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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Musharraf Resigns...

    ??? about TWA 800?
  2. "EDIT: if you want to bring a little humor into an otherwise humorless situation, I could whip out a 'rest area' sign, like you see on the highways, with the 'gas, food, lodging, bomb shelter' symbols on it. Be a nice Easter Egg!! Wrench kevin stein "
  3. interesting idea. Might not be possible to be completely accurate but should be possible to put some truck routes and fly armed recon (air interdiction) against them.
  4. Musharraf Resigns...

    I agree with one caveat. Group think and institutional biases play into the perceptions of the analysts and color their reports. The CIA is certainly not unique in that regard, but certainly not immune to it either. I agree, the vast majority of people in every line of work are dedicated and honest. But can be misled by their own perceptions as well. Multiple studies of intelligence fiascos in several countries have made the case that there was no intentional spining, skewing, or misleading analysis. But many cases of "group think" couple with institutional biases. When working in the rather esoteric field of intelligence, caution on the results is always called for. I have made the case with my intel friends that a "good" intell officer/analyst can put enough qualifiers into any report that no matter what happens, he'll have been correct....... I have also overridden intel reports on several occasions and been right everytime.
  5. Musharraf Resigns...

    the CIA and ISI were certainly working together during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. I rather doubt they are now. the problem with moles is that when you have several with contradictatory stories, which ones do you believe? We've had several who stated the opposite and still have lots who have documented their participation in moving stuff into Syria. Not to mention (again) the hundreds of loaded chemical warheads that we did find and the thousands of unloaded chemical warheads that we also found. The bottom line is that even today, we do not have concrete information one way or another on what Iraq did or did not have - although the weight of evidence at this point does seem to tilt rather strongly that Saddam was engaged in an intentional disinformation campaign that worked too well in convincing everyone that he did actually have the stuff. Not that I care to go down this rathole, yet again. Merely pointing out that intel is always unreliable and has to be taken carefully with far more than a few grains of salt. You can read whatever you want out of your sources and after the fact someone can always find a trail that we "should have known about" but didn't give enough credence to at the time. That is the essense of executive decision making whether one is in the military, government or business; making decisions on incomplete and contradictatory information. out
  6. good summary. I practiced all of those pieces in various exercises.
  7. Musharraf Resigns...

    as is the reverse now where any info that they might have actually had, such as the hundreds of loaded and the thousands of empty warheads that we did find as well as the movement of material into Syria, is also ignored. No question that a lot went wrong. I hope that you are correct and we simply misread Saddam (as he intended) rather than find out the opposite. Now, having read CIA and DIA reports for many years, I have never had a comfortable feeling about the CIA. They have always been politically oriented and prone to provide the spin they thought was wanted. (note that I am arguing your point here) I have no confidence that the CIA has ever had the capability to pull off any of the stunts they are widely credited with and I really don't think they have that ability now. I rather doubt they are in Pakistan in that capacity with any control or influence over that nuclear stockpile. sleep well.................
  8. Su-34 First REAL COMBAT

    While it was somewhat one-sided, the losses of Soviet (excuse me - Russian Empire) aircraft would indicate that the Georgians were not exactly defenseless. To put it another way, the Soviet (excuse me - Russian Empire) losses were three times our losses over Serbia. I have not seen anything that indicates the Su-34 was used, some Su-24's, Su-25's, Su-27's and Tu-22M's were. It will be interesting to see that info.
  9. I am somewhat "constrained" on responding..... The various ECM techniques of the jammers are very complex. For the sim, some level of deception jammer strength combined with noise jammers is probably a good roll-up. There is another part of the equation - The ECCM capabilities of the shooting systems to be able to look through and defeat the ECM deception and noise jammers is also key. (the unrealistic AMRAAM and AA-10 performances being examples of perhaps being not up to par with fielded systems) not to mention the ability of air to ground, such as cruise missiles, in the same electronic environment. I think the table is good.
  10. I flew in a NATO exercise (way back when) while on the Indy in almost exactly that location doing exactly that kind of scenario. So yes. I've modded my campaigns in that manner and flown a few as well as some Baltic ops. Fastcargo also posted some time back a modded campaign that did the same thing.
  11. Stargate: Atlantis Cancelled?

    I've liked them all. Each had its own emphasis and story line and each has had its weaknesses as well. But all great in their own way. I'd like to see a movie that incorporated a little bit from each......
  12. absolutely the achilles heel of these kinds of systems. Whether hardware or software driven, they can only be programmed with the latest intel on what the opponent of the day has and how his systems work. Miss that intel, and the other guy doesn't miss! I could tell of a couple of incidents along those lines. But actually, I can't.................
  13. A really bad week...

    my prayers are with you. Had something similar happen. On the 4th of July the "bombs bursting in mid-air" was my wife's appendix. But she didn't recognize it as such and therefore, no one else did either. At one point she walked upstairs (actually a couple days before the 4th), sat down, and said that she had 'some pain' in her side. So we watched it for a few days.... We had a camping trip planned for the fourth and the morning that I left with all of the rest of the family she stayed behind because she "wasn't feeling well". My daughters went home on the 5th to check on her and found her in very bad condition. They took her to the emergency room and called me back down from the state park. It was still several hours in the ER before they figured it out and took her into surgery. The doctor later told me that she had probably burst the appendix about 48 hours earlier and she now had massive infection taking her down. Had my daughters not taken her in when they did, she probably would not have lived through the next night. Point being - don't beat yourself up about having not taken her in earlier. Neither you nor her knew what the problem was and generally speaking not feeling well or having some pain is not a major issue. We did not know either. My wife had a phone next to her and we had cell coverage where we were. No calls and no concerns. She thought she had a cold. July was a bad month for me and I didn't do much else for a couple of weeks other than sit with her in the hospital and then at home. Now is a hard time for you and I know all to well what you are probably going through. Don't beat yourself up about not having gotten her in for the simple reason, again, that you did not know and you acted on the best info that you had at the time. Just hang in there and keep going. She needs your support, and you certainly have all of ours.
  14. Musharraf Resigns...

    sends shivers up anyone's spine. In Pakistan, however, none of the major parties would fit into the category of a radical Islamic regime, yet. But something I am sure that is keeping the long range planners up at night in a cold sweat. Pretty much the situation that we currently have with Iran.
  15. I don't know the details of the ALQ-126. I do know however about several other systems and I am going to assume that a similar capability exists. Without going into too much detail most of the systems are updated via a software load. Which can happen "very quickly" in response to new info. So the hardware in most cases has pretty broad capabilities but the specific waveforms and techniques will be extraordinarily responsive to rapidly changing conditions based on software updates. that includes the systems on the E-2C and shipboard systems so I presume that it is similar to the fighter systems of the ALQ-126 and 100.
  16. Stargate: Atlantis Cancelled?

    to where no one has gone before!!! sorry.......................
  17. US SOF Rescue of FARQ Hostages

    really? I don't know one way the other, but I haven't seen a thing on this. An outstanding op no matter who did it with whomever's support.
  18. "Hmm I was wondering why the Russians wouldnt think to destroy the Polish missile bases first - then launch their ICBMs if they had to go that way " because unless they were shooting at western Europe, the Russian missiles would go nowhere near Poland.
  19. Stargate: Atlantis Cancelled?

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! ah well. It has been entertaining.
  20. Russia and Syria get cozy

    what a surprise..........!
  21. damn, that's big!!! (she said breathlessly.....) pretty nice set of models. I'll try the betas' out over the weekend. Nice work!
  22. rather beastly....... How about a Backfire?!!! is there any table that equates the Russian designations with the NATO ones? I think that is what we call an AS-6 up there but not sure. Might be an AS-4. if so, I don't think the Bear carried either one. But maybe a grunch or AS-15's!!! (good for current Bering Straight action!) ---------- edit - ah an AS-3! http://personal.inet.fi/cool/foxfour/sovmis/sovmis-as.html nice table with cross references. Very helpful. YES, we need the Beastly Bear for the Kangaroo!!

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