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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Ubisoft Caught Red Handed

    you can if you claim its yours. Particularly if you turn around and sell it.
  2. Fighting the terrorism...

    actually, I agree with you up to a point. My earlier comment was based on what we had in the NEACP for our high level group. There is none higher than who were, and sometimes did, pick up. We had very nice accomodations on the aircraft for them, and for us for those very, very long missions. I know of what you speak and agree with you. Where I break is just how nice they have to be and at what cost. They should be comfortable after several days of flight ops. But more importantly, how much is to be contracted for. The suite cited above seems a bit further than needed. The accomodations on the NEACP/NAOC for the President are not as good as what is being laid out above and the cost seems out of line. My earlier comment that we should be able to get off the shelf stuff is that should be the benchmark for cost. The bit about changing the color for 80k is not reasonable in my view even through our broken aquisition system. That really is what is behind my earlier comment. --------- On the parachute question. That is a Red Herring and really not a valid comparison. The survivability of bailing out of a 135/707 airframe has long been questioned and the AWACS, just one example, removed the parachutes for that reason long ago. I am quite positive that no one is taking the cost of the executive suite out of the survivability equipment for other aircrews nor out of the hide of enlisted support accounts. That really is not a reasonable conclusion or valid comparison.
  3. You All See This From Over the Weekend?

    very interesting, thanks. an early report that I saw reported Marines there, this rather clearly identifies them as Army paratroopers. Not really a significant issue, but interesting.
  4. Fighting the terrorism...

    HA! After the meltdown of nuclear surety standards the rate of rotation should be enough to power the nation's electrical needs if we could him up to a generator!
  5. Fighting the terrorism...

    the evils of military procurement run amok. I'd like to see the JCIDS documentation for that junk! If we could only just go out and buy commercial off-the-shelf executive transport aircraft...... waaaaaaay back when on the old NEACP (still hanging in there) we had the executive "Gold Room" on the aircraft which we all thought was nice, comfortable stuff. If that was good enough for Regean - why wouldn't it be good enough for the top brass now?
  6. USS Cabot question

    with wooden decks? "the smoking lamp is now - uh - burnt to a crisp!"
  7. "of course, we all just just s**t-can the package...and give up ' NO!! we'll all figure it out.... after all, the best of the best modders are on the job! I actually have no problems at all with the original file. Its all the fixes......
  8. 2 years to the War!

    "Hopefully one day every last one of these terrorist scum will either be dead or in a prison camp." don't put them in a prison camp, you can see what our courts are doing about that............
  9. Hey Sparky.....

  10. the first version worked great. the first update broke the gun but my radar still works I haven't loaded the latest yet. Interesting progression....
  11. USS Cabot question

    what about Spain trying to reclaim her former colonies while the US is otherwise engaged.........
  12. Here´s a lovely story!

    that is very, very true!! in EUCOM back then, we faced roughly a thousand Floggers. But we understood that number meant that a couple hundred might actually get into the air. In that respect I would have to change my earlier comment and agree that in large measure the Flogger was an operational failure.
  13. You All See This From Over the Weekend?

    about 45. Roughly half US Marines and half Afghan Army. and of course our aviation.
  14. USS Cabot question

    maybe an A-4, but that's a stretch. prop job In Spanish service what did it operate? wasn't it mostly just S-2's and helos?
  15. works just fine in both WOE and WOI for me with an nVidia card. you have to be careful, as noted above, that you use a terrain that has a large base for that side. Otherwise it will CTD. The fix is also noted above.
  16. Here´s a lovely story!

    yup. I wouldn't call it a failure. It was roughly comparable to the Phantom although with some significant limitations uncovered by the Constant Peg effort. (When I sat in the cockpit it was my impression that the last plane I would want to fly into combat would be the Mig-23) combat performance tended to validate that, but remember that unlike most of the other Migs that came out, the Flogger was introduced after the Phantom and faced for the most part the next generation of fighters and was therefore signficantly outclassed.
  17. Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

    here is the key phrase; "So went the Challenger launch disaster that Lockheed and NASA officials negligently and intentionally executed on the morning of January 28, 1986." the contention that anyone intentionally launched to an intended disaster, and then covered up anything is an abhorent, disgusting and utterly deranged and delusional viewpoint. The facts were covered in exhausting detail in the commission report on the disaster. The contention on that deranged site that anyone tried to cover up anything, but in particular the fact that the boosters happened to cross paths as the vehicle broke up is utterly ridiculous since that was quite clearly noted in the video on the day of the disaster. Those nutty fruitcakes had to intentionally ignore the data available and then fabricate a conspiracy. anyone involved with that conspiracy site is in desperate need of psychiatric treatment and continuing medication. In my own view, having been accused before of other conspiracy involvment, is that those deranged and delusional idiots should be prosecuted for slander and libel by all of the dedicated NASA and contractor personnel. I have, as noted previously, a very low tolerance threshold for such back-stabbing traitors. I remember that day very clearly. We had just launched on the NEACP and were linked into the LCU as the launch went up. So we heard it all live including the launch of the SAR until the conferences all shut down. exactly!
  18. Here´s a lovely story!

    kill records are always tough to reliably determine. In the middle of a swirling dogfight the best report by the most honest pilot is subject to significant misinterpretations of events which are then magnified through the debriefing process. With the exception of some obvious propaganda efforts by various dictatorial regimes of questionable veracity, most accounts by professional forces have tried to be close. but its tough. an example from the WWII Battle of the Atlantic when our ASW aircraft would bomb U-boats caught on the surface which promptly "sank". needless to say the reports of sunken U-boats by aircrew were somewhat at variance with the German Naval records. so such efforts towards confirmation of kills has been an ongoing and difficult effort. now - any account by a dicatorial regime that engages in overt propaganda and support to terrorist organizations is obviously suspect. Syria does not exactly rank high on the scale of truthfulness.
  19. and a Badger regiment along with a squadron of SAF Floggers for cover. I had played with a Vietnam terrain and got it to work which covered all of Vietnam on the Red side with the Blue Team confined to Thailand. It worked pretty well for single missions but I could not get the campaign to work. But while playing with it I could fly the Badgers out of Cam Rahn Bay for strike and ant-shipping missions.
  20. yes, if I select an air to air mission......... seems odd that if I select an air to ground mission then I can only get A2A weapons, but if I select an A2A mission I can also get A2G stuff. have been playing with the loadout ini but so far no luck.
  21. Ingrid Bertancourt is free

    don't know, but I imagine the rescue team would have declined to show up in a standard Colombian AF chopper!
  22. Astronomy...

    "Just a pity that we don't get clear skies every night...oh to live somewhere like Arizona\Nevada. You guys there are sooo lucky! The most stunning night skies I've ever seen, are on clear Summer nights well offshore, far from the influences of light and atmospheric pollution. " amen!! The best views I ever had was while taking that astronomy course in Arizona, and then way out at sea on a dark, clear night with no moon. Absolutely awesome. You feel like you are not looking up, you are in it. and then the 1MC goes off............
  23. Ingrid Bertancourt is free

    ah.. that is probably quite true. The fact that we provided a lot of logistics, equipment, training, shared intel, etc., put the tools in place for them to use very effectively. very good points. what little I've heard of the op itself sounds like a lot of cloak and dagger, and some gutsy work by the Colombian special ops guys who pulled it off. An outstanding op. the FARC is collapsing rapidly.
  24. Astronomy...

    yup. I filled my undergraduate science requirement with Astronomy. Cool courses. and of course some space ops experience later in life. the best part of the Astronomy course was those evenings at the observatory watching all those heavenly bodies. and some stars too............
  25. Ingrid Bertancourt is free

    why? what makes you think that the Colombian Army can't do anything without US help? I don't know one way or the other, but I suspect that as the details emerge we will find out that it was simply good intel developed by the Colombian forces and flawless execution by the Colombian forces.

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