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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Here we go again...

    its the training base with the 325th as the "schoolhouse". http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/sys...f-22-deploy.htm crews and planes from there and Langley deployed to Elmendorf when the F-15's were grounded and flew NORAD missions. So the Tyndall squadron could, if needed, fly air defense missions again. Generally its F-15's from Tyndall that fly NORAD missions.
  2. Now thats a torpedo!

    yup. MK-48 with a 650lb torpex warhead, detonated beneath the keel of the unarmored Spruance to create a bubble which breaks the back of the ship. The video skipped so it looks like the ship went down much faster than it probably did. I did hear that it was the old David Ray, don't know for sure. they did the same thing to one of my old ships too.....
  3. media unbiased?

    yes. Some of us see the world as it is. Some imagine what is not.
  4. Here we go again...

    permanently assigned at Tyndall and flying NORAD missions.
  5. media unbiased?

    here is a description of how Obama "interacts with the troops". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, As you know I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to 'The War Zone'. I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram. As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service. So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you. I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheer leaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States. I just don't understand how anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country. If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake. In service, CPT Jeffrey S. Porter Battle Captain TF Wasatch American Soldier
  6. Here we go again...

    wow. a warmonger!! a cause for war? Bears used to fly to Cuba routinely, but they weren't strike Bears. So far as I am aware, the current flap was caused by a statement by a Russian that they might resume those flights to Cuba, not base a strike regiment with nukes in Cuba. (I might be wrong on that point but I have not seen any article that claimed that) interesting that the lefty is advocating pre-emptive war while the professional air defense guy is saying "so what?"
  7. USS Cabot question

    I'm not! I'm all for it! That's what great about this sim and this crowd! he did ask what the feasibility would have been.
  8. Hmmmm, knife control now?

    "Fire departments? are you totally nuts? " actually there are quite a few contracted out, and ambulance services, power companies, water utilities, prisons, etc. Most of the air tankers for forestfire fighting is contracted out. I would say your response illustrates precisely that difference between collectivist/liberals and free-market/conservatives. We think, you feel and respond with a predictable emotional response that ignores realities. "What the hell would happen there? " the fires get put out. "fire companies not responding to calls because there's no obligation to " obligation is there. The billing to the municple, county or state agency gets resolved later. So far as not responding, that actually happens sometimes with City fire depts not responding to fires outside of city limits, as in "no obligation to" and not covered by county taxes...... "Would they hand a bill to someone whose house just burned down?" typical emotional response. Obviously not if they didn't put the fire out! "No, not everything. Thats a blatant distortion." well then it is up to you to define the limits, isn't it? As I said earlier, that is what defines the difference between us. "Public sector puts people first That heading sums it all up, and circles back to what I said earlier. The problem is money has become more important than people." the problem with that is; it is the public sector that all to often does not put "the people first" because its all about their budgets and growing departments. People come last. Just go to any DMV..... In private enterprise people do come first - as in the customer. No satisfied customer, no money. No money, no profit for the stockholders. by the way, in your semi-hysterical anti-capitalist rhetoric - what investment portfolio do you have? Where do you think those mutual funds, stock investments, banks for savings deposits, etc.; comes from? markets work fine when the anti-capitalist collectivists in the various governments let them and do not interfere with them for their own political exploitation. The power grid problems in California and our current high energy costs are outstanding examples of the results of such interference by economically illiterate anti-capitalist politicians (who are predominantly, although sadly not exclusively, in one particular party) "quoting eraser----> "And of all things, I'm going into law" cool. I will respect your viewpoint far more if you take a pledge, and actually follow through, with staying in the Public Defenders Office or DA. No private practice there. If you are going to be consistent then you have to advocate for full public funding and pay scales for ALL lawyers since we obviously cannot trust private practice lawyers with having any concern for their clients, its all just about money after all, and everyone has the RIGHT to legal representation..... "the problem lies with the practices of HMOs preventing people from getting care and coverage for their benefit. Anyone would be on that side after having been through their ****" two members of my immediate family have been taken care of, and their lives saved (one just two weeks ago), by private ambulances contracted to the county, by private hospitals, by free-market HMOs, and individual doctors working within their private health network and hospitals. So don't try shoveling that garbage in my direction. Out.
  9. didn't mean to imply that I actually know the details, or am on that team. Just my impression.
  10. I am ALWAYS an advocate of competition!
  11. Hmmmm, knife control now?

    "The government running certain industries isn't totally absurd, and not in a communism seizure type way like that is. Essential services need to have the government doing it to ensure access and availability. Can you imagine the fire department or police being privately owned and operated on the basis of profit? We've had the healthcare discussion already." that underscores the essential difference between the left and the right, where the left thinks everything should be taken over incrementally by the government, with themselves of course in charge, and the right believing fundamentally in free market private enterprise. (Notice that I did NOT say Democrat and Republican) And yes, many essential services can and are contracted out to private enterprise in competitive bids. That results in two key things happening where that occurs; 1. The services are provided at the lowest cost per stated performance standard. 2. the winner pays taxes INTO the treasury rather than a government branch taking funds OUT OF the treasury. wherever that can be accomplished, the community is better off. and Healthcare absolutely is and should remain a private enterprise area where doctors in private practice are able to provide the best services in a competitive environment. (I will believe otherwise when all Lawyers are federalized and put on a set, government salary...........) I absolutely can believe in fire departments being bid out, ambulance services, etc. Police - no. that is and should absolutely remain a governmental responsibility to provide sworn officers. but beyond that, private security firms pick up a lot of those services. we will remain on opposite sides of that argument. nuff said. closed.
  12. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    I know there is in the A-6, not sure if there is one in the F-14.
  13. need a little more data. Can you post your campaign ini, campaign data and which terrain you are using? crash bringing up a campaign or single mission? menu? etc., etc., etc.
  14. it might be nice to have a spreadsheet that people can list what their projects are just to avoid duplication. But at the team level many of the modders already belong to multiple teams. So most of those teams kinda already know what is being worked on by everyone. That is why, for example, you don't see me posting any Hornet mods or new updates to the Tomcat........
  15. my understanding is that the DS mod is being built for WOE/V/SF (not WOI) and waiting to integrate the latest patch to those before being released.
  16. USS Cabot question

    select "unlimited" on the supply!!
  17. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    uh, yes it is possible. update: I see cesar has already filled in those details. concur, sadly......
  18. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    what - you want accuracy? or great box office? have to make up your mind.... its like "cheaper, better, faster - pick any two"
  19. USS Cabot question

    as a "what if", sure. I'm just saying that realistically it was about half as big as the smallest carrier that ever attempted to operate jet aircraft using catapult and arresting gear. So for the smallest, slowest attack jet that you can find - like the A-4 but not limited to that, use whatever, pardon the expresssion, floats your boat. more realistically, use a Harrier, Forger, prop planes and helos.
  20. USS Cabot question

    I think the key point is that she carried VTOL aircraft, whether Harrier or Helo's. It would be real, real tough to make it CTOL jet capable. As a frame of reference, the Argentine carrier in the Falklands and that class of ships all (barely) operated A-4's and were not quite twice as large. A pretty signficant difference. Our own Essex class ship at roughly 3 times as large could operate A-4's, A-3's and F-8's (and the earlier jets). We (USN) never operated jets on anything smaller. It might be theoretically possible to operate an A-4 class of jet on such a small ship, but you might have a tough time finding aircrew both technically savy enough to fly the planes and at the same time dumb enough to try to launch/recover on such a small ship.
  21. i've done it by doing what I stated above. You can add all kinds of stuff onto a single aircraft from all sides of the spectrum. works just fine.
  22. if the aircraft weapons stations have that included as allowable weapons, yes. If you are modding an aircraft, say an Iranian fighter to take both western weapons left over from the Shah and current Russian weapons, just add USAF, USN, and WP as allowable weapons and you can mix and match all kinds of stuff.
  23. I'm not an admin, but it looks like its gone.....
  24. don't know how I missed that the first time, but by all means count me in. All I do is pretty basic ini modding and packaging/repackaging but happy to be part of the bigger group.

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