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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Breeeeeeeeeeeeeeak ! only reason im posting this is to say...Monty ...love the stuka...A1
  2. yes the flightengine.ini goes into your mod folder\Flight\
  3. Sea Harriers

    I was part of |Team Harrier if they are the Harriers.? still got the FRS1 and FRS2 models somewhere
  4. We have WEP!

    I forget,what sim had WEP u could select at a key press...Flightsim 2004 up ? ahhhI seem to recall EAW had it?
  5. New Tanks,formation lights,centreline pod,just making new gunpod.
  6. Yes m8 ive seen that somewhere.. I forgot the formation lights...glad I looked thru all the pics....
  7. 3d model complete...time consuming skinning now started
  8. upload interupted,probably connection was interupted...re upload
  9. raven...if u look in sf1 downloads under utilities I think...is a minmax script plugin to do it for you in 3ds max..it saves the points as a txt file and even names the meshes too.
  10. Monty did you planar map the fuselage? sides top and bottom?.. lookijg good.
  11. could also be 2 polys in same space,another cause is,polygons from a distance shimmer as they are so close they appear to overlap,causing you to see 2 faces (polys) at same time,hence shimmer.
  12. or,just select the skin in drop down on the mig-21MF hangar screen..
  13. are you in the range of the missile you have selected ? if not you wont get the Lock on and no firing solution.
  14. erm ok mines not so detailed but...just needs texturing.
  15. just doing antennae then texture it...should be ready sat eve kev m8y
  16. Texture to finish and add wingtip rails... Getting there.
  17. updated new wing shape,nose,RWR ,various uhf\etc antennae,modified fuselage etc. ignore the skin as I havent remapped the fuselage yet.
  18. Stock can only be fixed by model maker unfortunately.
  19. yes peter I know,thats just a starter RWR heres the real thing
  20. Indeed u guys are right,blueprint I used was wrong one,I have T2 one in use now,they both look same doh. Ill do the 102 also,now its started
  21. Ian yes m8 they are old ones just placed as yet,as ive only been working on new nose so far .
  22. Started on nose area WIP

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