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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. You Want Fear

    I have a vague idea........
  2. End of an Era as the operations center move out
  3. You Want Fear

    might be a tough sell in Congress!
  4. I missed the nose art. I'll drink to the F-302 and Viper MkII!!!!! :fans:
  5. You Want Fear

    all one third of it that is left...........
  6. thanks Wrench! I really enjoyed this one.
  7. I don't doubt the battle took place. I don't doubt the pilots all reported what they thought they saw. I don't doubt the staff pukes on both sides embellished the accounts just a tad...... I suspect the real losses on both sides were probably mostly expended ordanance with some aircraft damage to a few planes. (OK, A few were probably lost on both sides.) from what I was reading at the time from sources I will not further go into - it was probably a draw. both air forces reportedly had a very high level of respect for each other afterwards. none of that, however, detracts from a great mission pack as we all get to fly both sides within the sim and see a little of how we might have done. After all, very few of these campaigns are precise. It is a simulation after all.
  8. You Want Fear

    those are the RV trails as they come in. in wartime, they would each be followed by "a blinding flash of the obvious".......
  9. Falklands Islands Conflict

    a white flag and a trade deal. And they'd have to contract out the ship to carry it there....
  10. About Damn Time...

    concur. corrupt and icehole are not the same thing. I was responding to the contention that anyone who thinks someone else is an icehole is merely jealous. Hardly the case. for the record - I would trust Randy Cunningham to cover my six in the air. I wouldn't, and didn't, stand in the same bar with him back at the base.
  11. ahh. That may be so. I recall something to that effect. I know that directional control was such that a carrier recovery when single engine was a last ditch emergency measure to be attempted only if there were no divert fields in range. I came back single engine twice but to ashore diverts. And me obviously riding along in the back working radars, nav and comm, not trying to fly the beast. We did have a single engine recovery at sea one day in the North Pacific with no alternates. On the approach the pilots later related that they were having trouble controlling the aircraft and maintaining the approach angle - the remaining engine was struggling and they were close to full power to make the deck. They were already sweating whether they had enough margin to either wave off or bolter and thought maybe that engine wasn't doing as well as it was supposed to. They were right. At touchdown and (luckily) the trap the shock finished that engine off, all the turbine blades $h!t out the back, the aircraft came to a stop with BOTH engines stopped and silent, and for about 5 seconds everything was dead silence as all watching and riding comprehended that we had just survived a NO ENGINE landing on a carrier deck (I was watching on the PLAT from the Ready Room). Then All H$$# broke loose.......!! In all of that fun, I don't recall what he said about directional control.......
  12. Snow!

    heading for the slopes at Aspen!! you guys already know where I stand on the FRAUD of Global Warming, so I won't elaborate too much beyond pointing out the utter FAILURE of any of the Global Warming projections to actually occur and the accuracy of those predictions by competent scientists, repeated by me in several published articles, of the current cooling period.
  13. About Damn Time...

    "The simple answer to why people hate those who are able to adapt and overcome is simply jealousy. " BS!!!! Randy Cunningham was an arrogant @$$hole who couldn't get along with people. He was, obviously, an outstanding pilot, a legitimate war hero and a combat ace. So one could argue that he had reason to be an arrogant @$$. Nevertheless, not being impressed by the personal charm of an @$$ is not simple jealousy. It is disgust with the personal qualities of the individual. Randy Cunningham thoroughly ticked off his squadron mates and the fighter/AEW community at large at Miramar when I was there. There were other combat pilots with combat kills who I knew who were absolutely good guys and widely respected. There is a time and place to be an arrogant @$$. There are a lot more times and places to not be, particularly when flying with the other members of your squadron and air wing.
  14. US built "Su-33"

    good point
  15. I know from my own multi-engine qualification that the critical engine can vary from the aerodynamic one to the one that is driving critical systems. since I was only co-pilot qualed up front in the E-2, I didn't do any single-engine flying in that aircraft. hmmm. Left engine out - YES, you would stomp on the right rudder and bank slightly right to maintain directional correctional if I recall correctly. The good engine is the leg you are standing on in an engine out. Right? (I know you guys with dual centerline blowers don't have to worry about that!) I did have a couple of interesting times coming back single engine, including one nail-biter in the middle of the night over some very, very cold Sea of Japan water a very, very long way (at least it seemed that way at the time.....!) two of the squadrons I was in had a plane loose two (the advanced math majors may deduce that those were some REAL interesting events!!) one of which was a trap aboard!
  16. we have always maintained that we could handle more tail.......
  17. US built "Su-33"

    why go for second best missile fodder? The F-22 is far better in all respects.
  18. About Damn Time...

    "Power and politics corrupt. Look what it did to Randy Cunningham. To be fair, I know two pilots (retired) that flew with him. They said he was an @sshole when he was military. " yea. I knew him too. That's an accurate assessment of his lack of personality. Short analysis - good stick and a damn good, ace pilot in a tough situation, a legitimate war hero. But lacking in personal character.
  19. Air Force shakeup

    wow! --------------------------------------------------------------- Air Force Chief Moseley Resigns; Wynne May be Next June 5, 2008 -- Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley has resigned, Inside the Air Force has learned. Top-level Pentagon officials gave Moseley the option to resign or be fired during a meeting this morning, according to a military official. Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne also could resign later today, this official said. The news comes as the Pentagon is readying to release a report on an Air Force gaffe in which the service mistakenly shipped four ballistic missile detonators -- instead of helicopter batteries -- to Taiwan. The incident occurred three years ago, but was discovered in March. In August 2007, six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles were accidentally flown across the United States from Minot Air Force Base, ND, to Barksdale AFB, LA, on board an Air Force B-52 bomber. Air Force officials discovered the aircraft’s highly dangerous cargo only after the bomber landed at Barksdale that same day. This week, word surfaced that Minot failed a high-profile nuclear inspection. -- Marcus Weisgerber June 5, 2008 Inside Washington Publishers ________________ U.S. Air Force secretary, chief to be asked to resign STAFF REPORT Federal Times.com, June 05, 2008 U.S. Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne and Chief of Staff Gen. T Michael Moseley are expected to be asked to resign today, Defense News has learned. The stunning development follows a series of high-profile scandals and disagreements between Air Force leadership and Defense Secretary Robert Gates during the past year, during which both the Pentagon and Congressional leadership have increasingly expressed frustration about the Air Force’s top bosses. The last straw appears to be a report on nuclear weapons handling by Navy Adm. Kirkland Donald, director of naval nuclear propulsion. The critical report convinced Gates that changes must be made. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen recalled Moseley to Washington for an early morning meeting today. Moseley had been hosting a four-star conclave of top Air Force leaders at the thrice-yearly Corona leadership conference at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Following that meeting Moseley returned to Corona with Air Force public affairs chief Brig. Gen. Darren McDew. Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England is en route to Wright-Patterson, sources said. He is expected to meet with Wynne and ask for his resignation. It is not clear how quickly these changes could take effect. Navy Capt. John Kirby, Mullen’s spokesman, declined to comment but did not deny the story. It is not yet known who will succeed both men, but Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Duncan McNabb will likely become acting chief of staff. Sources said other senior officers could also be relieved.
  20. End of an Era

    I wouldn't go so far as to make that assumption...... I didn't actually say we closed the place.....
  21. About Damn Time...

    herman, overall - well said. I differ on a key point where you consider Murtha a good Marine of 38 years. He was a reservist for most of that so while your statement is true, it is somewhat overstated in that most of that has been as a Congressman without regular drill. My issue with him is that, absent any court of inquiry, he took the political stage and pronounced them guilty of murder "in cold blood". As a Marine Reserve Colonel, he should know better. I will also point out that my comment about Congressmen and Senators further up did not focus on any particular one, though Murtha certainly in my opinion is among those. I will also tell you that my active duty Marine son and his brothers in arms were all very much angered by Murtha's comments condemning men without benefit of even the courtesy and legal requirement of a pre-trial inquiry. The pronouncement of verdict and sentence without trial is not one of those values that we took an oath to uphold. Quite the contrary. It seems that only we are held to any standard. I can live with upholding standards of conduct that others are not held to, I do and have. Murtha and his cronies failed that crucial test of honor and integrity, and have utterly failed to live up to their oaths. out
  22. "some strange handling characteristics" HA! That's putting it mildly!! The really short fuselauge compared to the wingspan gives it some real fun rudder characteristics in certain circumstances. Coming over the ramp it catches the "burble" which makes the final real "colorful" at times. "esp single engine" fortuneatly it does fly pretty well on single engine - else I'd not now be here!!

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