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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. groooaaaan Tanks for everything!!
  2. Landing Gear

    Just got word from China Lake that the Brits there have verified, once again, that landing gear is still required on the Eurofighter during landing......... film at 11....... (no photos - yet)
  3. 1 Brand new TU-160 enters service

    for current info, not on open sources.
  4. wow...................!!!! glaciers? Icebergs in the ocean? now that would be cool! (heh heh) have to warm up my mission editor......
  5. 1 Brand new TU-160 enters service

    modernized Tu-22M's as opposed to modernized and new production Tu-160's? also depends on the target. The Backfires are optimized for anti-carrier ops and regional strikes. The Tu-160 is optimized for a very different role. The range is the other key difference. The Blackjack can go where the Backfire can only dream of.... "there's a hell of a lot more Tu-22s either in storage" yea - obsolete ones..... good for AMRAAM's!! refueling is good question.
  6. well, actually the aurora doesn't go away during daylight, so you could just let it run. It diminishes and is overshadowed by the daylight, of course, but its still there.
  7. Talon Down

    my daughter's fiancee is starting the T-6 shortly and hoping to go to T-38's. Needless to say, this caught her and Mom's attention this morning..... quite a rash of accidents lately with the E-9, Typhoon, and two T-38's. Definitely time for a safety standdown and reset.
  8. 1 Brand new TU-160 enters service

    Backfire is still a regional plane, not intercontinental. The Blackjack can reach just about anywhere and then launch a package of cruise missiles. The combination of modernized Backfires for regional use and Blackjacks for intercontinental is already a very potent force and one we watch closely.
  9. I wish. I remember standing in a brief with Gen Horner after the Gulf War where he described his reasons for denying the USN permission to employ the Phoenix and why he kept the F-14's reserved for Fleet defense. (Of course, that meant that only F-15's would go "downtown".) He released the F-14's only after there were no more planes left in Iraq. the consistent theme has been the confirmed ID, which as you well know is pretty hard to get. Since no one still trusts electronic, it almost always comes down to someone going in and getting a VID.
  10. Landing Gear

    and you know that it wasn't a mistake - how?
  11. Landing Gear

    finally made the news http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,353665,00.html I didn't realize it was two-seater.
  12. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    I think the speculation fueling this can be taken in a couple of ways. First off, its hard to define just how much of this is driven by speculation, but also, the speculation is driven by the analysis of future shortages and the resulting higher prices. I'd say more, but USAFMTL didn't like it when I did before......
  13. take a look at the Tet '68 campaign. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5389 there are some CAS in that one. are you changing the map to provide for south ruled by the north? I tried playing with that once so I could set up Badgers out of Cam Rahn Bay and could get single missions but not a campaign.
  14. "Get someone to tell you about the ROE (Rules of Engagement) we operated under. There were many times when we (the aircrew) weren't sure who was making the rules - our side or theirs!" sadly, that did not and has not changed...... the set up going into the Gulf War was particularly hard, although essentially based on the same that you had in Vietnam.
  15. it communicates pictures....
  16. "Well, Mike, again I've rambled on...probably bored most folks silly. " no way!!!! its great reading these details and tactics. I knew only some of them from my time as a controller - quite a bit different going to the cockpit from a 2d radar scope. Outstanding insight and very much appreciated.
  17. One More Shift

    Congratulations on a great career and best wishes for the future!
  18. Awesome, thanks!! very interesting observation of the grey out.
  19. I wonder what that one might have been.......
  20. Any fishermen, or ladies, here...?

    seriously - those are some fine, fine catches!! Wish I were there.....
  21. Something out of GI Joe

    it are. Its an engineering demo.

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