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Everything posted by Airmax

  1. Looking forward to the release. Just like those Harriers. cheers
  2. Razor sounds about right for this one :yes:
  3. I'm using SFP1 and I have yet to get the SA-7's to work in game!? I've had everything else blast away at me before, but no luck with the SA-7s. I have change the settings using weapons editor, but still came up with nothing. Anyone had an SA-7 work ingame for them? cheers
  4. My turn, my turn!! CF-105 Arrow 1+ CF-101 Voodoo Tu-95 Bear Su-25 Su-39 AV-8B Harrier II Tornado F3 Mirage 2000 More B-52's ( read there the updates are coming ) B1B and the F-35 That's my list cheers
  5. Looking forward to the update and give it an whirl :yes: Cheers
  6. I read about his very item you had mention back in 2007 in the Globe & Mail. I was surprise to see these old birds still in use in the Soviet Airforce. An photo was released with an CF-18 escorting an Tu-95 Bear.
  7. Downloaded it and flew a couples missions. What an pleasure to fly guys, great work! Cheers
  8. Downloaded it, Flew it, Loved it!!!! Now if I can make an Can. Forces scheme to throw on eh! Awesome work fella's, look forward to future release's cheers
  9. Well it works for me I guess...someone get off your tail and make an CF-105 eh! cheers
  10. Finally! Someone has modeled an F-15/ACTIVE!! One of the hottest versions of the F-15. I want one !!! Looking forward to it's release when done
  11. You still have some modern planes like the F15,F16,F18A,EF-111,EA-6A,Osprey,Tornado,A-10,Su27,Mig29OVT,AMX,F23 and many ,many more. The planes you have mention are coming soon, beside's it depends on which Campaign you choose or Era. Hell, you can find the odd Mig21 still in active service today! All these planes are in the Plane addon section and just download away! I know I have, 223 aircraft on my SFp1 and counting! cheers
  12. I'd be interested in helping in testing. Which sim is the campaign for? Cheers
  13. More Flight sims!! sweet! looking forward to it cheers
  14. Well nice skin for good old Canada. added and flown about Cheers
  15. I'm going with SFP1 , then WOE. I have enjoyed the many ,many add-ons and items that I have added over the years to SFP1. I also have really like the Merc feature of SFP1 so I can buy aircraft and weapons kind of like Strike commander of old. With over 100+ aircraft added it's tough to put down at times. I also have WOE but have not invested too much at it. As for WOV, well I have not an copy to say much on that one But from what I have been reading about it something I'll try to get down the road. :yes: Cheers
  16. I somewhat remember that the "Claws" flew the Mig-21 or the Mirage 2000
  17. Well I'll be damn, I still have this program stored away and have the old manual/notebook kicking around. This sim was an great idea at best,really enjoyed the story line. I'd be interested in an SFP1 remake for sure cheers
  18. Hi out there I'm looking for an squadron to join or looking for information on where to find an list of squadrons that fly sims. I have allot of flight time in Lomac,Strike Fighters P1, WOE, and many more. I'm located in Vancouver, Canada and thought to post here if it can help in my search. If anyone has suggestions on where to look or any other info, please PM me or post. Thank you for any help. cheers
  19. CF188 sounds great! have that and 50 plus aircraft with my SfP1 and soon to add to WOE ,but can't find WOV atm. Still looking around though
  20. Any more room for Can. pilots ? Have your web page loaded and Bkm. Cheers
  21. I'm flexible when it comes to sims, just looking for an group that enjoys flying sims and having fun doing it cheers
  22. I will be looking forward to this latest volume of the Ace Combat series, I still have the very first one "Air Combat" of Playstation series before the name change to ACE latter on. One of the best console sims to date and still looking great. But is this upcoming release only for Xbox 360 or is there an Sony version in the works? cheers
  23. Congrats on your new "little" wingman cheers
  24. I would love to fly the Arrow if available :)

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