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Posts posted by SandMartin

  1. F-18A Hornet (1983) for SF2 vanilla

    F-18A Hornet (1983) v1.0.2 for Strike Fighters 2 Vanilla by SandMartin.
    04 February 2021

    The whole idea of this mod is to show what Hornet could be if made by Thirdwire itself. Therefore, everything is set up to be as much as possible in the style of the original game.

    Based on F-18 pack from Hornet Team mod.

    Thanks The Hornet Team for their amazing mod:
    Original Model by BPAO and the Mirage Factory, updated by FastCargo.
    New pit by Brain32 with Crusader, Brain and CB34 doing the avionics.
    Skins by Siddog, Dave and EricJ.
    Crash test Dummy: Caeser
    Seats: Julhelm and Ravenclaw
    Weapons by Ravenclaw, wpnssgt and others.
    Original Loadouts and variant shred out by  CrazyhorseB34 

    Many thanks for Carrier Ellumination Mod
    Effects and .ini work: MiGbuster and Fubar512
    Placement: MiGbuster
    Technical Consultant: SidDogg


    To install:
    C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\

    Launch StrikeFighters2.exe from game folder.

    Mod functionality tested on clean Strike Fighters 2 Complete or Strike Fighters 2 with all DLCs..
    This is a standalone mod and does not require any other mods to be installed.
    Correct work in conjunction with other mods is not guaranteed!

    So, there is tweaks I made:

    1) The "SHOOT" message on the HUD was displayed incorrectly - I had to delete it so as not to mislead the pilot, since the internal tools of the game did not make it right. We need to have avionic80.dll.
    The "LOFT" message has also been removed from the HUD, since our AIM-7 is launched on a normal rather than LOFT trajectory

    2) Changed the names of HUD - 7M and 9M to the more versatile AIM7 and AIM9, since there are several types of these missiles in the game. It's a game convention.

    3) On the HUD, when choosing the AGM-84 missile, the AG indicator is added opposite the number of missiles. Before that, just a counter was displayed.

    4) At at landing, "NAV" is changed to "ILS",  and the angle of attack indicator (E-Bracket) has been removed, since its readings are still not correct and may be misleading.  At the optimal angle of attack, E-bracket should be below the visible HUD boundary due to the current FOV in the HUD.

    5) The angle of attack and Mach indicator are now displayed in all HUD modes.

    6) Bank (Roll) Indicator on HUD in navigation and landing mode now works fine.

    7) The sound of the plane inside is made with vanilla, no left background conversations on the walkie-talkie.

    8) Black smoke of afterburner exhaust is made in the image and likeness of vanilla F-16A and F-15A

    9) Now the afterburner texture inside the nozzle light up correctly, and does not burn all the time.

    10) The afterburner flame is now in the likeness of the standard F-15A and F-16A

    11) Added vortices on the leading-edge root extension (LEX Vapors)

    12) Removed vortices from the tips of vertical tails.

    13) Removed the poor prandtl-gloert cone, which for some reason was screwed by the modernists. Better none than this. Moreover, the other planes in the game do not have it.

    14) Hornet pilot is now standard NAVY, from F-14A

    15) The number of shells for the M61 cannon has been adjusted to 578 (was 570)

    16) Fixed glitch textures. Now in TrackIR you can look back over your shoulder, and you are not afraid to see a glitch in the texture of the back of the chair. For this, the pilot's point of view had to be slightly shifted.

    17) The wheels "pumped up" a little, as they usually fell through the concrete in the parking lot.

    18) The left MFD in the cockpit now correctly displays the indicators of all standard vanilla weapons. To display the bombs on the central pylon, they had to make copies with a different internal name. (see Weapons folder)

    19) Fixed Bomb Rack - now =<1000 pound bombs hang side by side, like most real Hornets. Also they can now carry 2xMK83

    20) The air target designator (TD Box) on the HUD now does not disappear when approaching the HUD border, but "sticks" to it, that is, it indicates where the target is (while the radar is holding the target). It is more convenient to point the nose of the aircraft towards the target when it is not visible visually, but the radar keeps it locked.

    21) In some places, I slightly corrected the textures - the arrows on the map (on the lower MFD) are a little whiter and brighter - that is, the compass on its background is now read a little better .. Also on the right MFD, the attitude indicator (DDI) made a waterline with bright yellow light green. (After all, the MFDs in the cockpit of the early Hornets were black/green monochrome)

    22) I changed the mass of the drop tanks - it was 1000 became 1350 kg (this is how it turns out if you calculate the mass of 330 gallons of fuel and add the mass of the empty tank).

    23) Adjusted fuel consumption and top speed. Now at altitude, it does not overtake everyone in a row with full suspensions as it was configured at the Mirage Factory.
    Before that, he calmly gained Mach 1.75 with a full load and also almost did not consume fuel (2.5 times less than the F-16).
    Now, at an altitude of 40,000 feet, a maximum of Mach 1.78-82 is empty (according to the performance characteristics in real life, 1.8M) and also consumes a little more fuel than the F-16A Netz (due to two engines and 2.5 tons more aircraft mass).

    24) Nozzles at idle throttle position are now maximum open.

    25) In case of severe critical damage, the MFD just screens go out

    26) Adjusted hardpoints. Air-to-air missiles and Walleye missiles can no longer be attached to points 3 and 7 (see loadouts.jpg for more details)

    27) Added custom pictures - loading screen and hangar screen

    28) Adjusted the default aircraft loading options for different missions. (see f-18a_loadout.ini and loadouts.jpg for more details)

    29) Added custom pictures - loading screen and hangar screen

    30) To make my mod differ in the list of mods the plane is renamed from "F/A-18A Hornet" to "F-18A Hornet" . It is also a tribute to the early hornets who at that time in the literature were called the "F-18A".

    31) Skin of VMFA-531 MARINES added

    32) RWR threats now taken from Thirdwire's F-15A RWR List

    33) Low Fuel Indicator on the left MFD now set to 2000lbs

    34) HUD: Air-to-Air messages configured. Removed "BST", "RADAR" and "AACQ". Instead, "RDR" lights up when the radar locks onto a target.

    35) HUD: Letter "R" is no longer displayed in landing mode

    36) HUD: ILS during landing on a carrier works correctly

    37) HUD: Ammo counter shifted under the weapon type indicator

    38) HUD: Steerline is now displayed in NAV mode instead ILS and looks different

    39) Ajusted pod stations:
    The left cheek station is capable of carrying FLIR and TGT Pods
    The  right cheek station is capable of FLIR/RECON Pod
    The centline station is capable of carrying Datalink Pod.

    These devices are not yet in the game, but this is done for the future 
    (if ThirdWire decides to update its game). Pave Spike dont capable with Hornets.

    40) Missing texture of the AGM-45/HARM pylon - fixed.

    41) The left MFD now correctly indicates the presence of all early sidewinders avaible in the game (AIM-9B, 9E, 9P-5 etc.. ) and early bombs like napalm

    42) Added 7 instant training missions (Dogfights and carrier take-off/landing)

    43)  A absolutly necessary thing has been added to this mod - night illumination of the deck of default aircraft carriers!
    (by default they come with the lights off, which clearly looks like a bug). Big thanx to MiGbuster, Fubar512 and SidDogg for their amazing Illumination fix! Also the nose gear landing light is off as it blinded the HUD at night during landing.

    44) HUD in ILS mode - Radar altitude is now indicated

    45) RWR now shows the type of ground threat.

    46) The images of the formation lights are added to Hornets skins.

    47) Adjusted the brightness of the navigation lights.


    You can see this mod on my youtube channel:



  2. I solved the problem of glitch textures in the cockpit.
    I had to slightly correct the location of the pilot's head (I moved it forward  and lowered it a little bit) in the cockpit.ini file 
    Now, when viewing around, glitches of the textures of the rear seat texture and a glitch of the cockpit canopy do not appear







  3. Yes, I have played the DCS World Hornet many times and watched real footage from F-18 HUD
    The fact is that yes, HUD has 9L or 9M, depending on the type of missle. But in this mod, you can specify only either 9L or 9M, which will be incorrect if, for example, you have 9L but 9M is available,  the general name in AIM9 will be more logical, at least it does not mislead. If somehow it is possible to indicate on the HUD so that there are separate 9L and 9M (7M and 7P), depending on the type of missile selected, let me know.

    Second, yes, in real "SHOOT" lights up when the target is IN RANGE and you can actually shoot.. 

    Third. LOFT mode is only available for AIM-7MH missle (it is not currently in the game).  In this mod, message LOFT is on, although the AIM7M missle does not follow the loft trajectory. Therefore, I want to remove (turn off) "LOFT" message from this mod.

    Fourth - When the AGM84 harpoon  is selected, the "HP" indicator on the HUD should be lit


    • Confused 1

  4. Guys, I corrected some files in this F/A-18A .

    What I managed to do:

    1) Renamed 9L and 7M to AIM9 and AIM7
    2) TD BOX is now stuck at the border of the HUD (like Thirdwire's F16 and F15). This makes it easier to direct the lift vector towards the target.

    3) Messege "SHOOT" near TD BOX now in HUD colors
    (but for now it is off. See below)


    1) Aircraft sound now without background radio calls

    Engine effects:

    1) Added engine smoke similar to Thirdwires F-15

    2) Fixed afterburner effect. The afterburner sprite now disappears when it is not working. That is, the engine nozzles are black at military thrust.
    3) Afterburner flame is now the same as in Thirdwires F-16 and F-15.

    Vapor Effects:

    1) Added Vapor to lead edge extension (LEX) (like Thirdwire F-16)

    2)  Vapor effects from vertical stabilizers  have been removed

    3) Subsonic Cone effect have been removed



     Changed to default Thirdwire F-14A Pilot


    Number of shells for the cannon has been changed to 578 instead 570





    What else I would like to fix, but have not yet succeeded:

    1) Remove LOFT label when choosing AIM 7 on HUD (I still do not understand where it is registered)


    2) When choosing the AGM84 Harpoon missile, there is no type of weapon message (like HARM or CCIP)  on the HUD at the ammunition counter.


    3) How to make the message SHOOT near TDBOX appear only if there is a target within IN RANGE? That is, I would like the "SHOOT" messege on the HUD to appear simultaneously with switching on "SHOOT" message on the canopy frame. Now the "SHOOT" message near TD BOX is constantly on.

    Now it only has such attributes



    4) This mod has a glitch texture when looking back within Track IR. (see attached image). How to fix it ?


    5) The wheels of the plane are slightly immersed in concrete. I would like to raise the plane a couple of inches.  (see attached image)


    6) I would like to some restrict  of the weapon pylons/stations. For example, so that it would not be possible to hang the early sparrow like AIM-7E on the AIM-7M pylon .. can this be done somehow?





  5. Hello everybody.

    I had an idea to get the F/A-18A in such a form as if it was made by Thirdwire themselves. So that it does not differ from a different style of the game. 

    To do this, I am thinking how you can change this version Hornet 

    which has a fairly good cockpit, radar screen and HUD etc...

    But what needs to be done, and I do not yet understand how:

    1) Remove all hornets from this package, leave only the A version, for the style of the game of 1982-1983.

    2) Make black engine nozzle one the military thrust.

    3) Make the Afterburner a color similar to the default F-15A and F -16A, so that it does not bend during maneuvers

    4) Add black weak smoke like default F-16 and F-15

    5) Remove all additional weapons (except for external fuel tanks), leave compatibility with default weapons of the game 

    6) Add vortices (like in the F-16A) from the slugs and remove the rest of the vortices

    7) Add the correct display of the missile type. (now AIM-F is displayed as AIM-7M  on the HUD)

    8) Remove the sounds of negotiations from the standard engine sound of the aircraft

  6. Если у меня стоит режим HARD и все маркеры выключены, как мне понять, какую наземную цель я выбрал ?


    Вообще радар AG в Strike Fighters какую нибудь функцию выполняет ?

    (Он показывает ряд целей, но маркер для выбора целей нет, и соответственно цель можно выбрать только с помощью переключения "Visual Targeting")


    Есть у кого какие мнения по этому поводу ?

  7. My friends in russia making new arcade flying game, named "Molten Sky" - rus - "Расплавленное небо"


    Game will like HAWX. Its not competitor for TW games, becouse its not simulator, maps will be only ~ 30x30 miles and view will be third person.

    But this game will be have real payload, real damage, real radar modes, real fuel usage and etc...




    It will be game about Russian-US conflict in future.


    Playable crafts will be PAK-FA T-50, F-22, KA-50 and tanks T-90 and Abrams will be playable too.


    If you intresting, welcome to site of project - http://www.biglittleteam.com





  8. What engagement do you have in mind?

    Even within visual range a fighter's position relative to its opponent (no matter what kind) would decide the advantage held. Conceding this advantage would be unthinkable-which Flanker pilot would agree to allow a Falcon a firing solution on self confidence and superior maneouverability alone or conversely which Falcon pilot would agree to enter a scissors with a Flanker?

    Who would have first visual?That pilot, irrespective of the aircraft, would seize the day.



    I mean if they go head to head, when they come visual contact, for identify, and after the beginning of divergence, when they go on first turn, to go to the tail of each other, who have better chance to make first shot ?

  9. Guys, what u think, who will win ? What plane have better manuvrebility with 100% fuel load, without ext. fuel tanks, and their payload consist only two AIM-9M...

    If pilots are equal..


    And I want listen your opininion about Su-27 (2x R73) vs F-16C (2x AIM-9M)...


    And Is there anything should that be F-18С to oppose them in knife fight ?

  10. Народ, поставил тут себе SF2 Vietnam и увидел что он тормозит очень сильно, хотя оригинал Wings over Vietnam идет очень плавно ?

    (Разрешение везде выставляю 1240*1024) AMD X2 4200, 2GB оперативки и GF9800 GTX+ 512 мб.

    Неужели игра во 2-й редакции стала настолько больше требовательной ?

  11. Народ, если ктонить гденить найдет ссылку там, то пишите сюда. А то они продают только версию для скачки с нета, но вот с России по кредитки проблем не будет купить её ??

    Просто с СD дисками как то проще пошел в магаз взял диск или на худой конец, если никто не локализовывал - с торрента скачал и всё.. а сдесь как поступать х.з... А поиграть очень хочется... :rolleyes:

  12. HUD & RADAR UPDATE for F-14

    Thanx for Fubar512. His make it for me.






    This addon change your F-14 HUD & RADAR to F-15A style from Wings over Europe (Radar now have TWS, STT, SEARCH, ACM).

    It change HUD too.








    In your F-14A.ini (not the F-14A_data.ini), edit the following line; AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll to AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll

    Then just dop the two files from the attached .rar archive into your F-14A folder


  13. But, if they creat list flight games of ALL time - so WHERE IS SIMS OF ALL TIME - MICROPROSE F-19, F-29 RETALATOR or EA LHX ???


    Оr Strike Commander, Fleet Defender, Janes Longbow, Novalogic Comanche, DID F-22 ADF or TAW, Hornet 3.0, Novalogic F-22\Mig29\F16, jane`s Fighters Anthology & many other ??


    If they put Satr Wars why they dont put in list - Elite or X3 Reunon ?





    Guys, lets make our TOP 25 Flight Sims list =))

    My top 11 - this list:


    1) Jane`s USNF95-Marine-ATF-Nato-USNF97-ATF Gold-Fighters Anthology

    2) F-16 Combat Pilot on ZX-Spectrum (Sinclair) (My first simulator)

    3) Microprose F-117

    4) LHX

    5) Lock On\Flanker 2.5\Flanker 1.0 for MS Dos

    6) SFP1\WOV\WOE\FE1918

    7) IL-2

    8) F-14 Fleet Defender & F-15 Strike Eagle 3

    9) TFX

    10) Top Gun 2 on NES (nintendo) (my first multiplayer flight game =)))

    11) Comanche 1\2 & Werewolf

  14. Guys, when I complete my mission, on HARD, when I come back to home, I cant find carrier on final waypoint !!! Its GONE! I ask tower - they say Home Plate 1 mile, 12 o clock, but, there are no carrier =((( Carriers lights is off, so I cant find IT =(. i can find it only with autopilots help. Do I havealternative way, to find carrier without autopilot, on hard, at night ?

    I tried to see manual, but manual dont have information about this problem =(


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