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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Tank round question

    an old friend of mine who I flew with on the NEACP was an Army Mech Infantry guy in Vietnam. He talked one time about his unit being surrounded and under siege one night by a much larger force. As they ran out of ammo and VC started swarming over the wire they broke out those last rounds for their 105's at point blank range. There were no VC survivors. My friend is here today because of those rounds.
  2. actually it happens with a lot of planes. long, slow editing......
  3. I dont' believe that is any issue. The patches and mods all have to all be the same with all of the same "stuff". But we have different video cards, monitors and other such hardware and our settings were different.
  4. pretty similar to my system specs before I bought and installed some hardware upgrades. the short answer is yes. But he will be running on all low graphics options which might not meet his expectations. I have to arm wrestly my 15 and 16 year old to be able to get onto MY computer. I'm guessing that your's will end up heavily used by your son. I set my son's computer up to fly co-op missions but the same issue came up. His was set on low for everything and had a tough time keeping up. One reminder and suggestion. the Co-op games on each computer have to be exactly the same. My recommendation is that you make a tailored co-op install for both that has only what you want and then you have to carefully keep them in synch.
  5. Worst Modeling Experience

    coffee tables make good firewood.........
  6. Vista Saga.... or "Where do I get my refund?"

    along those lines do NOT get System Mechanic to help out with computer maintenance!!!!! That piece of junk trashed two computers and in the process took down all the data files on one of them. Their non-existent help desk's only response to my query for some assistance or recommendations on how to proceed with a completely locked up computer was to ask me two weeks later "how are you doing with that problem you reported?"
  7. Worst Modeling Experience

    not modelling but I did have something similar. having been present in EUCOM (6th Fleet) when The Wall came down, I got a piece of it. I was going to encase it in some plastic like stuff and make a small souvenir of the Cold War. my wife was cleaning my desk and threw some "dirty old rock" out...................
  8. Tequila Class submarine sighting

    Go Navy - Beat Air Force!! Real Pilots use Tailhooks!
  9. Tequila Class submarine sighting

    wow. So they have a lot in common with the USAF and USN.................
  10. The end of an era http://www.asd-network.com/press_detail_B....&NID=188725
  11. Tequila Class submarine sighting

    I rather doubt those particular airframes are 50 years old.
  12. Navy Air Force Maneuvers Attached, "highly classified photo" shows the latest new joint tactics development maneuvers being conducted by the Air Force and undisclosed units of the Pacific Fleet. The Air Force aircrew members are below decks cleaning out their pants. The ship's Master at Arms has security looking for the booze and women they know the Air Force guys have hidden on the aircraft.
  13. Tequila Class submarine sighting

    you're not kidding! a see-saw of a game and a cliff-hanger all the way! Good game! AF made a game of it for sure. I've been enjoying a few brews...... -------- had an airshow here both on Sat and Sun. I went to that and got some nice photos. The Snowbirds didn't make it in because of the weather though.
  14. RAF pilots

    current or past? the answer is, yes. But the numbers will vary if you are asking about current pilots (lots from a lot of services) or include past (lots more)
  15. I've had differing results with different computers at that level. The only thing I can think of at the moment is that something co-incident with that, probably computer maker specific, is interfering with the program. Interesting that Javis is now working. A definite data point for further investigation. wish I knew what I was looking for........................
  16. Tequila Class submarine sighting

    we'll have a lot of airshows here this weekend. Besides the Navy blowout of Air Force, which always has a lot of flyovers and flight demo's; we also have a two day air show here in Colorado Springs. While driving up to the mountain this afternoon, I had the pleasure of watching a CF-18 practice his routine. We'll also have the Canadian flight demonstration team here as well. The airspace could get a bit crowded!
  17. TK's comment on that is DO NOT put anything into the windows system formula! my post and link above.
  18. so it isn't just me............. There is something in one of the new Windows patches that crashes the editor. I've also had this problem and it has been very detrimental to modding. I haven't figured this one out yet. I have had this occur on two computers with XP and Service Pack 3. But another computer with service pack 3 works ok and others with service pack 3 report no problems. So something else that Microsoft pushed out in one of the updates has crashed those editors. A couple of work arounds that seem to work; from an earlier conversation with TK on this http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...d=a&start=8 "Are you on XP or Vista? If you're on XP, go Start menu->Run... and type in "cmd", that should bring up command prompt. Change directory to where your editors are (usually type "cd c:\where your\editors are\" etc, if its on different drive, you might have to type "d:" first). Then try typing in "WeaponEditor" or "GunEditor" (and hit enter) and see what happens. hmmm, btw, I just noticed that I don't have anything set for compatibility, so you might try that with the compatibility box unchecked and see if that makes any differnces too.... " this works. Be sure to check the compatibility mode. Having just said that - this no longer works for me for reasons not yet understood. Now I put the editor and the key files, both the ini and dat files along with what is being edited, onto a flash drive and plug into one of the two computers I have available that this still works on. I can either edit while on the flash drive or put the files into them and work on them there. Then paste them back into the appropriate folders on your computer. This still works for me but is beyond cumbersome! let me know how this works - I'm very interested in trying to figure this one out. The good news is the Mirage Factor weapons packs do the complete install for you.
  19. ditto. I have an excellent and a terrible SAR record. If anyone got in trouble when I was airborne and within my radio/radar coverage - they ALWAYS made it back. Not always in the same vehicle they started out in, but they always made it back in one piece. But the reverse was also true. Every time I launched on a SAR to find someone - no matter how hard we tried we never did. Sadly the numbers on that side of the ledger were more than 30 times the success. There is an awful lot of territory/ocean out there and a plane or downed flier is an awfully small piece of stuff to find. Some of those tinfoil hat theories were pretty bizarre and even disgusting. I include the Governor of Nevada in that crowd.
  20. Fox now has a link with some photos the wreckage http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,431605,00.html doesn't look like he could have survived that.
  21. really? I think every "plane on a stick" I've seen is with the gear retracted. Certainly around here that's the case.
  22. this will be interesting. I wonder if the Governor of Nevada will now drop his lawsuit against his widow trying to collect for the costs of the seach......
  23. Tequila Class submarine sighting

    I suspect the intent comes through......

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