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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Im doing it alongside the t1a m8...as its based on the model
  2. Speaking of cubans...nice screen btw EMP..
  3. redone pit...retextured cockpit side rails...remade panel front...dash........bit to do yet always the same when you start improving stuff...more you do ,the more you see to redo lol...ignore canopy etc still wip
  4. veltro m8...I know ur probably gonna tell me to piss off lol...but...areas like below door,and right area in pic above...try this ..I meshsmooth surrounding areas only...( edged faces on the la15 top screenshot below) on surrounding areas to smooth out the cuts...saves you making whole meshes high poly..done it on several models...fuji..la15...mig AT to name but a few
  5. building shadow prob may be a polys in the mesh or double sided selected...\i think its poly is reversed...had that on my model ...reversed poly cast reversed shadow...I flipped poly and it went away..
  6. Thnx SF.. new canopy,canopyglass allround,..new interior of canopy,cockpit interior,new panel...tail end redone.(not square ,rounded it off as it should be)..new intakes,(out and in)...tidied up the fuselage a bit, new wheels (correct wheel textures),repainted\mapped wells,extended tail fillet...later hawks have it...redoing pylons...(proper shape,re-texture),obscured in pic by old ones... texture is same so just need to remap it to texture the new bits\polys.
  7. I updated A model here..http://combatace.com/files/file/14064-mig-29a7z/ use dast24`s A pack from here first...then use my update for the add ons such as chute etc. http://combatace.com/files/file/12141-mig29a-pack/ .you can easily add east german skin to it...
  8. I have the F7m F7B and F7mb with chute...can easily add to the f13.. chute housing is separate texture
  9. redone canopy....few bits to do and just wheels to redo bit too wide,and got correct textures now.. ignore odd bits...overlaps etc...as its hash of meshes...mixed\joined bits of 3 fuselage meshes to get all good bits...then rejoin em etc etc...pita lol
  10. Bit of delay with hawks as im redoing some bits... ignore bump mapping its test...redone intakes...some mapping doing gear\wheels,and canopy...further along will need to alter tail by the nozlzle as its not correct.
  11. To be fair that t34 is crap...make new one lol
  12. Sukhoi Su-25 "Frogfoot"

    nicely done
  13. 3d model had some mapping faults which ive been rectifying...takes time with other stuff,will try best to do it asap. before pics top .lower pic =after
  14. hope to get it out with,if not directly after the new T1A
  15. SF2 : NA worth it?

    Its well worth money for extras you get... I can run it unlimited on a wait for it...Q6660,6gb ram and an xfx5770 1920x1080x32 and no problems whatever on my i5 2670k 6gb ram 7950 at same res not a murmur on any sf game at unlimited...wierd how some high spec pcs have trouble...I even ran it on a p4 with no trouble...when I had only that pc set up in new house a while back. EMP...I recommend you try the replacement terrain for NA maybe that will help your system probs? maybe worth trying
  16. I think its the little things that set off the larger things eh?...lol ty screenus shotus obligarytos ..he he
  17. soulfreak m8....those are what ive been past few days googling for...you sent me them ages ago and ive been scouring dvds looking for them ty m8y luckily,what im doing on hawk t1 will be transferable to this version...better shape to fuselage,extra bits etc..
  18. more detail added,panels done mostly,counting rivets now...Im trying to get these out asap...it should be worth wait..
  19. Hi Res Runways 2014 (Pack 2)

    nice...just what I had started a while back but never finished lol...n1
  20. Bit more,Not much left to do now.... Reds In the US of A.... and lone flight...

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