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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Supreme Court Rejects Death Penalty.......

    absolutely correct!!!!
  2. Supreme Court Rejects Death Penalty.......

    already has. Life is 20 with parole. We get child molesters released daily.
  3. very cool. so what kinds of patrols were you flying and in what aircraft?
  4. USS Forrestal Fire

    we also called it the USS Zippo.......... One of the best service schools that I ever went to was Flight Deck Firefighting School at the San Diego Naval Station. A tremendous school where they started by showing us all the flight deck video and lessons learned (and re-learned) from the WWII carrier actions and the Forest Fire, Enterprise and Oriskany fires. Then they made sure we were paying attention by pumping a HUGE amount of kerosene onto the training deck and lighting off this massive inferno, at which point the students went in and put it out using water only (no fire fighting foam) The survivors were all then well trained to head on out to the fleet. Perhaps one of the best schools that I ever went through not only because it taught us how to put out Class B fires without converting them into Screaming Alphas, but because it also cemented all those arcane lessons about leadership in the face of "what the $#@!^% am I doing here?" into one, unmistakable and unforgetable graduation lesson. So when we were hauling fire hoses around the deck for real in, say, after a collision at sea (USS Independence and USNS Denebola) we all knew what we were doing without standing around and wondering about it. It is also one of the big difference between the USN and the USAF (and other services) where in the USN, everyone is a firefighter. Ashore on the pale-blue-suit bases and buildings, when there is a fire everyone runs out of the building and waits for the professional firefighters to show up and take care of the burned popcorn in the microwave. At sea, everyone runs TO the fire and puts the damn thing out, then waits around for the Flying Squad and the Damage Control Team to show up and write up the paperwork. After all, when there is a fire at sea, there is nowhere else to run to........
  5. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

    certainly an interesting concept, too bad that it never made it through the funding wars. we could have cemented firm relations between our countries with some concrete results!
  6. Oops Don Imus Again...

    yea. given what that FRAUD is being used to push - "useless" is not the right description for that argument! (a registered, published, reality-science based skeptic)
  7. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

    oh. I see your point although I disagree with that assessment. ok, fine. take care.
  8. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

  9. I Love Guam!

    much better than my trip to Guam. All I saw was the radar picture of it........
  10. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

    I don't think you understood what I said. I did not at all advocate such an idiotic course of action, nor do I think you even understand the history of what you mistakenly quoted.
  11. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

    we certainly aren't quite as up close and personal, but we do take them very, very seriously. Iran is funding and providing deadly military support to militias in Iraq. Iran has been actively killing our troops for years now. the fact is, the Iraq war would have largely been won by 2005 if Iran had not intervened. We are engaged with them, just not in active combat - yet.
  12. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

    amen!! that is one briefcase that I am glad I no longer have to carry........
  13. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

    also, the term "Cease Fire" (as generally practiced in the Middle East) is a diplomatic term which means - "Re-arm and Re-load".
  14. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

    diplomacy is best conducted with radical, deranged jihadist regimes with your knee in your opponents chest and your knife at his throat. diplomacy is warfare conducted by another means, just as warfare is diplomacy conducted by another means. The failure to understand that is what leads to war through miscalculation. There are very few people involved in the diplomatic arena who clearly understand that. (see Chamberlein and Hitler re 1938, Cold War stand-off)
  15. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

    they're not. But what they send back...........
  16. US tanker contract annoucement this week

    you are absolutely correct on that point if that is what happened. But there is quite a bit more concerning Boeing's part in this fiasco. They choose to bid an old plane with less capacity than what was called for in the RFP. In Boeing's defense there was another point on the runway specs to be used as well where they initially said the runaways to be used would be limited in size and load capacity, which the Boeing plane meets and the Airbus does not, then they changed that during source selection which enabled the Airbus to be more effective. I don't know if that is true or not but that has been alleged by the Boeing team and disputed by Northrup Grumman. So certainly grounds there to at least re-open and review the bids. We shall see.
  17. They're REAL!

  18. Lt. Col. Chessani Cleared!

    " coming from thirteen years in the Corps and seeing, hearing how things work for an Officer to succeed. To which throwing some other Marines under the bus is seen as an asset of strength. " time out.... you will always find that breed in every walk of life. In my view and experience not just in the Navy but in working with Army, Marines and Air Force is that those who rise over the broken corpses of their subordinates are the despised exception. The old saying is still true that "The cream rises to the top, so does the scum." But in my view most of the back-biting career climbers get their just rewards sooner or later, including Flag and General Officers. While some do make 4 star and retire intact, most are identified and weeded out long before. I don't know anything about Gen Mattis and have heard no scuttlebut about him. But it was the fact that the investigator of the incident became his legal advisor that was the basis for the undue command influence. Clearly something that he should have known and guarded against. A very sad episode all the way around. I am very, very glad to see these good exonerated.
  19. US tanker contract annoucement this week

    wonderful.... the plane that would cost less and deliver more fuel further away from its forwarding operating base no longer is the winner.
  20. works great in WOE using the GEGermany cat file. Outstanding terrain. I like it a lot.
  21. with the above limits of the game engine, the real answer is to build a series of single missions and put them out mission packs. I'm hoping to be able to do some of that, but schedules have been insane of late.......
  22. [quote name='FastCargo' date='Jun 16 2008, 03:36 PM' post='167794' We try like hell to manage risk... but sometimes, it's not your day. It's sad when it happens...I've buried more friends than I care to think about. But we try to learn lessons from it and go from there. FastCargo amen.. I've stood on the flight deck for memorial services all too often. In Naval Aviation we dont' always even get the remains back. In every case of the 10 friends and shipmates that I stood in memorials, we were unable to recover them. and still, we all go back out. -------------------------------- are you at Laughlin? my prospective son-in-law is in UPT at Vance. Just wondering if you might be flying with him one of these days.
  23. outstanding!!!!! I have a separate install just for the War in the Pacific and am a dedicated prop-head - part of the time. . Great work as usual and looking forward to this one!
  24. I was including allies in the mix, and it is all relative.
  25. absolutely concur. Its a tough business to be in and I lost a number of friends and shipmates in peacetime ops. DACT is a fast moving experience flying in close quarters in opposite directions. Losses are very, very sad, and we always work hard to prevent them. But accidents do happen with a split second miscalculation being all that separates a routine training hop from disaster. the more you bleed in peacetime, the less you bleed in wartime. In wartime, its generally been our opponents who have bled the most.

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