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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. I haven't gone to carriers in WOI just yet so don't know.
  2. More.....

    "880 km / h in 1.0 car" he went that fast in a car!!!!!?
  3. I think that was about the "fleet average' for awhile.
  4. Mission Change

    good luck!
  5. Got a new job today...

    outstanding!! Congratulations and the best of luck!
  6. but is it addressed correctly in the aircraft ini file?
  7. ah. Then I had better download and install that one too......!!
  8. and you'all talk about us Navy guys..............
  9. very dumb question perhaps, but why 46 if he was shot down in 163? --------------------------------------------------- "I'd fly an Obama mission, but I don't do dope."
  10. n00b threat posture

  11. POW LCDR John Sidney McCain 26. Oct. 1967 A-4E 149959 (VA-163) struck by AAA from; http://www.skyhawk.org/2d/skyhawk-casualty.htm#POW
  12. that would be awesome. Pity some of those don't have flyable ones left anymore. a close attempt at a heritage flight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJpX0tX-XFI the Phantom Blues; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJpX0tX-XFI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFxrSYqQFGs&NR=1 along with those other planes including the recent crash and tributes, and oh yea, that other team.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB1EHeEAl9A...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mdEv8yCOxY...feature=related
  13. Who Did It?

    seems so obvious Yea, get to work!!
  14. Trains collide

    OMG!! our prayers for the victims.
  15. Who Did It?

    this may be a really dumb question, but what is a mobo? (obviously it wasn't me!)
  16. Ok The Real Reason CA Needs the Money

    I heard he got his boat keys mixed up with the wrong toy when he went sailing.....
  17. CA Subscriptions

    good point........

    very strange that the power pack would short out like that. Surprised it didn't detonate.
  19. the fleets were bought with different purposes in mind. The ORIGINAL KC-135 fleet purchase was to support the SIOP. Period. The KC-10 was bought to support mobility deployments of fighter squadrons. The current use of the tanker fleet is obviously much wider than the original intent but to answer your question - that's why. That fleet of tankers is one of those key enablers that gives not just the USAF, but the real warriors in Naval Aviation our global reach and mobility. To replace that fleet will actually take three increments. Since much of the KC135 fleet were newer aircraft and upgraded to the R configuration, that part can wait. The initial increment was to replace about (I think) 2/3 of the fleet of older 135's with follow on competitions for the KC-10 and then the KC-135R replacements. As an aquisition decision - this is utter folly. I understand the reluctance of this administration to bequeth a done deal on the next administration, regardless of which one it is. Of note, McCain has been very interested and involved in the tanker problems and was instrumental is forcing the open competition rather than the kick-back lease deal. So sticking either him or The Audacious One with a monstrous hot potato(e) would be politically sensitive to say the least. However, after a horrendously costly competition and incredible level of effort by the DoD, AF and the competing teams - its all back to square one and kick the can down the road. sad...... As a defense contractor - I know the costs of competing, and having supported on the defense side some source selection processes, that is an incredible amount of work. It would not surprise me to see various members of these teams, or even an entire team, bail out rather than go through that hell yet again. This does not say much for our aquisition competence. And why, before someone raises the obvious question, is it this hard to go through the aquisition process? Because that is how Congress set it up when they wrote the laws that we must follow.

    I'm guessing your ground wire in the receptacle is off or the ground in your laptop is broken. See electrician!
  21. CA Subscriptions

    Dave, putting my (ancient) business administration major hat on; your key expense, if I understand it at all (doubtful...) is for bandwidth and site maintenance. That fluctuates with your traffic (correct? or not?). so my initial thought is right along with your initial subscription plan where you have access levels depending on subscription level. Can you put a limit on number and size of downloads (I know you have but bear with me for a minute)? have to be a paid member to upload a file? number of postings limited by level? that way you could leave the casual user at the free but limited level, as you already have, but perhaps at a much tighter level. Then for the rest of us who paid in we get a varying level of the above priviliges up to the unlimited for the top level payers. Set the free download limit at a level that will block the higher downloads such as the comprehensive packages (OTC, NATO Fighters, Falklands, DS and maybe even the larger aircraft models and high definition skins) In other words, for the basic and free registration, you get a very basic level of access. Just enough to whet their appetites for more. (kind of like crack dealing.......) Implement without warning! --------- Now all should consider this. For the basic sims you have to shell $$$ out to get those sims, whichever ones they are. For the expansion packs through the developer, you also have to shell $$$ out to get them. What you get here for peanuts, or for nothing, are entire games and expansion packs of astonishing fidelity. The time and effort of hobbyists are producing for all some incredibly detailed stuff including terrains, missions, campaigns, object models, etc. Of particular note, the full packages such as NATO Fighters, OTC, Falklands, and the upcoming Desert Storm packages are essentially entire new games with new interfaces which are of a similar value as the original games. And right now these are free. I do not begrudge those at all who cannot due to temporary circumstances. Such things happen and I have faced that myself at one time as will at some time almost everyone. When and if conditions change, then so should your contribution here when and if able, if you take advantage of the products offered here. Those of us who have actually studied real economics (not the various Karl Marx deviations thereof) all understand one very key and basic law that is absolutely true and irefutable. There is no Free Lunch!! Not ever.
  22. tracks real nice on radar too.....
  23. Sept 11th 2001

    . I work every 9/11 - so that it doesn't happen again.

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