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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Ingrid Bertancourt is free

    thank God!! The utter depraved brutality of the FARC for keeping these people for so many years has finally been ended. Thanks to the Colombian Army troops who pulled this off.
  2. Aircraft Camouflage

    good point. I agree.
  3. You have done an absolutely outstanding job here. The visual effects and clouds are very, very realistic. Absolutely top notch and should be on everyone's MUST LOAD list. I can hardly wait for your next project! What do you have in mind next?
  4. Aircraft Camouflage

    actually it is very important. don't forget those optical sights! also, many of the systems rely on a variety of technologies to acquire and track the aircraft. Those can be partly defeated or at least degraded by various cameo schemes. without using current technologies as an example (ahem...) waaaaay back in WWII the ship cameo patterns were designed to do two things. One was to hide the ship of course in the murky visual environment of whatever theater they were operating in. (North Atlantic schemes were somewhat different than the South Pacific.....) But even then, the cameo put false bows onto the pattern in order to confuse the range finders and throw off the shot. same thing, to some degree, happens with current cameo patterns. They are designed to defeat or degrade not just visual acquisition by a pilot, but also gunners on the ground and the EO systems that try to visually track aircraft.
  5. Russians kill georgian UAV

    and for some late breaking sports scores; Romans 10 Christians 0
  6. "it will be released in about 'two weeks'." when does the clock start?
  7. Hunt for Scuds

    "ALL MOST EVERY SCUD WAS TAKEN OUT BY SF/AF combo teams (Special Forces ,Air Force)" I am not so sure of that. On the air side the SCUD Hunt teams were out looking for the mobile launchers and supporting tankers and convoys. We would provide launch locations as they lit up, and the data would be sent to the cockpits so they could react and hit them prior to their relocating. During the war we thought that many were caught and destroyed. After the war, it was determined that effort did not actually hit a single mobile launcher. My understanding was that the SOF teams were out there to locate the SCUDs so that airstrikes could take them out, thereby not exposing the SOF teams to detection. I did not read much on the SOF hunt results, but my impression was that they did not locate anywhere near all of them. The SCUDS were still launching right up to very near the end of the war and there were SCUDS visibily destroyed after the war under supervision. So I think the above might be a stretch.
  8. Hunt for Scuds

    well, if you want some credibility, you need to use something other than the politically-corrupt wikpedia as a reference source. (I see that you have added some additional links. Good job! The results remain controversial) Some of the above is partly correct and there certainly were some weaknesses in our systems at the time. At that time we took systems designed for something else and adapted them to defend against the SCUD threat. In Cheyenne Mountain, we shifted the focus of the strategic warning systems to provide tactical ballistic missile threat launch detection and warning through the US Space Command Center to CENTCOM and the Patriot units. That worked pretty well. We detected, tracked and provided tactical warning on all 84 launches which enabled the Patriots to engage the majority of them. The Patriots of course were primarily air defense systems with a tactical ballistic missile capability built into them. Of the engagements they attempted, they actually hit somewhere in the neighborhood of 2/3 of the time but it varied depending on whether the missiles were going into the Arabian Penninsula or against Israel, the later being less successful. The percentages, or most other details, I am not at liberty to discuss. There were several shortfalls which were detected and in some cases corrected during the war. Not all of which I can discuss here. One that was of note, however, and openly reported was the issue of the warhead kill capabilities. The original warhead was a fragmentation device intended to put a cloud of shrapnel into the airframe thereby shredding the aircraft structure (and crew appendages) thereby eliminating the flight characteristics of the aircraft. That didn't work very well against the SCUD airframes and warheads for several reasons. That was because if the Patriot successfully engaged and shredded the airframe, it didn't necessarily kill the RV. In the case of the SCUD, the RV does not (or did not at that time) separate from the airframe, it all came in together. So we might, and often did, shred the airframe but the RV came in anyway. One theory was that we knocked them off course, but given the general area nature of the weapon and the fact that they were in ballistic flight anyway, that is a rather thin argument. The result of that experience is that in the ballistic missile defense world, we have shifted to Kinetic Kill Vehicles centered on a solid (generally tungsten) core that does a hit to kill, vaporizing the RV. That does work. One of the comments that you brought up is the video analysis. That was done using the CNN camera videos at the receiving end of many of those engagements. The problem with that is that those cameras had no where near the quality of the video or the frame rate to be able to make those kinds of analysis'. So the report cited by the politically-corrupt and technically-incompetent wikpedia of the politically-corrupt and technically-incompetent faux-scientist was an amauterish political attempt to discredit what we did acomplish. Fact is that we did hit the SCUDs on most of the attempted engagements, but probably did not actually killed the RV on many occasions. So a mixed bag. But what we in Cheyenne Mountain did do is; 1. provide launch locations for the SCUD Hunt forces which included the SOF, A-6E's and F-15E's looking for the mobile launchers. 2. provide attack warning to the projected impact sites which enabled forces under attack to take cover and reduced the casualties on our side. 3. provide cueing to the Patriot crews to be able to engage. after the war one of the Patriot crews came through Cheyenne Mountain and presented a plaque to the missile warning team on my crew. It was a SCUD tank fragment mounted on a board with "This SCUD's for you" on the plaque. It was still there the last time I was up there. I also sat through a post-war debrief and technical analysis with my CD who was also the Army BG who put the ATBM capability into the Patriot. So he, and I with him, got the full technical debrief with no punches pulled of all the successes and shortfalls as best as they were able to determine at the time. Typhoid Assistant Command Director Cheyenne Mountain Alpha Crew Desert Storm 18 SCUD engagements/kills
  9. Subscription Plans NOW Available

    reporting for financing - or something like that. Looking at this as having several more flight sims (based on the originals) a low cost investment.
  10. Aircraft Camouflage

    it varies so far as I know. The Navy ones are different from the USAF ones, or at least they used to be. For the aircraft primarily tasked for air to air their vis is different from the low and slow guys and again from the airlift/tankers. Not to mention the B-2 "Burnt Black".
  11. Hunt for Scuds

    not to mention the missile launch warning from Cheyenne Mountain with provided both the warning and look angles for the Patriots as well as the launch locations for the aircraft and teams out looking for the launch teams and equipment.
  12. French army chief of staff resigns!

    concur. How a magazine could have gotten into the vest of one of the men involved or left there from a previous exercise is something that just defies any explanation. No excuse and a lot more resignations will doubtless occur before the investigation is over.
  13. Aircraft Camouflage

    that is pretty much how its done.
  14. Supreme Court upholds right to own guns

    "All it takes is a natural or man made disaster and all bets are off. Under staffed and under gunned law enforcement agencies are quickly overwhelmed due to the sheer logistics of the situation and you are literally left on your own. " Katrina. At which point, with chaos in the streets, armed criminal gangs running wild, police and NG overwhelmed - the NO Police Dept decides to bring order to the situation by; confiscating guns from legal, lawful owners Never again should we fall for any of the empty rhetoric from the collectivist/Stalinists who like to call themselves "progressive" or "liberal".
  15. Aircraft Camouflage

    I think the F-22 camo is already digital
  16. we can deliver anywhere in 35 minutes - or the second one is free.....
  17. Thank You MK2

    My most sincere thanks, MK2, for making this site and community possible. An outstanding effort and very well deserving of everyone's highest gratitude.
  18. "according to the The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) Strategic Security Blog, citing unidentified sources." right...............
  19. Any automotive experts here?

    the biggest part of reducing gas use and increasing milage is the weight of the car. Buy a small a car with a very small engine and then drive very (don't choke now!) conservatively. that way, when I want to drive over you in my big SUV, you will be a smaller bump in the road....
  20. Supreme Court upholds right to own guns

    "but the righty NRA whackos who want to give every baby a machine gun at birth " a very phony mischaracterization. the left would like the weak-minded to believe that. a more accurate position is; NRA faithfully enforce gun regulations. The NRA is actually behind quite a few reasonable laws such as the insta-check and mandatory sentencing laws for criminal use of a firearm in the commision of a crime. We (NRA Life Member) are against laws that would restrict LAW ABIDING citizens from possessing firearms. We do not support unrestricted sale and possession of machine guns. "The problem with enforcement is, if you're carrying a gun illegally, chances are nobody will be able to catch you at it before you go postal, which at that point its pretty much ineffective at stopping violence." which is precisely the situation now unless an armed police officer is present at the time. However, what is also very, very effective at stopping such violence are lawfully armed citizens. Every place that has concealed carry laws has much, much lower violent crime than places with restrictive firearms which serve only to disarm the potential victims for the convenience of the armed criminals.
  21. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

    that is an awesome idea!!! a separate install using only that stuff that did not make it into service anywhere! cool.... Super Tomcats!!!!
  22. Election Coverage

    good choice!!!
  23. Supreme Court upholds right to own guns

    that is already well established law. The Insta-check system is designed for that reason, to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and those with a history of mental illness. A previously convicted felon caught with a gun gets an automatic life term in I think every state. This goes back to a very fundamental issue on gun laws and laws in general. If the laws we already have were actually enforced, we would peace, prosperity and safety erupt everywhere. What happens is that the laws don't get enforced by the corrupt and incompetent lefties elected in many liberal/progressive/socialist/collectivist locales at the local, state, and federal levels. So the problems get worse leading the corrupt and incompetent to call for more restrictive laws so that they can evolve from the liberal/progressive/socialist/collectivist to the liberal/progressive/socialist/collectivist/Stalinist/Fascist/Dictatorships with themselves, of course, in charge.

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