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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. very interesting flight characteristics! cool, nice job.
  2. first time I tried out the Mig-25 pack for a spin over Alaska, my wingman got shot down by an F-4. Wildcat.........
  3. Red Eagles

    "apparently" ? that was a cool program.
  4. F!*&!# Amazing

    "Ah....those were the days when the sound of freedom was loud and clear. " Right On!!!!
  5. When did you start modding...

    I'm late to that game, just started with the F-14 mod about the end of Dec 06.
  6. F!*&!# Amazing

    the Hornets are pretty close in the thundering beast department - and way more manueverable. So all in all a better show now using the Hornets and Lawn Darts on the AF side (excuse me - Falcons......) but there was nothing that beat the Phantom for that feeling of raw, thundering power. its nice when they come out here for the AFA graduation every year and the Navy - AF game. The Thunderbirds and Blues stage out of Peterson here so we get to see all the practice runs and the show if want to. And some of their turn points are right over my house. Way cool.
  7. F!*&!# Amazing

    it was one very, very impressive show. They had that thundering roar that you just never got from the Skyhawks. The Hornets come close but there is just nothing that compares to that feeling of power when those legendary beasts put on a show.
  8. "Dear Leader" is dead?

    I'm reminded of the Great Leader's nose.................
  9. Not funny but funny

    I never did understand what the NATO intel guys were thinking of when they dreamed that one up........
  10. "Dear Leader" is dead?

    now that does sound plausible. But still more speculation than fact. Might turn out to be true. Saddam also used doubles which made it a little hard for us to target him. One report came out that after one of our strikes on one of his command bunkers they called all the doubles together to give them the good news and the bad news. "First the good news - The Great and Glorious Leader Saddam survived the strike on the command bunker" cheers and excitement through the room and among the doubles who all are still on the payroll. "The bad news is that he lost an arm........"
  11. And here we go...

    right up there with the man-made global warming scam, even while the temperatures plumet........
  12. "Dear Leader" is dead?

    someone has been dipping deeply into the sauce lately....... although, strictly as a "keeping an open mind" sort of speculation - it would tend to explain some of the disconnected ravings that come out of that regime. If there was actually a triumverate pulling the strings behind a front-man puppet that changes month to month depending on which hard-core strong-man was pulling the strings at the moment. so........ maybe - probably not. In the final analysis it doesnt' matter. We are dealing with a suicidal regime ruling a country in economic meltdown that produces and sells MRBM's, IRBM's and SRBM's; and is working very hard (at the expense of the population starving to death) to develop an ICBM and a nuclear warhead to put on it. to put it another way, they are working very hard to be "next" on our list.......
  13. media responsibility, media ethics, media competence. aren't those all oxymorons. (emphasis on the morons.....)
  14. these are outstanding! Love it! I've got one stand alone install just for India and Pakistan.
  15. there is a lot of data being crunched. I've had the same issue. I upgraded my memory, video card and processor to get it to work through all of that. Set your graphics options to the low end and the horizon distance to near. Turn off the shadows, lens flares, etc. that you can get by without. that might help.
  16. Westover Airforce Base Airshow 6,7SEP08

    looks cool. Too bad you all have to settle for the second string..........
  17. I can't resist posting this

  18. there are two signs of getting old; 1. loss of memory and I forget the other one.........
  19. mine's a 17" (sorta) wide which looks great using the 16:10
  20. I think it's about time....

    I thought you filed the NOTAM!! No, I thought You filed the NOTAM!!
  21. I think it's about time....

    not exactly oops, but "Where did I leave that pepper spray?"
  22. Musharraf Resigns...

    hmmm without going too much into detail; I made a call one morning about a flight of two on an intercept vector against a couple of our fighters - intel said they had no data to support that and would not make that assessment. I, being an air intercept controller, took one look at the chart, overroad that assessment and made the calls. And the rest, as the saying goes, is history. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5797 I also accurately predicted both invasions by Iraq (Iran and Kuwait) days ahead of time when neither CIA or DIA did. (my Masters thesis was on the Iran-Iraq war). Another evening in Cheyenne Mountain - a hurricane in the gulf, predicted drug runner flight, NORAD AWACS positioned for flight monitoring and tracking of drug flights. The actual intelligence assessment provided to my general and me (his First Prime if you will) "the drug runner will fly either before or after the hurricane crosses the Yucatan". no kidding....... (and the taxpayers actually paid that guy to come up with garbage like that!) the later was not exactly an example of overriding an intel assessment - but led to a "counseling discussion using choice terminology" by me on how to present an assessment that was of any operational utility. It was after that incident that I first used the phrase "a (not so) good intel officer/analyst can provide an assessment that no matter what happens, he was correct" much to the hilarity of some of my good friends who are intel officers. there were a couple of other times when we (sometimes I on the watch/position/flight) badly needed some info and got ......................... one time in the Mountain that I cannot go into any detail on was one of the only few times that really had the $h!t scared out of me and I badly needed some info - NOW - as to just what the heck were we seeing? intel had nada. They were even more scared - which scared the cr@p even more out of us. I lost a few years that night. so I've always taken intel with a hefty dose of skeptism. I also, as a direct result, never ascribe to conspiracy what can be explained by incompetence.
  23. Happy Birthday Fubar512

    Happy Birthday Fubar

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