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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. I usually run SF2 on my 2nd pc...(modelling,apps etc etc.. on an old Q6600 Core2 Quad 2.4GHz 6GB DDR2 XFX7890 3GB DDR5 Ram.. ssd Samsung 256GB...and it runs game on Ultimate...with modded gfx usually with high settings for details,etc...and never slows down even with huge terrain\gfx mods...weird eh
  2. No...same here....drop Hawk folder in Aircraft folder and drop that into Objects folder and drop Obj folder into your mod main folder.
  3. Get painshop pro 7.04 from or such from oldversions.com. free time limited.. I use it primarily for skins etc...and use photoshop for stuff it cant do.. its simple for stuff like this...lines etc too...
  4. Thud looks well at home in RAF colours m8...good job.
  5. Its a slippery slope heck m8...once you start skinning and template making...its addictive...VERY lol
  6. hmmm ok...well heres one on ground...with access to inside.(control room?)..will map it and add door...mebbe we can have 2...another on tower. I ll map it and export it tomorrow as ive got day off.
  7. Cool...for size I think this laser "looks" like it should be about 2.5 metres high? what you think?
  8. Kev...this do?... done 3d stuff...resizing it...no idea how big they are ? I know m8...b4 hd went tits up...was doing that...see pics :)
  9. Its Time......

    By this I suppose you mean yankee football...rugby they hardly can call it football...only kick penalties conversions?...lol
  10. awesomness m8 took you long enough he he just liked the look of it...and these too..might get around to making them too...one day sukhoi tail looks too small to me...
  11. Hey kev....found that that laser model is saved as max backup on good drive so can finish it
  12. Right...Thirdwire exporter only works for 32 bit 3ds max up to...max 2009 In the 3d model...you have heirachy.. basically...Parent mesh,and parts linked to it ...ie. from ground up for example tyre>axle>gearstrut>gearwell(optional or link straight to wing)leftwing>fuselage. or.. Tail Rudder Taillight ECM or Fuselage>leftwing>leftouterwing then sub meshes so.. Leftouterwing Aileron Leftnavigationlight Basically you make the whole model and link parts to parent as above then parent to scene root(3dmodel Parent) Fuselage...for aircraft. Fuselage then has its ppivot point set to its centre of gravity if known. then the fuselage is moved in the "World" viewports at 0.0,0.0,0.0 then its uvmapped and ecported. thats the basics.
  13. Forgot a password to an old email I had....so went to request new one. Ok, on the reset pw page. Says enter username...ok...we will send you an email with link to reset the password for your account...click on it to open a page where you will be able to reset it.. FFS are they that stupid....If I can open the email Iv forgotten PW for...Why would I request one jesus H christ...fkin amazing...idiots!! also...when I joined Virgin media...or ntlworld.com as it was then 10 yrs ago ish...I had my email username and password as normal...then suddenly lat year,username or pw wouldnt work...called them...apparently my account wasnt linked for some reason...they were gonna fix it...(yeah right!) heres the joke...still cannot log in email...or virginmedia.com...but heres the odd bit...opened a gmail account...and linked to my ntlworld acc...hey presto pw from ntlworld\Virginmedia works...and I can acces mail through gmail...so why the fuck cant vm sort it on their servers...fkin idiots.
  14. The wav and inis are in menudata cat I believe...you would need to make a wav thats silent or muted and point the ini to it,and drop the wav in correct folder...either menu folder or whatever..
  15. En route to UK airshow for Ukraine AF. And some extras...for the hell of it...
  16. Bought myself a 3tb hd,and docking station...pcb failed on WD caviar hd,good news is...got another one with good pcb so hope fully after swapping it over ,should get stuff back.
  17. Just after posting that screen,I retsrted pc,and backup 500gb hd went dead...it powers up and will not show up on bios screen etc...all cables etc been checked...hd just stopped...no sign it was going to die...I am well pissed off as it has all my latest stuff on it...max files,templates...I have backups of the backups but NOT stuff for all the new stuff ive posted in last few weeks.. taking hd to be looked at tomorrow,I think its not the disc but electronic failure,so i may be able to get the data back
  18. This pic inspired me to make it...
  19. its complete new model m8y..mapping and maingears quick n dirty to test in game...and ur scal terrain 0
  20. sounds like meshes connected...decs shouldnt show thru other meshes.I had that happening years ago,as mesh for part was attached to one behind. make intakes seperate meshes.ive had no problem with dx 11

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