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Files posted by Typhoid

  1. F-14D V1.4

    | |
    The F-14D Tomcat the best fleet defender and for going "downtown" to turn infrastructure into rubble. |
    With the gracious permission of;
    The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo);
    Version 1.4 with TCS mod and updated flight model changes. This TCS mod provides a boresighted view only and does not (yet) track selected targets. The Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) has been updated and includes the implementation originally developed by wpnssgt. Flight model updates developed by Aleckx have also been incorporated which more accurately represents the fleet operational F-14D.
    This is an update of the earlier F-14D mod to the Mirage Factory F-14A and corrects several inaccuracies. The earlier F-14D release more closely represented the capabilities of the "Quick Strike variant which never actually went further than "view-graph engineering" and would have been a half step to the later Tomcat-21 which also never made it off of the drawing boards. If you like that variation you may wish to rename it as the Quick Strike 2, recognizing that it never actually flew. Land Warrior also has uploaded a Quick Strike version.
    This variation of the original F-14A represents the capabilities of the last operational configuration to guard the fleet; the F-14D "Bombcat", which included the capability to drop bombs and laser guided bombs. Other advanced weapons available at the time, such as Mavericks and Harms, were never incorporated into the F-14D due to budget limitations. The F-14D's strike debut was in Operation Desert Fox that went into Iraq against chemical weapons facilities identified by the UN teams in 1998. This aircraft was withdrawn from fleet service in 2006 and replaced by the F-18F in the air to air and medium strike roles.
    This release also incorporates the outstanding avionics upgrade done by Sandmartin and Batman1978, special thanks to them for their fine work and for granting permission to include that in this release.
    This model is a minor tweak only of the ini files to update the engines, radars and weapons
    to enable the full air to ground capabilities that were fielded in this aircraft. This does not include the detailed airframes changes of the later aircraft, that is left to a more capable modelling team at which point this version will be withdrawn. This release assumes you have already loaded the Mirage Factory F-14A, without which things like sounds will not come up.
    Just unzip this entire folder into your WOE/Ojects/Aircraft folder.
    Note -1. The avionics upgrade by Sandmartin and Batman1978 uses the avionics70 file to provide improved HUD and air to air radar and tracking capabilities. This mod does not have the air to surface radar capability of the earlier avionics60 file used in the earlier versions. Since the F-14D in its later years was primarily employed as a medium strike aircraft (air opposition having evaporated) the lack of an air to surface radar is a limitation of the sim with the newer avionics file. IF you like the option of having air to surface radar, the original files are included in the "Alternate Cockpit" subdirectory with a detailed read-me for how to back-up and install cockpit variations. If you like this option, let me know. Also, this avionics70 mod does NOT work in a Wings Over Vietnam only install. So if you are using a WoV install you will need to use the alternate cockpit using the avionics60 version. The TCS mod works in both versions.
    Note; the missile stations are designed to pick up Active Radar Homing missiles and will employ the AIM-7 and AIM-54 series air to air missiles. The model here will also pick up the AIM-120 series in the sim, but the aircraft was never wired or certified to carry that missile. So if you want the realism, don't load that one.
    Good hunting!
    SFP1 Model
    3D : BPAo
    Textures : Column5 (templates)
    FM : Column5
    Sounds : Aaron Swindle
    VF1 : Column 5
    VF2-Last : Sundowner
    VF154 : USAFMTL
    VF31 : Sundowner
    VF84 : Sundowner
    VX4 : Sundowner
    3D : based on JT's from Thirdwire public cockpit, modified by BPAo
    Textures : based on Thirdwire, news BPAo, HUD from ArmourDave team (Sal, Lansen, Rafael et AD himself)
    Effects : Deuces, JSF_Aggie
    Pilote Texture : Pappychecksix
    Flight model updates: Aleckx
    RWR and display: wpnssgt
    3D : Crab_02
    Textures : BPAo
    3D : Crab_02
    Textures : BPao
    Original F-14A Test Team
    Manetsim, Sony Tuckson, Nico, Column5


       (29 reviews)



  2. WOE_Update_Oct2008b

    Wings Over Europe / Oct 2008
    Readme File
    Table of Contents
    1. Update Notes
    2. Troubleshooting
    3. Contacting Customer Support
    1. Update Notes
    This Update contains all the fixes from previous patches, and it can
    be applied to any version of the game. Earlier patches do not need
    to be applied.
    This Update also raises the mimimum system requirement for the game to
    the following:
    OS: Windows 2000/XP
    Processor: 1.0 GHz
    Memory: 1.0 GB RAM
    Hard Drive: 1.5 GB free space
    Video Card: 128 MB DirectX 9.0c
    After installing this Update, the game may require newer version of
    DirectX to run correctly. Please visit the Microsoft website at
    to download and install the latest version of DirectX.
    We highly recommend you install this update over a clean install of
    the game - uninstall the game first, manually delete the folder to
    remove any mods not uninstalled, reinstall the game from original CD,
    then apply the Update.
    Many previous mods are not fully compatible with this Update. If
    you find any mods not working correctly, please check with mod-makers
    to provide you with updated version of their mods.
    List of changes in this Update include:
    Oct 2008
    * EASY HUD Option now display labels with name and distance for all
    active objects.
    * HARD Targeting Option is changed so objects are always identified.
    * In-flight map has been changed to show individual aircraft and their
    names instead of just squadron.
    * Fixes runways not displaying when playing Multi-player Dogfight.
    * Guided bombs, when EASY Weapons Effectiveness Option selected, are
    made to hit their target easier.
    * Autopilot maintains level flight better.
    Sep 2008
    * Updated Nations list and additional insignia decals are included.
    * Using the zoom controls on in-flight map will no longer zoom the
    view after exiting the map.
    * Air-to-ground gunsight is only depressed when unguided bombs
    are selected.
    * Shadow option is changed to adjust distance as well as the types of
    object casting shadow. Low: No shadows are cast. Medium: Aircraft
    cast shadow only in external view and only at close range. High: Aircraft
    and some ground objects cast shadow. Unlimited: All objects cast shadow
    at furthest distance.
    * Rear view (Shift+F5 by default) and Engine On/off toggle (Ctrl+I)
    are added.
    * Better support for dual-analog sticks on gamepads are added.
    * Version numbering system has been changed to show month and year
    in less ambiguous format.
    * View limits are adjusted correctly for widescreen and Matrox
    surround gaming display.
    * Shadows can now be cast using more detailed geometry model.
    * Airfields in Single Mission and Campaign play now include randomly
    placed parked aircraft.
    * B-52D 3d model has been re-scaled to a more correct size.
    * Flight model and AI have been further tweaked.
    * And numerous other minor fixes and changes to enhance the overall
    gameplay experience.
    2. Troubleshooting
    Troubleshooting Tips
    Before installing the game, please try the following:
    - Close all other applications.
    - Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements.
    If you are experiencing difficulties in getting the game to run,
    please try the following solutions:
    - Obtain the latest drivers for your video and sound card.
    - Obtain the latest version of Direct X from:
    - Install the latest update for your game from:
    - Run scandisk and defragment your drive.
    3. Contacting Customer Support
    To obtain further technical assistance regarding this product, please
    send an e-mail to:
    Please be sure to include the following information in your e-mail:
    · Processor type and speed
    · Operating System version
    · Memory (RAM)
    · DirectX Version
    · Video Card type
    · Error messages encountered and where/when you saw them.
    Or visit our forums at
    and leave us a message.
    For all other comments or suggestions, you can contact us by sending
    an e-mail to:


       (3 reviews)



  3. WOV_Update_Oct2008b



       (2 reviews)



  4. WOI_Update_Oct2008b



       (4 reviews)



  5. SFP1_Update_Oct2008b



       (4 reviews)



  6. SFG_Update_Oct2008b



       (1 review)



  7. FE_Update_Oct2008b



       (1 review)



  8. F-14 TCS mod

    | |
    The F-14A Tomcat the best fleet defender. |
    With the gracious permission of;
    The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo);
    This update includes the avionics upgrade by Sandmartin and Batman1978 which uses the avionics70 file to provide improved HUD and air to air radar and tracking capabilities and the TCS mod. This TCS mod provides a boresighted view only and does not (yet) track selected targets. The Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) has been updated and includes the implementation originally developed by wpnssgt.
    The avionics upgrade by Sandmartin and Batman1978 uses the avionics70 file to provide improved HUD and air to air radar and tracking capabilities. This avionics70 mod does NOT work in a Wings Over Vietnam (and possibly not in Strike Fighter) only install. So if you are using a WoV install you will need to use the alternate cockpit using the avionics60 version. The TCS mod works in both versions.
    Backup your files!
    First, delete the cockpit folder in the F-14A or F-14A (IAF). Then copy the contents from the appropriate folder into the aircraft main folder.
    Good hunting!
    SFP1 Model
    3D : BPAo
    Textures : Column5 (templates)
    FM : Column5
    Sounds : Aaron Swindle
    3D : based on JT's from Thirdwire public cockpit, modified by BPAo
    Textures : based on Thirdwire, news BPAo, HUD from ArmourDave team (Sal, Lansen, Rafael et AD himself)
    Effects : Deuces, JSF_Aggie
    Pilote Texture : Pappychecksix
    3D : Crab_02
    Textures : BPAo
    3D : Crab_02
    Textures : BPao
    Original F-14A Test Team
    Manetsim, Sony Tuckson, Nico, Column5


       (5 reviews)

    1 comment


  9. F-14A+

    | |
    The F-14A+ Tomcat the best fleet defender. |
    With the gracious permission of;
    The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo);
    This update includes the avionics upgrade by Sandmartin and Batman1978 which uses the avionics70 file to provide improved HUD and air to air radar and tracking capabilities and the TCS mod. This TCS mod provides a boresighted view only and does not (yet) track selected targets. The Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) has been updated and includes the implementation originally developed by wpnssgt.
    This variation of the original F-14A in one of the later operational configurations
    to guard the fleet; the F-14A+. This is a minor tweak of the ini files to update the engines and radar. The F-14A+ included the same engines for the F-14D but this version did not include the air to ground capability of the F-14D. This is not the pre-production development mod but the fleet operational version which was also later referred to as the F-14B. Both the F-14A+ and the F-14B were employed in the fleet at the same time, with the F-14A+ generally deployed to the Pacific and the F-14B deployed to the Atlantic (the principle difference between the two aircraft being whether the squadron was in the Pacific or the Atlantic Fleet). This aircraft was withdrawn from fleet service in 2006 and replaced by the F-18F in the air to air role. All F-14's received air to ground capabilities in 1995 which are included in this model with the addition of conventional air to ground bombing capabilities.
    The squadrons which deployed with the F-14A+ were VF-11, VF-24, VF-32, VF-74, VF-102, VF-103, VF-142 and VF-143. Those skins are not included in this file and must be downloaded and installed separately. The squadron skins included in this model are the original ones in the Mirage Factory F-14A. I recommend deleting the squadron skins in this model and loading the others. Since permission to include those skins was not given, those skins are not included here.
    export : None
    Just unzip this entire folder into your WOE/Ojects/Aircraft folder.
    Note -1. The avionics upgrade by Sandmartin and Batman1978 uses the avionics70 file to provide improved HUD and air to air radar and tracking capabilities. This avionics70 mod does NOT work in a Wings Over Vietnam (and possibly not in Strike Fighter) only install. So if you are using a WoV install you will need to use the alternate cockpit using the avionics60 version. The TCS mod works in both versions.
    Note; the missile stations are designed to pick up Active Radar Homing missiles and will employ the AIM-7 and AIM-54 series air to
    air missiles. The model here will also pick up the AIM-120 series in the sim, but the aircraft was never wired or certified to
    carry that missile. So if you want the realism, don't load that one.
    Good hunting!
    SFP1 Model
    3D : BPAo
    Textures : Column5 (templates)
    FM : Column5
    Sounds : Aaron Swindle
    VF1 : Column 5
    VF2 : Sundowner
    VF154 : USAFMTL
    VF31 : Sundowner
    VF84 : Sundowner
    VX4 : Sundowner
    3D : based on JT's from Thirdwire public cockpit, modified by BPAo
    Textures : based on Thirdwire, news BPAo, HUD from ArmourDave team (Sal, Lansen, Rafael et AD himself)
    Effects : Deuces, JSF_Aggie
    Pilote Texture : Pappychecksix
    3D : Crab_02
    Textures : BPAo
    3D : Crab_02
    Textures : BPao
    Original F-14A Test Team
    Manetsim, Sony Tuckson, Nico, Column5


       (12 reviews)



  10. Gulf of Sidra incident

    Gulf of Sidra incident between 2 USN F-14's and 2 Libyan Mig-23's on 4 Jan 1989.
    This is a set of missions replicating the Gulf of Sidra incident on 4 Jan, 1989, between 2 F-14's from VF-32 and 2 Mig-23's of the Libyan AF.
    I've built these missions to replicate the incident to the best of my recollection of the events that morning. Some of the ship locations, particularly the USS Belknap, are repositioned from their actual locations for reasons which I will decline to discuss, but are included as general background as are some additional aircraft included on general air routes and carrier based support missions.
    Rules of Engagement (ROE) in effect the morning of the incident are included in very general terms here. Follow these to make a challenging and realistic replication of that morning. Wartime ROE is NOT in effect and the ROE does not allow a pre-emptive attack. You are not required to wait for the bogeys to fire first but you can engage if the bogeys manuever aggressively in an attempt to obtain a firing position. Remember that the Mig-23 does have a forward quarter head-on capability! Attempt to intercept and escort but if the bogeys manuever to obtain a firing solution you are cleared to engage.
    The missions should be copied into your Strike Fighters/Missions folder. The Mig-23 Loadout, aircraft data and avionics updates should be copied directly into the Mig-23MS folder and overwrite the existing files (after you backup the originals!).
    WHAT YOU'LL ALSO NEED to run the missions are:
    1. The Mirage Factory F-14A
    2. VF-32 skin for the F-14A
    3. Mig-23MS (updated loadout, aircraft data and avionics files are included in this mission pack to provide realistic loadout and radar capability. The radar range settings have been adjusted to include a longer range selection, but the radar performance has not which will give a fairly realistic performance.)
    4. A310z *
    5. AN-12 *
    6. E-2C *
    7. KA-6D
    8 A-6E_TRAM
    9 CVA-63 (representing CV-67 JFK)
    10. Spruance *
    10.b. OH Perry *
    11. CGN-9 * (representing CG-26, Belknap, 6th Fleet Flagship)
    12. Libyan Koni *
    13. The Libya Terrain by USAFMTL (note: I've generated each of the Libyan aircraft airborne both to keep the mission elapsed time down and because the terrain version (1.4) that I used to develop these missions has a problem with the Libyan airbases that prevents launch and recovery. On missions 3 and 4 don't try to land - if you happen to make it back).
    * not required for the missions but provide realistic background of carrier air operations in the Med.
    All of the above are available from this site, and contain their own installation documents.
    Gulf of Sidra 1 and 2. Launch from the carrier and proceed to tank from Texaco. The E-2 is conducting airborne early warning and support ships for surveillance are on station. The A-6's are on a practice route over the Greek islands as you proceed and you should monitor their departure. When bogey's are called conduct a radar search. If the bogeys are closing vector to intercept and escort. ROE requires they take hostile action before you can engage. (one of these missions will be a benign intercept and escort and one will involve an engagement in close as it occured.) Return to the ship after the bogeys are outbound/splashed.
    Note: if you escort without an engagement the sim will record a mission failure - but you can record a personal mission success as a thousand such missions were flown successfully without hostilities during the years of armed standoff and occasional conflict between Libya and the US.
    Gulf of Sidra 3 is flown from the Libyan perspective. Vector to investigate the infidel violators of our sacred airspace! Sweep the skies of the invading crusaders and return to the glory of your country!
    Gulf of Sidra 4 is flown from the Libyan perspective. Vector to investigate the contacts to the north. Do not engage unless fired on, and return to report the infidel operations.
    Final note. The Gulf of Sidra event was an unplanned event, and from the USN perspective an unprovoked attack against a defensive CAP positioned to defend the carrier force during a routine transit of the Med. To this day, no one knows why the Libyan pilots manuevered as they did. It should be remembered that two very brave men, wearing uniforms and flying for their country, did not return that morning. All of the USN aircrews returned safely.
    Any questions give me a shout on PM.
    Battle Watch Captain and Tactical Action Officer, 6th Fleet Staff, embarked in USS Belknap on 4 Jan, 1989.


       (0 reviews)



  11. Mig-29C

    This is a minor update to the Mig-29A to bring it up to the later Mig-29C configuration. This variant included an ECM capabilty (not always installed) along with a basic air to ground capability with conventional bombs and rockets only.
    This variant is still in service around the world in a number of countries including the current Russian Frontal Aviation.
    Thanks to wpnsgt and USAFMTL for the permission to post this version.
    Good hunting
    "Real Aircraft use Tailhooks"


       (7 reviews)




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