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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. The colours right but looks a tad bright because of render settings...
  2. SF-2NA Ark Royal

    if it is for SF2NA then it should be ok in SF2 titles balaz
  3. Taildraggers

    yes kev ur right...if a model has got some rong sizes then that a\c will sit odly.if meshes are incorrect in 3ds max and dont match world size then game thinks they are correct lenght.
  4. Yer I know the airframe is basically the same as the T1 and T2,been on BaE site last night for 2 hours reading up on the upgrade.lol thnx all
  5. yes very apt stary thats nice m8
  6. yes mirror parts you need 2 of...beware tho,make sure you dont need to xform reset parts AFTER you animate or link them as this screws up the animation pivot most times,and you CANNOT undo a reset xform. I mirror wing then link parts after Ive cjecked the parts are all in correect size etc and dont need to reset them.also xform reset sometimes reverses the polys so u need check u dont have to flip them. I onlt reset important parts that wont affect the models dimensions in game.IE,doesnt matter if the glass parts arent reported in 3ds max as wrong size. in metres etc. I ALWAYS save ,b4 using xform lol
  7. Animation is set in data.ini for animations..if your canopy is slot 0-10 in animation tool bar in max then in data.ini under [Crew] it will say // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=Pilot_Aggressor Position=0.0,6.36,0.74 SeatModelName=MB_Mk7 SeatPosition=0.0,6.345,0.667 MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 5.91,-0.20 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 6.99, 0.92 CanopyNodeName=canopy_front_outer CanopyAnimationID=1 <<<< here HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor .Thickness=12 Armor .Thickness=12 Armor[REAR].Thickness=12 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=12 [CoPilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=Pilot_Aggressor Position=0.0,4.95,0.84 SeatModelName=MB_Mk7 SeatPosition=0.0,4.935,0.767 MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 4.50,-0.11 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 5.44, 1.07 CanopyNodeName=canopy_rear_outer CanopyAnimationID=3 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor .Thickness=12 Armor .Thickness=12 Armor[REAR].Thickness=12 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=12 You can assign any key in options (below)in game then and add this to reflect the key press you assign to the animation ANIMATION_1=SHIFT+Z ANIMATION_2=SHIFT+2 ANIMATION_3=SHIFT+3 ANIMATION_4=SHIFT+4 ANIMATION_5=SHIFT+5 ANIMATION_6=SHIFT+6 ANIMATION_7=SHIFT+7 ANIMATION_8=SHIFT+8 ANIMATION_9=SHIFT+9 ANIMATION_10=SHIFT+0 this is what you would add to canopy to set the key you assigned above(if it didnt have a key assigned by default that is) InputName=ANIMATION_1 so [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=Pilot_Aggressor Position=0.0,6.36,0.74 SeatModelName=MB_Mk7 SeatPosition=0.0,6.345,0.667 MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 5.91,-0.20 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 6.99, 0.92 CanopyNodeName=canopy_front_outer CanopyAnimationID=1 InputName=ANIMATION_1 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor .Thickness=12 Armor .Thickness=12 Armor[REAR].Thickness=12 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=12 so in game pressing Shift and Z would open\close canopy
  8. Cant wait for ANY of the above new stuff...lol
  9. Hmmmm this NA needs oilslick tga damage texture methinks.?
  10. indeed hey,seeing that sub,I ll have to get my Los Angeles Class sub up to SF2NA standards.
  11. Tower.7z

    Version 1.1


    Updated Tower. place in GermanyCE terrain folder overwrite old LOD. Replace the Towerview entry with this to the Viewlist.ini or just copy the > Position= < line. [View028] ViewName=TowerView ViewClassName=TowerViewClass UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=GOTO_VIEW_TOWER CycleNextControl=GOTO_VIEW_TOWER CyclePrevControl=GOTO_VIEW_TOWER_PREV ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=-1.27,-0.97,9.754 < line to add Then watch your flight take off from your snug tower. Russouk March 2012
  12. lol@kev...I did wonder about some pics...lol...its quite spartan in there,but ive been ages on this so time to move back onto the hawk...lol
  13. all thats missing is my mug of coffee.?
  14. ok Im looking for the names and locations of stock control tower name,inis,and such for summat anyone know for example SFE2 tower name?..I guess its in the Terrain folder (all files im after) Thanks in advance,just come home from work,found The stock NA one I think,as im tired from work I gave up searching and thought Id ask. lol
  15. Right im deffo a noooob,for some reason I put the viewlist ini in the pilotdata folder by mistake lol and its ok now..
  16. ahhhh bloody hell yer doh tnx didnt spot that...teach me to copy n paste lol
  17. Hmmmm this is driving me nuys now its viewpoint is from inside the tower just above ground level. hers the viwlist entries if some expert at views wants to see where I went wrong. [ViewClass013] ViewClassName=TowerViewClass ViewType=TOWER_VIEW ViewGroupID=0 DefaultView=FreeView AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=TRUE FocusObjectOnly=FALSE FOV=15.0 ObjectDistance=40.0 PitchControl= YawControl= RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL JumpToViewSameGroup=TRUE JumpToViewDiffGroup=TRUE SmoothFOVTransition=TRUE RememberAngle=FALSE RememberPosition=FALSE RememberFOV=FALSE LimitPitch=FALSE LimitYaw=FALSE LimitRoll=FALSE ZoomFOV=TRUE StepZoom=FALSE ZoomScale=0.01 FOVRate=60.0 MinObjectDistance=10.0 MaxObjectDistance=100.0 OffsetDistance=0.0 MinFOV=15.0 MaxFOV=60.0 ResetTime=2.5 [View028] ViewName=TowerView ViewClassName=TowerViewClass UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=GOTO_VIEW_TOWER CycleNextControl=GOTO_VIEW_TOWER CyclePrevControl=GOTO_VIEW_TOWER_PREV ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=-0.454.- <point in 3ds max where eyeline should be...mid tower.
  18. I think ive sorted it,the offset values for the camera in tower is the co-ord from the objscts centre at gound level it seems.So ive found the camera view point in 3ds max and applied to the tower viewlist entry and it works,you now look from the new tower in F11 mode,now to set the camera to have yaw and pitch as per cockpit views etc etc.
  19. File Name: Control Tower.7z File Submitter: russouk2004 File Submitted: 21 March 2012 File Updated: 21 March 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects Replacement Control Tower for the bland stock one. Just extract,then copy n paste,the Terrains folder to your mods\ SF2E\Terrains\GermanyCE folder,or move the Tower1.LOD and Control Tower.bmp to the above folder. This will replace all stock tower1 models in any terrain.It wont alter your files as the stock lod isnt available,and this model uses different texture names from stock. Model and Textures by me. Hope you like. Also supplied camera positioon,if you know how to edit it,if not will update as soon as I can. Russouk March 2012 workin on adding some life to tower too...a figure or two and mebbe new ASR Click here to download this file
  20. http://combatace.com/files/file/1867-skymodv1/ sf1 but works in SF2
  21. cheers kev...a Q for stary or someone who knows....where do I set co-ords for default tower camera view as I dont see any position entries,in the viewlist.ini ?
  22. Run whatever game versions u have ie,SF2E,then close game when loaded,then go to users\yourname\saved games\Thirdwire\SF2E\ then you should see them,you will need to manually add Terrains folder etc,(ones you are missing)
  23. Control Tower.7z

    Version 1.0


    Replacement Control Tower for the bland stock one. Just extract,then copy n paste,the Terrains folder to your mods\ SF2E\Terrains\GermanyCE folder,or move the Tower1.LOD and Control Tower.bmp to the above folder. This will replace all stock tower1 models in any terrain.It wont alter your files as the stock lod isnt available,and this model uses different texture names from stock. Model and Textures by me. Hope you like. Also supplied camera positioon,if you know how to edit it,if not will update as soon as I can. Russouk March 2012 workin on adding some life to tower too...a figure or two and mebbe new ASR

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