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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. I for one dont mind losing stock 105`s for yours renamed m8...looking good
  2. this is weird... flew someone elses aicraft ...and opened canopy by accident pressed f6 and went to view my f4e raf phantom(which was AI enemy aircraft) and its canopy opened when i pressed shift +0 for the a\c i was flying odd or what ?
  3. That wont work...as the cat files will be pat files..which arent yet joined\installed to the cat files in previous patch\update
  4. look here...11th post down.. http://combatace.com/topic/78540-may-patch/
  5. Just use extractor to get them ...and drop folders when sorted into your old install I did similar updated a fresh install,then copied them into my 2012 install
  6. Hmmm...mapping on fuselage is wonky...same as the 27 if he lets me have the gear can fix that...I started on static model he gave mme of the 27..which I cant import as I said I wouldnt..and its got no animations anyways...all gear etc are in down \ open position...unless I get the max files thats it ...
  7. good point...time to change my canopy etc anim slots
  8. Ive seen this tool and it wont open LOD level 1 and lower lods it will open them but only bits and as one horrid mesh...we are safe i think..
  9. Tried skins as jpeg for 105D here will try both saved bmps as jpegs..removed ALL bmps and still it loads default bmps weird july13 patch
  10. Messing with some "What if " RAF F4e skins and colours...
  11. He gave me the 27 years ago,albeit with no anims...maybe he might loan it...
  12. Is that his modded su27?...if so was the mapping fixed?...on fuselage etc top
  13. hmmmm odd...jpegs refuse to work...jul13 patch level or 2012
  14. I had similar probs ant....called em skin1.jpg or skin1.jpeg cant remember which worked lol
  15. you add a move statement in data.ini somehow...I forget...wrench is the man for this Q..
  16. Here is 3 levels of bumpmap bmps.. in pic I used 2xnormalbumps bmp`s in pics here I have supplied 3 choices 1x 2x and 3x so all peeps have to do is copy these 4 bmps into F22A root folder and overwrite...copy dont move so you dont lose them..and choose what level of bumpmapping you prefer also supplied my agg pilot...add ......>Pilot_aggressor< to pilot section of data.ini.. F22ANormalmaps.7z
  17. will do...will make a few different settings for people to choose.. nice model btw......chucking her about a bit...
  18. ahhh ok...im sure cockpit guys will help
  19. still messing with bumps...I prefer my aggressor pilot...other ones visor seems to penetrate the canopyglass... nice a\c tho cadete...
  20. Abou time you turned talents to this lol....I expect your usual standards
  21. what model you thinking of looking at?...you need one to see how they are made for game ?
  22. Thnx....I need to invent some serials as its a what if...but im using Sundowners (I think) serial decs for it...so its ok if you dont fly the 54sqd FGR lol) as they use same numbers
  23. NA will give you a wide variety of sea action m8y..

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