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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Damn hurrying forgot to add decals folder..drop this in Objects folder and allow to overwrite, Decals.7z
  2. Mig-29C_UKRAINE2

    Version 1.01


    +-------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Mikoyan-Gourevitch MiG-29 "Fulcrum" | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+ The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo) are proud to offer you : Second Skin for My Updated Mig29C for Ukraine AF By Me Russouk2004. Skin for Mig29-C\S of 9th FW BELBEK AB Copy 9th FW folder to your existing Mig29C Ukraine Folder if you have it installed,if not get it here first.http://combatace.com/files/file/13792-mig29c-ukrainerar/ Then drop Pilot and decal folders into your objects folder...click yes to overwrite etc. This a\c uses migab and sounds so if you have them already thats fine.if not they are included in the above a\c download linked above. Then open Mig29 ukraine ini and add this entry altering XXX to suit [TextureSetXXX] Directory=9th FW Name=9th FW BELBEK AB Nation=UKRAINE Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.200000 Reflection=0.000000 Squadron=9th FW DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=15 DecalNumberStart=15 DecalNumberEnd=30 Add these below to your Pilotdata folder\squadronlist change XXX to match numbers. [squadronXXX] Name=9 IAB DisplayName=9 IAB Ukranian AF Nation=UKRAINE [squadronXXX] Name=9th FW DisplayName=9th FW BELBEK AB Nation=UKRAINE Add to Nations.ini located in flight folder,change XXX to next number in list. [NationXXX] Name=Ukraine DisplayName=Ukraine Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PilotNameList=NamesCzech.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 That should be it...go fly. Any problems.post at CA as I regularly pop in lol. Forgot to add decals folder...get it here... http://combatace.com/topic/77789-mig-29c-ukraine2/
  3. Looks like a version of Jaguar in 2020 style lol...
  4. Back with a vengeance after a mobo died.... up for d\l after acceptance...Mig29 Ukr skin 9th FW BELBEK ABcirca 1990`s. and some others for fun.
  5. Nice one cocas...saves me making it...was goint to lol...seen these ?
  6. A-7P New DLC

    money for old rope?...so thats what im spending the money on....lol
  7. For somer reason I cannot get to set defaults for rendering or enviroment in viewports....looks like this below...anyone know how to set to default?
  8. ty Think I know why it happens...looking at properties of file it was originally a max11 model and its lighting cgaracteristics foul up in lesser versions...as models done in 9 are ok.
  9. I was 14 when this was on tv in uk and I actually remember it..some good classic tv... well done programme about UK`s "Skywatch" RAF etc air defence in the 70`s Thought uk guys would like...also anyone else.. shows good old Brit airmen doing what they are good at... enjoy. SkyWatch - BBC - 21/6/1974. Presented by Raymond Baxter. From RAF Wittering - Features a wide range of Royal Air Force Aircraft from 38 years ago, including Phantoms (Photo Reconnaissance) (Ground Attack) (Air to Air - Intruder intercept of Russian TU-95 Bear - Meteor shoot down), Lightnings (Take Off and rapid climb), Vulcans (Take off and ground attack) , Victor (Take off) , Harriers (Take off from various dispersals, formation, ground attack, reconnaissance, Jaguars (take off and ground attack), Bulldog (training flight, a first for Acting Pilot Officer Steven Wilkin of the University of London Air Squadron supervised by Flt. Lt. Punkett), Jet Provosts, Gnats (The Red Arrows led by Sqdn Ldr Ian Dick AFC, MBE), Nimrod of 201 Squadron RAF Kinloss ( flypast and film of a reconnaissance sortie over the North Sea during Whitsun 1974 where various Russian Navy ships are observed including a Nuclear Submarine and various Cruisers and Destroyers), Buccaneers from 12 Squadron, Honington (including Air to Ground attack) and much more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VflzHApZ28
  10. when I had rotating pylon issues with the Mig29K it was because meshes were not correct sizes.had to xform reset the pylons and what they were attached to. also make sure pivot is aligned to world and NOT local.
  11. Ive redone skin with all new rivets,lines etc and updated model.. I cannot upload as my mobo died and new here tomorrow...so soon as pc back up will post it.
  12. look at cockpit ini and find the nav seat position and copy to data.ini ?...
  13. most 32 bit progs work fine in 64bit windows
  14. Perhaps a new 110 may appear some day ? one of my fave Messer a\c along with all the 109s lol ,willi designed great a\c
  15. Mig fever,,,got carried away... Some Kuznetzov K shots 1st. on trials..old a\c. Some Indian Navy shots. And below...Maks 2007 Airshow a\c Lastly 2 Ukraine AF a\c 2 shots.
  16. veltro...got this if u want it...used same plans too I think.. done in max 5 originally but ok in max 9 2009 or newer Scenes.rar
  17. extract the files and copy them to the correct folders in your mod folder of game you want them in.
  18. mig29 flanker etc are in downloads section as they arent stock aircraft.
  19. looks definitly like gfx issue...I had bad artifacts a while back with crapola ati drivers
  20. Im still getting this..and in some places sea going up hillsides halfway...on coast installed as per ur list above kev..
  21. Doesnt this mirage use add on expansion pack LOD ? as kev says...LOD isnt in proper place.
  22. yes jule I was looking at that a while back
  23. DoNotDetachPylon=TRUE so pylons stay if rails arent used and you wanna load a tank or summat else.. just posted if it hasnt been spotted before... From Lightning F6 data.ini btw.

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