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Everything posted by hotrodss

  1. Yeah, it sucks and that whole situation could have been handled differently but that is way above my pay grade. Word has it they'll be gone by the end of Jan 08. You must be in MA. The 104th out of Westfield is the only unit I know to get the Eagles, which came from Otis on Cape Cod.
  2. Hey, I know I'm late to the party and want to say I'm not piling on JA 37 Viggen, but this is what we do to have some fun after working a 12- 14- or 16 hour days sometimes with NO day off. I'm 39 with 5 years active duyt in the Air Force and currently in the CT Air National Guard. I was deployed this summer and a couple of our tanker pilots did the samething, but they used the song "This Is Why I'm Hot" and it was hilarious (it's on youtube also). The samething happened when I was in Kuwait in '05-'06. Believe me we work real hard when deployed. If you get a chance, talk to a military member, it's a great way to relieve stress and poke fun at yourself and squadronmates. Hotrodss
  3. Hey there folks, I downloaded & installed the "Burning Sands 1983" Campaign by vinman onto a clean & current patched version of SFP1 and got an error message saying the "program encountered a problem and needed to close". You know the kind were it will send a report to MS if you want. So I then installed "Burning Sands" upgrade file with the same message. Before this file I installed and played the the "Burning Sands 1983 sp4 update" with no problems. How do I get the original BS 1983 campaign to work? I really would like to fly the F-14. Any/all help is appreciated.
  4. Star Wars Games

    Thanks for the info but I still have my old computer so I'll be putting X-Wing and TIE Fightter on that. Will DOSBox work on a computer running Windows XP? so I can play X-Wing Alliance? if so, where can I get it
  5. OK wheres all the BSG fans?

    I like both versions of BSG...old and new. Took a while to get used to Starbuck being a female, but she grew on me. Does anyone remember toe old BSG Viper pilot jacket for sale in magazines?!?!?! Almost bought one but pops wouldn't go for. Now that I think about, glad he said no.
  6. Star Wars Games

    I have the stand alone for SW X-wing and Tie Figter, and I have X-wing Alliance. I can't get them to work on my new computer (bought in Sept 06) with Win XP
  7. Spotted an A-10

    Hey Tank 03, That A-10 you and your buddy saw might have been from either the 104th FW MASS ANG or the 103rd FW CT ANG (my unit), but to go that far north without an in-flight refuel or drop tanks (which we don't use on local flights) wouldn't work. I also thought he might have come out of FT Drum in upstate NY ( we go there for target practice), but he would still need extra fuel. The only thing I can think of is he landed at a local A/P, refueled and had some fun before heading home. It's great you and your buddy were able to witness that, A-10's look pretty cool when they're put thru it's paces. When I was active duty Air Force in the late 80's stationed at Eglin AFB, Fla., myself (as a young airmen) and a sergent were transporting slabs of steel to one of the gun ranges when we were buzzed by an A-10. He made a head on pass at us, he was so low I saw the pilot BEHIND THE HUD. We never heard him until he was on top of us. THAT WAS COOL!!!!!!!
  8. Can someone please help with identifying the ini file for A/C's in SFP1, WoV and WoE. I'm downloading add-on a/c skins for these flight sims and when I come across ones where you have to add the "TextureSetxxx" in the ini file, I don't know what it looks like. I'm guessing the ini file is (for example A-4B folder) the notepad with the yellow gear in the middle that says "A-4B Configuration Settings". If this is the right one do I just type in the specific textureset? Thanks for any/all help.
  9. New Chinook

    The Air Force annouced in January (I think) they will replace the MH-53's with the their version of the Chinook for Spec Ops crews. I read it in the Jan. issue of the Air Force Times. What's old is new again.
  10. I downloaded Vark's F-111 Package and it did not come with engine/ab sound file. How can I get this file? I'm new to message boards/forums, but not new to flight sims. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
  11. I do have the F-14a add-on a/c installed. I just have to read the Knowledge base to find out how to modify the data .ini file. I'm new to these kind of file mods.

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