....

    he was the star of a security training briefing that went around the services. Sort of an all service here-is-how-you-can-destroy-your-career presentation. Haven't heard what he is doing now, probably folding towels in the BOQ at Shemya......
  23. FYI.....

    "What gave him all of the credibility he needed was the discomfort with which the US Navy read his novels. " you aren't kidding!!!

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