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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Whose Rain Forest Is This, Anyway?

    I've had the Taurus 9mm for a couple of decades. Very convenient after we adopted the Berreta 92 as these are almost identical, so it was real easy to get qualified on the range.
  2. Air Force shakeup

    concur. We always got ours done right. after flying with the SAC guys at Offutt for several years to read of these problems is real mind-warping to say the least. I read one report where they failed their re-inspection because - a security guard used an unauthorized cell phone to play a video game while on watch instead of paying attention to his post. SAY WHAT?!!!!!!! therein lies the failure of leadership there through that entire chain of command starting with and including the NCO in charge right on through the entire chain of officers above them. the SECDEF announced a board to review over a hundred GO's and Col's concerning various aspects of this and overhaul the systemic problems with the USAF revealed by the initial investigations. a lot more heads are going to roll. I suspect something like the old SAC will get resurected before this is done. on the postitive side - promotion opportunities will be opening up eventually!!
  3. converted transports for AEW work certainly make a much more comfortable plane for that than that carrier based tube!!
  4. About Damn Time...

    as long as there are more bullets than lawyers it could be a good thing!
  5. there are a "grunch" of scripted carrier missions that you can download from the mission section here.
  6. About Damn Time...

    resulting in the immediate admission of false accusations and resignation by various Congressional representatives and Senators. right.........................
  7. Air Force shakeup

    speaking from personal experience, yes, in a lot of ways it was. Just watched the press conference by the Secdef. This is focused on all of the nuclear handling problems that have come up. For all of us who have ever been involved in the handling and control of nuclear weapons, the language used to describe this situation is earth-shattering and appalling. It is almost beyond comprehension that the situation has deteriorated to the level described. on a more positive note - promotion opportunities within the USAF will be opening up soon...................
  8. Air Force shakeup

    "there's no imaginable way they could get worse!" wanna bet?
  9. ah! can you still launch and recover aircraft?
  10. Whose Rain Forest Is This, Anyway?

    you guys are making Taurus for the world market and you need permission to buy one?!! wow.....
  11. F-22 for Israel.

    it would be a combination of hardware, software, links, sensors, stealth technologies, and most importantly; how it is all integrated. the processors would be the least important factors. You are probably running a better processor on your flight sim.....
  12. F-22 for Israel.

    "No one is coming here for nation bashing, so no one should go there. A reminder." absolutely concur and why I pointed out that the US is not blameless in this either. this is a general, overall situation. my point is that the F-22 technology is not going to be exported anytime soon to anyone. (which is something that I personally don't actually agree with). When it does get it exported, as I am sure it someday will be, it will definitely not include "something". I would like to see it "exported" to the USN!!
  13. F-22 for Israel.

    "Just what US-origin technology do you think the Israelis sold to China? You've been reading too many editorials by people who don't know any better - and who tend to believe that anything that Israel develops for itself must automaticly belong to the US." enjoy......;cd=8&gl=us Isreal is not the only offender. Every country, including the US, has re-exported technology received from someone else. This has become a critical issue and a current (in my opinion to a level of over-reaction) issue with respect to sensitive technology. I do not see the F-22 being exported anytime soon because of this until a thorough analysis and export variant engineering and development that protects key, sensitive technologies is done. that is not going to happen soon. I don't see either party in the current election cycle pushing to short-circuit that.
  14. F-22 for Israel.

    "china has a more potent weapon than the F-22 or ICBMs: They own America, its economy and a gigantic proportion of our debt. We're dangerously reliant on them for nearly EVERYTHING. " grossly overstated. But a valid point and growing concern. Which is, however, a double edged sword. THEY are equally dependent on US. Which is a point of stabilization. Generally, countries that depend upon each other for various things tend not to get into conflict with each other - pending of course some miscalculation or idiocy of their incompetent political class.......
  15. HA!! good point.....
  16. F-22 for Israel.

    that was our own classified rocket technology that Clinton committed treason by illegally selling to China in exchange for campaign contributions in violation of export laws, campaign finance laws, national security laws, etc..(which enabled China to correct significant problems in their space launch vehicles - that are also their primary ICBM force targetting the US, Asia and Europe....) That wasn't technology that we imported and re-exported over the objections of the originators which is why a general crackdown on export releasibility has been going on. an entirely different set of circumstances! and I did say that all of us have had this problem.
  17. that's a pretty good idea, actually. someone could do that and build anti-carrier missions for example. I'll take a hack at that and see how it works over the next week. of course, making a carrier that isn't unsinkable does seem somewhat sacriligious.......
  18. F-22 for Israel.

    well..................... perhaps not first in line.
  19. I'll check, but I think that it is not included in the supply part of the campaign file for that squadron.
  20. F-22 for Israel.

    Peace through Incineration!! (sunglasses on...)
  21. F-22 for Israel.

    good point. Might make it too heavy.....
  22. F-22 for Israel.

    sadly, it was a previous export from Israel to China of US technology that will likely derail any export of the F-22 to Israel now.
  23. F-22 for Israel.

    that is precisely the issue when I refered to "real interesting processes" to determine which capabilities would be included in an export variant. None of us (various countries involved in import/export of military technologies) has had a problem free record in this regard. Export control has developed over the years because of exported military technology sent to a trusted ally being re-exported to third parties that the original party would not have chosen to export that to. So exporting our top of the line military capabilties to even our trusted allies is always a tough process. In both directions. Given the tight integration of lots of technologies into the Raptor, even identifying which technologies we would be comfortable exporting to which allies will be a real tough challenge. Being able to break a withheld capability out of an aircraft will be even tougher. I really, really doubt that any export of the F-22 to Israel, or frankly anyone else, is likely in the near term. I know that both the USAF and LM are anxious to proceed with an export variant. I also know that both the USAF and LM are real nervous about how to do that and, oddly, not anxious to export our top of the line capabilities. So any export will have key systems not included.

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