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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. addiction

    my son put Civ4 on my computer a couple of weeks ago. wiped me out for a few days!! its a cool game and will pull you right into it.
  2. BLUE ANGELS down 1 plane

    agree completely, particularly the last line! "Btw, i don´t know how could it happen IN THE NAVY " you must have missed all of the Women at Sea press releases for the last couple of decades....... Besides, we aren't all at sea ALL the time! It has been a real headache for a long, long time. Dave, I'm not inclined to argue with you, particularly with a specific location like Tinker. I've heard a lot about Tinker over the years from a lot of people who went through that meat grinder, but I'm inclined to view Tinker as an anomoly for reasons that I do not comprehend. I've seen a lot of people completely trash their careers and go down in flames (no pun intended) over an illicit romance. For someone to reach Flag and General Officer rank, and then tube their career over an adulterous fling with someone on their staff is to me, incomprehensible. And yet, I've seen it happen time and time again in every grade and service. One might even call this - presidential............ My point is that I've only seen the axe fall when it is an adulterous affair that involves undue influence in a supervisory position (REALLY no pun intended!!) or otherwise compromised the chain of command. Most of the time people are not inclined to interfere in the normal course of he'n and she'n as long as it does not cross that line. I've even seen people moved around to different branchs, divisions, squadrons, etc., in order to defuse the undue influence part and let things follow the normal course of events. And yes, I even include commissioned involved with non-commisioned in that. Some friends of ours in fact were in that situation and heck, I even know a bi-national couple with a coordinated assignment/posting! At this point, all any of us can do is speculate on what is behind this sad report. I am sure that the press, licking their, er, chops at another scandal, will fill us all in on the sordid, juicy details in very short order. and a couple of people have lost their careers.
  3. Really good air race pilot

    I thought it looked more like an RC but the pilot climbing out of it looked pretty good. I am still finding it hard to accept that it was fake - even though I also thought the one wing landing was even remotely plausible.
  4. BLUE ANGELS down 1 plane

    and potentially a situation involving individuals who are married to others. Adultery within a squadron is what would kick a proceeding into a court-martial. Not just dating between singles. No one really cares about that anymore as long as the individuals are not in a supervisory situation.
  5. SAC Warriors

    that I was and well familiar with the term!!
  6. SAC Warriors

    oddly enough, I was kinda/sorta from 85-88. Not specifically SAC but flew on the Joint Staff Ops Team on the NEACP. We were on a SAC base, supported by SAC squadrons, flew on a SAC airplane, worked with the Looking Glass guys across the street and "enjoyed" their "dining facility" while on alert, complied with SAC rules, regulations and training, and flew with SAC aircrews from the 55th. We lived and worked in that same environment and to some extent were "infected" with the local flavor.
  7. don't know yet. The after the patch AAA and SAM levels are very much lower. In order to come even close you have to have ground objects - unlimited and air defense - heavy set. Its still not high enough. But I've found that if you go back to hit secondary targets of opportunity around the primary target location, you will likely get your tail shot up pretty often!!
  8. I must have been thinking of the ZSU-57-2 during the Vietnam War. I know we were training against the ZSU-23-4 in the early '70's. have to delete that one out of my WoV load......
  9. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=74
  10. really? I thought they did.
  11. File Name: WOV_Update_Oct2008b File Submitter: Typhoid File Submitted: 30 Oct 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Patches WOV_Update_Oct2008b Click here to download this file
  12. File Name: WOI_Update_Oct2008b File Submitter: Typhoid File Submitted: 30 Oct 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Patches WOI_Update_Oct2008b Click here to download this file
  13. SFG_Update_Oct2008b



  14. File Name: FE_Update_Oct2008b File Submitter: Typhoid File Submitted: 30 Oct 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Patches FE_Update_Oct2008b Click here to download this file
  15. Version


  16. I didn't get to it late last night, but looking forward to this one!!
  17. You are most welcome! Done! All six uploaded and awaiting your approval. I may have been uploading a few at the same time Gocad was so you may have some duplicates. Now that I have in my last-century thinking; downloaded 483 megabytes uploaded the same 483 megabytes to CA for a total bandwidth of just short of a gig it now occurs to me that maybe in the future you guys at CA in order to save bandwidth ($$$) might want to just post the link back to Thirdwire? just a thought in this new 21st Century net-centric world........
  18. I don't see it there yet. I didn't realize you were uploading it, I've got a duplicate coming. Sorry about that. watching these upload is sort of like watching a lady give birth to a bowling ball...........
  19. upload which remaining to which spot? "Yeah I noticed that too, he fixes some stuff people complained about, added a couple features and people STILL bitch. Well be rest assured the whining will be kept to a minimum this time. " some people will complain about the quality of the rope what hung 'em!! (apologies to whomever that quote is taken from) Holy Cr@p those are big files!!! uploading in progress.................. stand by.............. stand by............... stand by some more................
  20. SAM sites in Google Earth

    pretty impressive! Of course, now Google Earth has just put themselves on the priority hacking list of any country about to go to war!!
  21. I hate to admit it...

    Professor Google is the saving grace of research these days. Of course, one does still have to be careful of which source you use and reference.
  22. Thirdwire service pack 6!

    got you all............. http://www.skychallenge.com/ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/...81017103640.htm the next generation of flight simming!!
  23. I agree. I found it much simpler to just wait a bit for the WWII stuff. Pre-patch WWII works fine. I tried making a prop period install out of FE, but that didnt' work very well at all and the weapons were totally hosed. so I'll wait for TK to make a prop version. Of course, the third party models will still probably all need to be updated at that time.
  24. I've left my WWII installs without the Sep patch for now. Works great........... "all your base are belong to us Sorry couldn't resist. " oh you didn't say that....... (now I have to clean all that coffee off of my monitor......)

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