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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Back up

    Good to see my 2nd home back up...done a few things since.
  2. ok,ive made 4 fueltanks for the T2 hawk,so fuel tanks can be selected on any of 4 pylons,in pairs IE 2x outer pylon or 2x inner pylon. They show in game but arent in dropdown for weapons etc. Im guessing I might need to add them as fueltanks in the tanks folder too?. looking at stock A4c data...its got them and it looks like I need to add the tank to weapondata.ini?
  3. Little by little the problems are overcome lol
  4. kout did a full GUI overhaul and templates for such in downloads
  5. one odd thing...when I rotated the wingtip pylon attachment angles...to tilt down the AIM9 along x axis it rotated thru the Z axis, I had to set it Y axis and ir worked ...duuno why that happens In 3ds max it I would have thought it shud read as [WingTipStationL] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=7 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-4.779,-1.448,-0.5 AttachmentAngles=-1.6,0.0,90.0 LoadLimit=800.0 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM AttachmentType=NATO,USN,USAF,UK ModelNodeName=WingTip_IRM-L PylonMass=40.0 PylonDragArea=0.03 but it only works set as so.. [WingTipStationL] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=7 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-4.779,-1.448,-0.5 AttachmentAngles=0,-1.6,90.0 LoadLimit=800.0 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM AttachmentType=NATO,USN,USAF,UK ModelNodeName=WingTip_IRM-L PylonMass=40.0 PylonDragArea=0.03
  6. Best way is to make the flag as normal,then apply stretch or such..to make the image square.so when in game the stars for example arent squashed.
  7. Sorted thanks....created new via weap ed and they now perfectos lol cheers all...always summat to learn lol
  8. ok thanks...seems pointless having them as part of the 3d model if u have to have them in weapons folder too.
  9. Few things to do ...and texturing to complete...getting there
  10. ok ive tried applying a bump map for the explosive chords on the hawk canopy...no matter what settings I try they WILL NOT appear..tga just shows the lines and no glass...ive given up...anyone done it? may try black lines and very light grey tga and set opacity dunno
  11. Thnx to ravenclaw for canopy charge lines.. help.
  12. cheers m8y just need to alter colour and its done thnx
  13. marvellous...just right ty
  14. These are what I was using to do the tga frontglass and rearglass psds psd.7z
  15. u r correct you could of course make specific tank paint jobs.
  16. see if ur gfx app ati or nvidia ?...is set to app controlled or if a preset then set it to app controlled.
  17. I love vipers,especially the Greeen Pit viper....suprised no one has actually done this eh Dave?...lmfao
  18. here you go...vhf.LOD vhf.jpg and out file ive set co-ords at its base. vhf.7z
  19. The solution?...get chinese version ?...doubt that ...lol
  20. If you place a decal with say roundel and award just centre that in the tga layer ... I did that on the BF109 it had cross and chevron ...so dec SN011 say, had unique decal for a set a\c.
  21. F-5a

    Ahhh now you will find all your spare time you have,you will be making models,its very addictive...lol good stuff
  22. F-5a

    Hmmm I started to look into how many polys some of my new stuff has and stumbled over this little nugget If you do the points for exhaust lights etc and hide them as normal when u export...the out file lists them also the extents...useful or what?...lol f-4e_5.bmp ( 19) glass: Transparency enabled CANOPYGLASS.TGA ( 20) 19 - Default: slimeroff.tga ( 21) Material #3: Self-illumination enabled slimer.tga ( 22) _4 matte: Specular=0.00, Glossiness=0.00, Color:<0,0,0> Reflection=0.00 f-4e_4.bmp ( 23) Material #5: Transparency enabled F-4J_AFTERBURNER.TGA 11 Textures: f-4e_1.bmp f-4e_4.bmp F-4E_DAMAGE1.TGA f-4e_3.bmp f-4e_2.bmp F-4E_DAMAGE2.TGA f-4e_5.bmp CANOPYGLASS.TGA slimeroff.tga slimer.tga F-4J_AFTERBURNER.TGA Points Point01=-2.99,-7.05,1.96 Extents

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