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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. select fuselage...then select all meshes..if they dark red ...flip all if they are normal then it needs u to unwrap the fuselage to a texture one colour jpeg to test if probs send me max file
  2. check to see if the polys need flipping...are they reversed ? im in process of removing them
  3. outstanding F4 RC m8. getting there...I hate doing loadouts and the ini`s...
  4. lol spinners....after the debacle in summer,I hope so.
  5. All anims exported closed...so shocks should be in position as if a\c 0n ground..ie shocks compressed
  6. DOH ....!!! its always the obvious you miss eh ...lol thnx man ....mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
  7. Goddamit....pylons now are coming along ok...renamed them and ...fine now... now summat new.. 3d tanks on model...will not fekking drop off when you try to dump the empties. pivots ok..size correct...linked to pylon...proper callout in the stations data. double checked weapon entry triple checked and nothing...wish I `d never started this now. opened etc in weaps ed and checked 3x before saving.. [LeftInnerWingStation1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.21,-2.09,-0.04 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1550 AllowedWeaponClass=FT,RP,BOMB,2BR,EOGR AttachmentType=WP ModelNodeName=LeftInnerPylonMisc LaunchRailNodeName= PylonMass=72.58 PylondragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=Mig29WFT in weaps folder Weapons\Mig29WFT\ Mig29WFT.ini Mig29WFT_data.ini ini... [WeaponData] ObjectFullName=1500 Litre Drop Tank ObjectDataFile=Mig29WFT_data.INI data.ini [WeaponData001] TypeName=Mig29WFT FullName=1500 Litre Drop Tank ModelName=Mig-29_WFT_L Mass=1950.000000 Diameter=0.543000 Length=6.304000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=1450.000000 Asymmetrical=TRUE RightModelName=Mig-29_WFT_R HideStationPylon=FALSE
  8. get 1 thing sorted and another pops up...no matter what...all pylons show up when different weaps selected... each pylon is linked to proper wing...names are correct and pivots etc.. this is a nightmare. got the gunport done properly..K has only 1 gunvent and steel plate heat protector...as so...ignore the old vent bump map as im redoing it.
  9. There is new mig 29 set coming,and I was only doing this as a stand in til new ones come,I didn plan on doing a complete mod...will see..
  10. Be glad to finish this....decs and loadout to do and its good to go... ace888 see link http://combatace.com/topic/76425-driving-me-nuts/page__st__40__gopid__608383#entry608383
  11. Proper flaps...and stabs. thats it...just doing decs...and weaps loadout and done.
  12. Looks like actual sizes of meshes out....needs resedtting looks like xform reset. needed
  13. just canopy seperate from wingfold.Using your stuff modified. Hook using proper slot etc...as I assumed if not it wouldnt operate properly on carrier. wingfold is now false canopy and works a treat now. [Canopy2 (wingfold)] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=6.0 AnimationID=4 DeployWhenOnGears=TRUE
  14. As Raven correctly suggests its double faces on the mesh or overlapping meshes...probably the extra faces...can only correct in max only thing u can do is paint roundel on and use tga for just numbers?
  15. yes but im using it for the wingfold,and hook is now the fake canopy..
  16. Coming soon.Mig29-K..just a little to do and can release Bort No`s may be dodgy as hard to find,
  17. Right...ive been doggedly having another go at this...so the folding wings are seperate from canopy opening. created dummy copilot and canopy.parented to nose. set arrester hook as custom animation slot shift_0 so now...wingfold is H key Canopy shift 9 just got to fix the cog and redo some co-ords and its fine. [coPilot] CanopyNodeName=hook CanopyAnimationID=2 [Canopy2] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=3.0 AnimationID=2 [Tailhook] SystemType=ARRESTER_HOOK MaxDeflection=60.0 Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=6.0 AnimationID=4 //ModelNodeName=Hook HookArmLength=1.608 //AttachmentPosition=0.0,-5.906,0.017
  18. Did u run the exe file first?...if not run game...exit and go to the saved games folder and it should be there then
  19. cocas no... Black...its just for test...yes on proper model skate...yes it just a test tho..
  20. well theres definitley something wrong in the model...I used these entries for the fuji and it works perfect. anyways...will get the mig29 K out with what we have done as is. under [Leftwing] blah blah blah SystemName[004]=wingfold under anims [wingfold] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=6.0 AnimationID=5
  21. mine saves every 3 minutes so have a few to look back on and use if max throws a woblly..for instance the mig29k goes from mig29-k,max to mig29-k.max033
  22. FC look at fuselage pivot...I found its not centre of mesh,I wondedr if the cog is where it would have been if centred to middle of mesh...are co-ords the same? I found if u set cog to,0.0 its ok if comment outa\c bounces...but anyways if u fix it thnx :)
  23. Tried everything...given up now...do summat else..
  24. will try...I did reset Fuselage,leftouterwing,pylons etc...

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