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Everything posted by SandMartin

  1. 1. SHOOT should only light up when the target is within the range of the weapon and not just in the Lock on. For example, when a cannon is selected, this message will never light up at a distance of 20 miles. It is always displayed in your mod near TD Box, which is incorrect. 2. If you say that we cannot carry AIM-9P, then why are they available in the weapon load page ? And by the way, if you look at the display of missiles on the HUD in your F/A-18D, you will see that there they are also indicated as AIM9 and AIM7 like in my version of your mod. 3. In your mod, the Walleye can be carry on inner pylons, becouse EOGB value is not removed from these pylons on the fa18-data.ini in your version of mod.
  2. If everything is correct for you, answer the 2 question please - which symbol on the HUD should be lit if the AIM-9P-5 weighs on the pylon? The second question is under what conditions does the "SHOOT" sign on the HUD light up? And then compare your answers with how you did it. And one more question - why on pylons 7 and 3 do you allow hanging Walleye in your mod? Why is your version of the aircraft capable of accelerating to Mach 1.75+ with full loadout?
  3. Ok, there is final version F-18A from me. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/okf4/MtfEA7Xf6 Few final tweaks, new loading screens, new loadout.ini, etc.. I think I did everything I wanted at the moment. I think I'm done with this mod at the moment, unless, of course, in the future ThirdWire will not give us avionics80.dll
  4. While playing today, I noticed that I forgot to put in the dual bomb racks. Well, I fixed that. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/chPo/BkRUtoo75
  5. I cannot edit/delete my previous post. I gave the wrong link in it. Here is the correct one. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/U7Hs/Uq75sf5Dx
  6. Ok, there is my Final Version: SEE LINK IN POST BELOW I have corrected the display on the left MFD of weapon types from the vanilla game. (I realized that the message "clown" cannot be displayed correctly at the moment. If it works, I'll do it later) Anyway, I'm happy with the final result.
  7. I solved the problem of glitch textures in the cockpit. I had to slightly correct the location of the pilot's head (I moved it forward and lowered it a little bit) in the cockpit.ini file Now, when viewing around, glitches of the textures of the rear seat texture and a glitch of the cockpit canopy do not appear https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Arw1/GuVcV9koN
  8. UPD - I finded how to remove LOFT Message. So, LOFT message is removed from HUD. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/wch7/GyzGwZgNM
  9. UPD Third: AIM-7F can LOFT too, but the mode must be on (on the stores page) and the missle must fly up the hill. But since the AIM-7 (all modifications) flies in a straight line in Strike Fighters 2, this means that we are launching them in the NORM mode. Accordingly, there should be no LOFT message on the HUD.
  10. Yes, I have played the DCS World Hornet many times and watched real footage from F-18 HUD The fact is that yes, HUD has 9L or 9M, depending on the type of missle. But in this mod, you can specify only either 9L or 9M, which will be incorrect if, for example, you have 9L but 9M is available, the general name in AIM9 will be more logical, at least it does not mislead. If somehow it is possible to indicate on the HUD so that there are separate 9L and 9M (7M and 7P), depending on the type of missile selected, let me know. Second, yes, in real "SHOOT" lights up when the target is IN RANGE and you can actually shoot.. Third. LOFT mode is only available for AIM-7MH missle (it is not currently in the game). In this mod, message LOFT is on, although the AIM7M missle does not follow the loft trajectory. Therefore, I want to remove (turn off) "LOFT" message from this mod. Fourth - When the AGM84 harpoon is selected, the "HP" indicator on the HUD should be lit
  11. Guys, I corrected some files in this F/A-18A . What I managed to do: HUD: 1) Renamed 9L and 7M to AIM9 and AIM7 2) TD BOX is now stuck at the border of the HUD (like Thirdwire's F16 and F15). This makes it easier to direct the lift vector towards the target. 3) Messege "SHOOT" near TD BOX now in HUD colors (but for now it is off. See below) Sound: 1) Aircraft sound now without background radio calls Engine effects: 1) Added engine smoke similar to Thirdwires F-15 2) Fixed afterburner effect. The afterburner sprite now disappears when it is not working. That is, the engine nozzles are black at military thrust. 3) Afterburner flame is now the same as in Thirdwires F-16 and F-15. Vapor Effects: 1) Added Vapor to lead edge extension (LEX) (like Thirdwire F-16) 2) Vapor effects from vertical stabilizers have been removed 3) Subsonic Cone effect have been removed Pilot: Changed to default Thirdwire F-14A Pilot Other: Number of shells for the cannon has been changed to 578 instead 570 Enjoy! https://cloud.mail.ru/public/GBAS/BC74MLUgb ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- What else I would like to fix, but have not yet succeeded: 1) Remove LOFT label when choosing AIM 7 on HUD (I still do not understand where it is registered) 2) When choosing the AGM84 Harpoon missile, there is no type of weapon message (like HARM or CCIP) on the HUD at the ammunition counter. 3) How to make the message SHOOT near TDBOX appear only if there is a target within IN RANGE? That is, I would like the "SHOOT" messege on the HUD to appear simultaneously with switching on "SHOOT" message on the canopy frame. Now the "SHOOT" message near TD BOX is constantly on. Now it only has such attributes [HUD_TD2] SymbolType=TD_RADAR ImageFilename=cockpit\hud\HUD18_SHOOT.tga ImageSize=0.0450 4) This mod has a glitch texture when looking back within Track IR. (see attached image). How to fix it ? 5) The wheels of the plane are slightly immersed in concrete. I would like to raise the plane a couple of inches. (see attached image) 6) I would like to some restrict of the weapon pylons/stations. For example, so that it would not be possible to hang the early sparrow like AIM-7E on the AIM-7M pylon .. can this be done somehow?
  12. My friends in russia making new arcade flying game, named "Molten Sky" - rus - "Расплавленное небо" Game will like HAWX. Its not competitor for TW games, becouse its not simulator, maps will be only ~ 30x30 miles and view will be third person. But this game will be have real payload, real damage, real radar modes, real fuel usage and etc... It will be game about Russian-US conflict in future. Playable crafts will be PAK-FA T-50, F-22, KA-50 and tanks T-90 and Abrams will be playable too. If you intresting, welcome to site of project - http://www.biglittleteam.com
  13. Если у меня стоит режим HARD и все маркеры выключены, как мне понять, какую наземную цель я выбрал ? Вообще радар AG в Strike Fighters какую нибудь функцию выполняет ? (Он показывает ряд целей, но маркер для выбора целей нет, и соответственно цель можно выбрать только с помощью переключения "Visual Targeting") Есть у кого какие мнения по этому поводу ?
  14. Guys, what u think, who will win ? What plane have better manuvrebility with 100% fuel load, without ext. fuel tanks, and their payload consist only two AIM-9M... If pilots are equal.. And I want listen your opininion about Su-27 (2x R73) vs F-16C (2x AIM-9M)... And Is there anything should that be F-18С to oppose them in knife fight ?
  15. Dogfight: F-16 block 50\52 vs F-15C

    I mean if they go head to head, when they come visual contact, for identify, and after the beginning of divergence, when they go on first turn, to go to the tail of each other, who have better chance to make first shot ?
  16. Народ, поставил тут себе SF2 Vietnam и увидел что он тормозит очень сильно, хотя оригинал Wings over Vietnam идет очень плавно ? (Разрешение везде выставляю 1240*1024) AMD X2 4200, 2GB оперативки и GF9800 GTX+ 512 мб. Неужели игра во 2-й редакции стала настолько больше требовательной ?
  17. Strike Fighters 2

    А где скачать ?
  18. Народ, если ктонить гденить найдет ссылку там, то пишите сюда. А то они продают только версию для скачки с нета, но вот с России по кредитки проблем не будет купить её ?? Просто с СD дисками как то проще пошел в магаз взял диск или на худой конец, если никто не локализовывал - с торрента скачал и всё.. а сдесь как поступать х.з... А поиграть очень хочется...
  19. Где надыбать Wings over Israel ?

    Если нет такого гемора с активацией и пр, интересно почему никто в инет не выложил его ?
  20. Guys, when I complete my mission, on HARD, when I come back to home, I cant find carrier on final waypoint !!! Its GONE! I ask tower - they say Home Plate 1 mile, 12 o clock, but, there are no carrier =((( Carriers lights is off, so I cant find IT =(. i can find it only with autopilots help. Do I havealternative way, to find carrier without autopilot, on hard, at night ? I tried to see manual, but manual dont have information about this problem =(
  21. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=3964 File Name: HUD & RADAR UPDATE for F-14 File Submitter: =RAF= SandMartin File Submitted: 29 Jan 2007 File Updated: 1 Feb 2007 File Category: Add-On Cockpits Thanx for Fubar512. His make it for me. This addon change your F-14 HUD & RADAR to F-15A style from Wings over Europe (Radar now have TWS, STT, SEARCH, ACM). It change HUD too. Enjoy! Instruction: In your F-14A.ini (not the F-14A_data.ini), edit the following line; AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll to AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll Then just dop the two files from the attached .rar archive into your F-14A folder Click here to download this file
  22. Top 25 Flight sims

    I forgot write Jane`s F-15 & Jane`s IAF + USAF
  23. Top 25 Flight sims

    But, if they creat list flight games of ALL time - so WHERE IS SIMS OF ALL TIME - MICROPROSE F-19, F-29 RETALATOR or EA LHX ??? Оr Strike Commander, Fleet Defender, Janes Longbow, Novalogic Comanche, DID F-22 ADF or TAW, Hornet 3.0, Novalogic F-22\Mig29\F16, jane`s Fighters Anthology & many other ?? If they put Satr Wars why they dont put in list - Elite or X3 Reunon ? LOL... Guys, lets make our TOP 25 Flight Sims list =)) My top 11 - this list: 1) Jane`s USNF95-Marine-ATF-Nato-USNF97-ATF Gold-Fighters Anthology 2) F-16 Combat Pilot on ZX-Spectrum (Sinclair) (My first simulator) 3) Microprose F-117 4) LHX 5) Lock On\Flanker 2.5\Flanker 1.0 for MS Dos 6) SFP1\WOV\WOE\FE1918 7) IL-2 8) F-14 Fleet Defender & F-15 Strike Eagle 3 9) TFX 10) Top Gun 2 on NES (nintendo) (my first multiplayer flight game =))) 11) Comanche 1\2 & Werewolf
  24. Thanks for information, but I fly on F-8E, & its radar dont have A-G mode

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