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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Lovely pit stary m8..will have to finish my LA 15 now...
  2. quick put together...summat like so ?
  3. let me know if you want anything built kev ive got an assortment of barrels,cases...how about a compound...fenced area with oil drums etc?
  4. looks good kev...what space?...on the dockside ? anyone got forklift trucks etc ?...if you mean the water ...why not add pontoons...?
  5. Bangla A.F. Mig29A day out...added some bits,redone the bumpmaps new vents and some other tidbits. Tidying up all the stuff done when downloads were off...have loads to upload lol..will do so when ready
  6. File Name: Mig29K_Templates.7z File Submitter: russouk2004 File Submitted: 16 August 2013 File Category: Skin Templates Adapted TMF mig29 templates for Russian and Indian navy mig29K naval version of the trusty mig29.by me...Russouk2004 Credit to the guys involved in its creation.. especially. TMF team.. and Sundowner This will only work with the K version as ive altered a lot of the 3d model and old template.....panel lines rivets etc are new.Plus a few additions such as Arrestor hook etc. if applied to old A,G etc models it will look wrong. Z file contains 2 folders..as the 3d model differs slightly. Mig29K_Templates INDIA Mig29K_Templates RUS Any problems let me know.. Russouk2004 Click here to download this file
  7. Mig29K_Templates.7z



    Adapted TMF mig29 templates for Russian and Indian navy mig29K naval version of the trusty mig29.by me...Russouk2004 Credit to the guys involved in its creation.. especially. TMF team.. and Sundowner This will only work with the K version as ive altered a lot of the 3d model and old template.....panel lines rivets etc are new.Plus a few additions such as Arrestor hook etc. if applied to old A,G etc models it will look wrong. Z file contains 2 folders..as the 3d model differs slightly. Mig29K_Templates INDIA Mig29K_Templates RUS Any problems let me know.. Russouk2004
  8. heres data etc from what ive got...ring any bells what it is in weapons pack ...or what ? in guns folder green smoke,red smoke,and white smoke folders in green folder for example dat,ini is [GunData001] TypeName=Smoke Green FullName=Smoke Green Caliber=40.000000 ROF=120.000000 MuzzleVel=1.000000 AmmoWt=0.000000 WarheadWt=0.000000 CartridgeWt=1.072000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=100.000000 AddLight=FALSE MaxLightRange=3000.000000 FireColor=0.100000,0.930000,0.250000 GunFireEffect=PANGREEN GunFireSound= EffectClassName= EffectTime=1.000000 TracerTexture= TracerSize=0.000000 TracerDistFactor=0.000000 TracerLength=0.000000 MaxVisibleDist=0.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=0.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE
  9. they are latest versions so just instal,and they will merge automatically,allowing use of all terrains\aircraft etc from one game
  10. Updating it...heres new stuff wips. will be 99% usable with older textures but there will be one extra...for engine etc...as space limited.
  11. my bad...ive got green smoke,red smoke,and white smoke folders in weapons but lost any of the remaining files...and cant remember where I got them...they were activated by gun key press.
  12. I cylinder wrap them centurion,and planars a breeze..
  13. IIRC it works in sf2 as I had it on red arrows. plust red and green smoke...activated by gun button
  14. still wip as its a template...most of these (desert Runway) are based on same one...as they are (as you know) repeat.
  15. just tidy up and do wheel and done...then main gears.
  16. some more and real one...bit more and done...as most of it isnt seen close up anyway
  17. Stick my gerpilot in it and it looks even better lol
  18. Nice one guys...always loved the tonka from 1st day I ever saw it.
  19. redoing gears as they are basic to say the least.....redone nose wheel...grey parts new..wheel tyre ok....its not 100% but better than old.
  20. Good detail....one thing to watch is poly count...as you will get carried away with details lol..
  21. just to show what we can do...to make our own temps...just a few layers and some textures taken from pics of painted metal...pasted on and trimmed...this quick one to show...its a pain without knowing meshes edges et...I know the mapping tool available..but I havent time really to do thi...if you want the psd and textures kev theyre yours psd and textures s99wingpsd.7z
  22. F-4EJ

    easier way...copy url up to and before the html last bit and nubmer search it...translate link...copy the \34146748.htm to search...auto translated. http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fblogs.yahoo.co.jp%2Ff104jmachdeuce%2F34146748.html
  23. http://combatace.com/topic/77564-ww2-screenshots-thread/page-10?do=findComment&comment=633512

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