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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. unless the flaps and gears are in same anim slot in 3ds max then no ini edit will alter it
  2. just a thought...have a look at the A26 turrets...they rotate and are multi direction firing ...see how they are set up
  3. For some odd reason...turret of theausf A wont rotate,even tho its pivot is centred,aligned to world etc....but the gun pivot (gunpitch) does try to turn right and left....weird. heres shots of the setup linking the guns...and my out file. of the pzkw ausf A Chassis [131 polys, 206 verts] '7 - Default' Turret [32 polys, 54 verts] '7 - Default' GunPitch [20 polys, 32 verts] '7 - Default' MG01 [24 polys, 25 verts] '7 - Default' Box12 [40 polys, 64 verts] '7 - Default' Object01 [34 polys, 44 verts] '7 - Default' GunBarrel [132 polys, 91 verts] '7 - Default' Sphere02 [40 polys, 26 verts] '7 - Default' Cupola [212 polys, 238 verts] '7 - Default' Cylinder07 [18 polys, 13 verts] '7 - Default' Box13 [180 polys, 216 verts] '7 - Default' Box01 [10 polys, 20 verts] '7 - Default' Cylinder12 [52 polys, 60 verts] '7 - Default' Cylinder04 [28 polys, 32 verts] '7 - Default' Cylinder06 [16 polys, 15 verts] '7 - Default' Cylinder14 [36 polys, 48 verts] '7 - Default' Cylinder13 [30 polys, 34 verts] '7 - Default' Cylinder15 [24 polys, 25 verts] '7 - Default' Cylinder16 [72 polys, 58 verts] '7 - Default' Cylinder17 [72 polys, 58 verts] '7 - Default' LeftTracks01 [72 polys, 78 verts] '7 - Default' LeftTracks02 [72 polys, 78 verts] '7 - Default' Sphere01 [40 polys, 26 verts] '7 - Default' Box06 [10 polys, 20 verts] '7 - Default' Cylinder01 [22 polys, 30 verts] '7 - Default' Box10 [10 polys, 20 verts] '7 - Default' MG02YAW [8 polys, 9 verts] '7 - Default' MG02 [24 polys, 31 verts] '7 - Default' Num Nodes: 28 Total: (1461 polys, 1651 verts) Mesh Max: (212 polys, 238 verts) 1 Materials: ( 1) 7 - Default: PKW IV ATex.jpg PKW IV ATex.dds (bump map) 1 Textures: PKW IV ATex.jpg Points mg02=0.57,1.98,1.44 maingun=0.00,1.98,1.97 mg01=0.33,1.11,1.97
  4. Jug day out...and some RAF,USAF flights over Wales
  5. have a look thru this... its for guns in turret and forwards hull...but should apply to a mounted gun mebbe? [MissionData] NationName=Nazi Germany ServiceStartYear=1939 ServiceEndYear=1957 GroundObjectRole=TANK Availability=COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1948 ExportAvailability=COMMON [GroundObjectData] DamagedModel= DestroyedModel=Tank_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect EmptyMass=27000.00 Component[001]=Chassis Component[002]=Turret [sound] EngineSoundName=TankEngine MovementSoundName=TankTrack [DetectSystem] TargetType=GROUND DataLink=FALSE OpticalSight=TRUE NightSight=TRUE VisualRange=2000.0 ViewportPosition=0.0,0.0,2.30 MaxVisibleDistance=4800.0 RadarCrossSection=10 [WeaponSystem] TargetType=GROUND GunRange=1100.0 PitchAngleRate=10 MaxPitch=15.0 MinPitch=-3.0 DefaultPitchAngle=3 YawLimited=FALSE YawAngleRate=15 DefaultYawAngle=0 ReloadGunAtAngle=TRUE GunReloadPitchAngle=17.0 GunRecoil=100 GunStabilization=FALSE GunRadarTracking=FALSE RangeFinder=2 BallisticComputer=0 YawModelNodeName=Turret PitchModelNodeName=GunPitch [MovementSystem] MaxRoadSpeed=32.4 MaxOffRoadSpeed=10 PowerAvailable=230 MaxTurnRate=20.0 MaxDeceleration=6.0 SuspensionConstant=25.0 MovementEmitterName=TrackedVehicleDustEmitter MovementEmitterPosition=0.0000,-2.7337,0.1128 [Chassis] ModelNodeName=chassis EffectSize=1.0 MinExtentPosition=-1.411,-2.931,0.388 MaxExtentPosition=1.411,2.931,1.704 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=14.5 Armor .Thickness=14.5 Armor .Thickness=14.5 Armor[REAR].Thickness=14.5 Armor[TOP].Thickness=10 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=11 SystemName[001]=Engine SystemName[002]=MG02 SystemName[003]=Gunner2 [Turret] ParentComponentName=chassis ModelNodeName=turret DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE EffectSize=1.0 MinExtentPosition=-0.964,-1.153,1.698 MaxExtentPosition=0.964,0.824,2.328 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=16 Armor .Thickness=14.5 Armor .Thickness=14.5 Armor[REAR].Thickness=14.5 Armor[TOP].Thickness=10 SystemName[001]=GunBarrel SystemName[002]=MG01 SystemName[003]=Gunner1 [Engine] SystemType=ENGINE MinExtentPosition=-0.459,-2.203,1.004 MaxExtentPosition=0.467,-1.013,1.564 [Gunner1] SystemType=GUNNER GunnerID=1 TargetType=GROUND GunRange=600.0 PitchAngleRate=16 MaxPitch=20.0 MinPitch=-10.0 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=16 MinYaw=-30.0 MaxYaw=30.0 DefaultYawAngle=0.0 YawModelNodeName=GunPitch PitchModelNodeName=MG01 VisualSearchTime=10.0 [Gunner2] SystemType=GUNNER GunnerID=2 TargetType=GROUND GunRange=600.0 PitchAngleRate=16 MaxPitch=20.0 MinPitch=-10.0 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=16 MinYaw=-30.0 MaxYaw=30.0 DefaultYawAngle=0.0 YawModelNodeName=MG02YAW PitchModelNodeName=MG02 VisualSearchTime=10.0 [GunBarrel] SystemType=GUN GunTypeName=75mm KwK 37 L/24 MuzzlePosition=0.00,1.98,1.97 MaxAmmo=60 EjectShells=FALSE [MG01] SystemType=GUN GunTypeName=MG MK.30 MuzzlePosition=0.33,1.11,1.97 MaxAmmo=900 EjectShells=FALSE TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=10 [MG02] SystemType=GUN GunTypeName=MG MK.30 MuzzlePosition=0.57,1.98,1.44 MaxAmmo=900 EjectShells=FALSE TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=10
  6. add a virtual gunner and gun...heres what I did for the rear gun on the B-58... unless someone else knows more about tank mg`s I made a dummy component for the yaw....linked to fuselage (Tank Turret ?) and linked the gun to that... [Chaingun] SystemType=FLEXIBLE_GUN GunTypeName=23MM_AM23 MuzzlePosition=0.00,-14.47,0.96 MaxAmmo=500 TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=10 GunnerID=1 MinExtentPosition=-0.028,-14.5,0.937 MaxExtentPosition=0.028,-14.281,0.992 [Chaingunyaw] SystemType=FLEXIBLE_GUN GunTypeName=23MM_AM23 MuzzlePosition=0.00,-14.47,0.96 MaxAmmo=500 TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=10 GunnerID=1 MinExtentPosition=-0.005,-14.266,0.962 MaxExtentPosition=-0.004,-14.226,0.967 this is the virtual gunner [TailGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION SeatID=4 GunnerID=1 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE MinExtentPosition=-0.003,-14.323,0.962 MaxExtentPosition=0.003,-14.301,0.967 PitchModelNodeName=Chaingun YawModelNodeName=Chaingun2 GunRange=2500 GunnerFireChance=90 GunnerFireTime=1.0 GunnerAimOffset=0.050 GunnerAimAccuracy=90 PitchAngleRate=45 MaxPitch=10 MinPitch=-10 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=TRUE < this to false will allow gunner to fire any direction? YawAngleRate=45 MaxYaw=170 MinYaw=190 DefaultYawAngle=180 < this I guess you would need to set at 360 degrees? thats all I can suggest...unless theres a movinggun=true entry or such?
  7. Heres current list in order of creating. Due to poplular demand Im resuming full time to the canberra Pr9 Canberra Pr9\Harriers SU-16A Bae Hawk T2 anf T1 Mig15 Mig AT Mig21 UM post more details tomorrow and progress pics.etc plus a few other things in my hangar lol some models that I wont be able to do,i ll post em up in modders area for someone with time to complete or do what they want with. here Hawker Vickers 533 Gloster Pioneer Bounder M50 Scorpion A26B A26K FW 281 more in a bit with some screens
  8. Few things to sort \ add... but...
  9. Windows 8 =windows 7 ver 2.0 lol...dont like the new one..
  10. This was the 1st red a\c I bought in 1\48th hasegawa kit...I presume thats a new model? looks nice
  11. kev...is this the 3d model I edited for you?
  12. update..B-58.. .lost my mapped model....(lost as in...its on a dvd buried somewhere among 100s lol) ive found the texture folder I tested it in game and its so old its mapped bmp for wings bmp for tail etc,thats cos I was starting out on 3ds max...so its gonna have 1 possibly 2 jpegs.not sure yet. anyways heres updated 3d model renders. Im off on the sick so have a week or two to use up. :)
  13. also,an unmapped poly can cause the tractor beam,especially if its stray ..ie,has no parent mesh .
  14. the individual props are slowprop I think...just copy the fastprop tga and rename it slowprop...thatll work..
  15. you have added the lines to the proper ini ? heres stock F4E.ini [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=F-4E Phantom II AircraftShortName=F-4 AircraftDataFile=F-4E_data.ini LoadoutFile=F-4E_loadout.ini UserList=F-4E_UserList.ini CockpitDataFile=F-4E_cockpit.ini LoadoutImage=F-4E_loadout.tga HangarScreen=F-4E_hangar.JPG LoadingScreen=F-4E_Loading.JPG AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-4E_avionics.ini [LOD001] Filename=F-4E.lod Distance=100 [LOD002] Filename=F-4E_lod2.lod Distance=250 [LOD003] Filename=F-4E_lod3.lod Distance=500 [LOD004] Filename=F-4E_lod4.lod Distance=1000 [LOD005] Filename=F-4E_lod5.lod Distance=10000 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=800
  16. add this to the a\c u want it for in the main ini. IE Hawk.ini not data.ini [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=800
  17. my internet was down for few days...not ben idle tho
  18. Is there room for more F4`s ? Corsair is.. summat doing for kev...
  19. Torpedoes can be used yes...wrench or someone did that,set them as cruise missile or summat similar.but at sea level,or just below I mean..
  20. View File Vulcan B2 This is the hard to get Vulcan that was exclusive to the A-Team website ,unless you were deemed suitable eventually to download after being screened . This model is developed from MY sorce file by Capun,as I did majority of the work..(model was basically complete,except mapping etc and a few bits n pieces. opinions?.. Anyone who wants it will get it as its basically my model anyways... This model wouldnt have been sent if I had known the route to getting it was to be so difficult. I make models for free and so it shall be with this one. you will need the Vulcan package hosted here at combatace and ive included modified ini to reflect the LOD supplied. get the VulcanB2 pack by paulopanz here...http://combatace.com/files/file/12467-avro-vulcan-b2/ 3d source file by me Further work by capun. I may point out it was MY source file,and if I wanted to be a Bastard I could pull the permission and say remake it 100% from scratch,not using ANYTHING that contains any part of the 3dmodel I sent. anyways enjoy. Submitter russouk2004 Submitted 10/25/2012 Category Other  
  21. Vulcan B2

    your welcome...a\c in picture 588 ive seen in airshows twice here in uk,,,,years ago at RAF St Athans before they closed it...and when she was given airworthyness certificate and flew again for all to see...awesome a\c bomber?...nope its a flaming fighter ...it rolls like nobodys business..lol
  22. Vulcan B2

    Ahhh ok thanks,I mis read your post :)
  23. Vulcan B2

    What point are you making?...This model IS my creation or at least 99%.

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