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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Fuselage , cowling ,tail,stabilizers all mapped on two textures (top on one bottom on other,or sides...) now one texture each side...(top and bottom left on same texture etc) fuselage was on two maps now on its own.and was rather bad,had to remove a lot of polys and redo some....and then realign mapping etc.... tail was blocky so added few polys to make better... cowling was same as fuselage,now its one mesh but mapped on same tax as fuse etc... engines detail was poor so added better detailed mesh...props are temp .. got worst part done just about...
  2. starys in terrain downloads and env mods
  3. Seat model and texture of the hunter top pic...freeware btw so no worries. seat mapped and in my canberra hunterseat mapped but straight from the freeware model...though I did weld vertices ,so it should be ok...
  4. no worries will start on it asap...
  5. Welcome...also starys mods for terrains environments mods....also some awesome terrains by various etc are outstanding
  6. Silver Dollars...redid stock silver Mentor...and decs (all decs apart from fuse Stars n bars.....few more decs to make and can release w\e just noticed the extra A lol
  7. Vickers Vengeance. or........ Vickers Viagra ...why ?...because when it gets going it goes straight up... :P
  8. Dont waste on DCS they dont give us F A lol
  9. RAF Silver Ladies...Training flight.
  10. Hunters used the mk4 and canberras check stock ones mebbe ?...ive got one in F6 model but needs sorting as it needs sorting.. ...textures too...if you want it...
  11. Humpday Heavies

    you saying she was a dog m8 lol?..... req`d screen
  12. see what happens.... email I sent.. hi m8 I currently make freeware models for Strike Fighters2 and lately have been able to use some freeware models to convert for our use (freeware...all models at CombatAce.com MUST be non pirated..which is good.) hence why I am asking for permission to do this...as I noticed you allow it to be remade...in the readme..quoted below...... it will be totally for free use and ONLY at CA site.. hope to hear soon cheers Russ... ps...I will not proceed unless confirmed ability to mod it... quote.. "LEGAL: ====== The project is released as freeware. You may modify it and repaint it. You may upload this file to another website as long as it is not for profit. You need the written permission of the original authors to use any of these files for commercial purposes, otherwise a simple credit would be nice. Non commercial repaints-remakes are welcome but I would appreciate very much receiving a copy of your model. This file should not cause any problems with your computer, but I accept no responsibility if you think it does.
  13. Only one with what looks like permission to modify\convert is this....and last time this was updated was 6 yrs ago...so maybe the guys still about so emailed him for consent and to confirm the text means its ok to mod it. its not bad.considering low poly..
  14. no wildcat in freebies unless one in the 3ds files they released...will check them....
  15. I agree,is why chose the skin to make and test..... got SBD in works m8 will check if F4F is any good,IIRC there is one in the freeware packs. ignore missaligned stuff....I set all parts with the editor to right position before importing to max...
  16. Mainly textures mapped as is...except where I had to move some ...IE..bottom of fuselage was mapped to a different texture so had to move it and all the layers on templates too... it didnt have bump map ....no pit and all were horrid bmps... skin knocked up to test templates...and make sure mapping is spot on
  17. IIRC there are modded viewlists in dl section under ini s ?
  18. Pull sorted cockpit reasonable,removed some bits that look out of place for this ...might repaint a tad as it looks too WW2.....quite happy with it now..flies good takes off properly now...redid COG and a few alterations to the wings and engine..etc...post pics in a bit.
  19. game adds shadows of any model added
  20. bump maps showing the dents in the skin fine ..all spec etc is ini controlled apart from bumps...needs fm guru...sorted most of gremlins but....takes off rear wheels first ......full power pulls to side.....nose dives on full power...thats ok r\l they do that.... basically at my limit of fm work now lol.....cockpit is wip its one of starys models he donated...removed some bits changed colours a tad....need remove bars on sides (forgot that one lol...getting there til I make the proper pit...got basics started...
  21. looks good.....bit of paint to hide removed bits etc..
  22. Beech Nuts....by the Mentor-ist...lolz.....nrly done this is the T-34A mentor B and C also but skins not ready...few tweaks and rdy to go in few days. A=2skins,B=4 and C =2.
  23. im busy ask veltro hes looking to learn importing models lol...ive got mk9 on go tho..

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